Template 6.3.3: Service Design – Gap and Impact Analysis
This template assists you to identify the gap between your current service and the future
Service Operational Model so that actions can be identied to assist you to get from the
current situation to a better future.
How to use it?
Transfer the data from Template 6.2.3: Description of the Current Situation (baseline
data) into the left-side column (prompts can be deleted once detail is completed).
Transfer the detailed data from Template 6.3.2: Detailed Design of the Service
Operational Model into the right-hand column below (Future Service Operational
Model design).
Identify the gaps and complete the middle column. This column will contain the
actions required to get from the current state to the future design. It will also outline
key actions required to address the impact of the changes and the enabling actions.
Service: Date:
Current Service Operational Model (baseline)
Your answers in this column will auto-fill from Baseline column in 6.2.3
Actions based on gap and impact analysis
Based on an assessment of the gap between the ‘current state’
and the ‘future state’, identify the actions needed to deliver on
the future Service Operational Model.
Based on an assessment of the impact of the future design
on individuals, teams and the service, what actions are needed
to address these factors?
Your answers in this column will auto-fill into Actions column in 6.3.4
Future Service Operational Model design
Your answers in this column will auto-fill from Service Operational
Model in 6.3.2
Model of care or service provision Model of care or service provision
Overall philosophy of care (medical, psychosocial,
therapeutic, holistic, etc.)
People’s Needs Defining Change Health Services Change Guide