Senior Agency Official for Records Management 2016 Annual Report
6. Have you, as the SAORM, taken steps to include records management as a key
component of your agency’s information resources management strategy in
accordance with the revised OMB Circular A-130, Managing Information as a
Strategic Resource? (OMB A-130 5.h, page 19)
If Yes, please describe what steps have been taken.
We have made significant progress over the last several years in supporting the requirements of
OMB Circular A-130:
1. We have designated an SAORM.
2. We are revitalizing our Records Management Program to better meet our records
management obligations. For example, Records Management has become more involved
in systems design and decommissioning.
3. We continue to explore ways to better manage electronic records.
4. We have embarked on an ambitious scheduling effort of mission records to ensure
disposition is applied properly to agency records, regardless of form or medium. As such,
we submitted draft schedules to NARA throughout FY2016 and will continue to do so.
5. When Records Management personnel meet with employees from other offices to
schedule records, they discuss the records lifecycle, from creation and receipt to
disposition, broadly. Often, these discussions include in-depth discussions of processes
and procedures for efficient and effective management of records during the maintenance
and use phase.
6. Regarding the implementation of proper and timely disposition of records, we reviewed
our dead file holdings at NARA records centers and are planning to have those records
destroyed upon funding. Additionally, the Records Management Program shares in-depth
information with OPM employees when scheduling their records and upon demand.
7. Regarding training and guidance, incoming agency employees are introduced to records
management in orientation; incoming and outgoing senior executives and political
appointees are provided additional training; records management is included in
mandatory training that is provided to all employees and contractors annually, without
which they are barred from using OPM systems; and the Records Management Office
provides additional guidance to individuals and groups throughout OPM upon request.