Provide the following information (required):
● Name of SAORM
● Position title
● Address
What agencies, bureaus, components, or offices are covered by this report
and your position as SAORM and which will be reporting separately?
Please also indicate any that are new or have been changed due to
reorganization or other circumstances.
Please provide list:
Is your agency and its components making progress towards managing all
permanent electronic records in electronic format by December 31, 2019? (M-12-18,
Goal 1.1)
☐ Yes
☐ No
Please explain your response:
Has your agency implemented a plan that aligns to the criteria and requirements
published by NARA in its Criteria for Successfully Managing Permanent Electronic
Records (March 2018)?
☐ Yes
☐ No
Please explain your response:
As included in the Administration’s Delivering Government Solutions in the 21st
Century: Reform Plan and Reorganization Recommendations (June 2018), NARA will
no longer accept paper records after December 31, 2022. Is your agency developing
strategic plans, goals, objectives, and initiatives that will enable it to comply with
this deadline?
The Reform Plan states:
Transition to Electronic Environment: Transition Federal agencies’ business processes
and recordkeeping to a fully electronic environment, and end the National Archives and
Records Administration’s acceptance of paper records by December 31, 2022. This
would improve agencies’ efficiency, effectiveness, and responsiveness to citizens by
converting paper-based processes to electronic workflows, expanding online services,
and enhancing management of Government records, data, and information.
Records Management Specialist
1400 Eye Street NW, #1000, Washington, DC 20005
US African Development Foundation
ADF has moved its'
servers into the Cloud to
assist in meeting this
ADF has implemented the
Capstone approach to
managing our permanent
electronic records.