Series ATB
Architectural Tall Bollard
Series ATB Architectural Tall Bollards represent the latest in
LED design for site and architectural lighting, strip malls/
centers and multi-family exterior applications. This garden
luminaire makes a bold, stylish statement. Available in optional
RGB and with custom text on the galvanized bollard.
11.5 feet tall with a 4 foot diffuser section of durable acrylic.
Bolted with a mounting plate onto a foundation provided by the
customer or an anchorage unit made of hot-dep galvanized
steel with aluminum anodized finish.
2055 Luna Road Suite 142 | Carrollton, TX 75006
T 214.884.1150 | F 972.247.0200 | sales@saylite.com
Diameter: 7"
Height: 137.8"
• Highest grade structural steel
• A single piece of formed steel
welded longitudinally
• Chemically-treated to ensure
maximum paint adhesion
• Galvanized: 90.55"
• Acrylic Lens: 47.25"
• Wall Thickness: 0.15"
• Aluminum anodized finish
• 80 watt
• Non-dimmable
• 4000K standard; consult
factory for RGB option
• 2 Year Warranty
REV 5/29/2020