Senior Project Signature Form
Year of Graduation: _____________________________________________________________
Title of Project: _________________________________________________________________
By signing below, I attest that that this work is my original creation, that copyright for the work
has not been assigned to another party, and that I am the sole owner of the work thereof and
all rights, title and interest therein.
Graduating Student: ___________________________________________________________
Print Name Signature Date
We, the undersigned, hereby certify the attached Senior Project has been examined and
approved. Permission is hereby granted to submit this work in its final format to for permanent
placement in the College of the Atlantic Archives.
Project Director(s):
Print Name Signature Date
Print Name Signature Date
Academic Advisor: ______________________________________________________________
Print Name Signature Date
This Senior Project has been submitted for permanent placement in the College of the Atlantic Archives.
Archivist: _____________________________________________________________________
Print Name Signature Date