Senior Agency Official for Records Management
2018 Annual Report
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) requires Senior Agency Officials
for Records Management (SAORM) to provide an annual report demonstrating how agencies are
handling important records management initiatives as identified by NARA.
NARA uses the reports to determine the overall progress of the Federal Government in managing
its records and the transition away from paper to digital formats and to identify best practices and
model solutions within Federal agencies.
The reporting period begins on March 11, 2019 with reports due back to NARA no later than
April 19, 2019.
NARA plans to post your 2018 SAORM report on the NARA website upon receipt. Please
ensure that your agency’s report is a publicly releasable version. This action is in the interest of
transparency in Government and to promote collaboration and communication among agencies.
NARA intends to list any non-responding agencies in a summary report and on the website.
Instructions for Reporting
This template covers progress through December 31, 2018.
Please be brief and precise in your answers. Limit answers to each question to no more
than 500 words.
Please complete the questions/items below and send the report to Include the words “SAORM annual report - [Agency
Name] in the subject line of the email.
If you are responsible for records management in multiple agencies, components, or
bureaus, please determine how you will submit reports to NARA. While NARA prefers
a comprehensive report, you may submit separate reports for each component.
Provide the following information (required):
Name of SAORM
Position title
What agencies, bureaus, components, or offices are covered by this report
and your position as SAORM and which will be reporting separately?
Please also indicate any that are new or have been changed due to
reorganization or other circumstances.
Please provide list:
Is your agency and its components making progress towards managing all
permanent electronic records in electronic format by December 31, 2019? (M-12-18,
Goal 1.1)
Please explain your response:
Has your agency implemented a plan that aligns to the criteria and requirements
published by NARA in its Criteria for Successfully Managing Permanent Electronic
Records (March 2018)?
Please explain your response:
As included in the Administration’s Delivering Government Solutions in the 21st
Century: Reform Plan and Reorganization Recommendations (June 2018), NARA will
no longer accept paper records after December 31, 2022. Is your agency developing
strategic plans, goals, objectives, and initiatives that will enable it to comply with
this deadline?
The Reform Plan states:
Transition to Electronic Environment: Transition Federal agencies’ business processes
and recordkeeping to a fully electronic environment, and end the National Archives and
Records Administration’s acceptance of paper records by December 31, 2022. This
would improve agencies’ efficiency, effectiveness, and responsiveness to citizens by
converting paper-based processes to electronic workflows, expanding online services,
and enhancing management of Government records, data, and information.
Kate Higginbothom
Deputy Staff Director
1050 First Street, NE, Washingoton, DC 20463
Federal Election Commission
The FEC has developed
and approved policies
requiring permanent
electronic records to be
managed in electronic
format. Additionally, the
FEC has also begun
updating its records
schedules to make them
media neutral.
The FEC has not
implemented a formal plan.
However, our agency has
implemented many
measures aimed at
successfully managing
permanent electronic
records, including revising
policies, training records
management staff,
reviewing and updating
records schedules, and
working along with IT staff
to ensure permanent
records are properly
migrated and maintained.
Please explain your response (include specific goals and example metrics):
Is your agency utilizing General Service Administration’s Schedule 36 to procure
solutions to assist in transitioning to an Electronic Environment?
Please explain your response:
Have you, as the SAORM, established or improved your agency procedures that
ensure all incoming and outgoing senior officials receive briefings on their records
management responsibilities including documenting their public service, use of
personal email, and other recordkeeping requirements?
*Senior officials are the heads of departments and independent agencies;
their deputies and assistants; the heads of program offices and staff offices
including assistant secretaries, administrators, and commissioners; directors
of offices, bureaus, or equivalent; principal regional officials; staff assistants
to those aforementioned officials, such as special assistants, confidential assistants,
and administrative assistants; and career Federal employees,
political appointees, and officers of the Armed Forces serving in equivalent
or comparable positions.
Changes were unnecessary
No,changes are beingconsidered but have not been made
Please explain your response:
Have you, as the SAORM, ensured that your records management program has the
support and resources it needs to be successful? (See NARA Bulletin 2017-02:
Guidance on Senior Agency Officials for Records Management)
Please explain your response:
The FEC's Strategic Plan
for FYs 2018-2022
includes the following
strategic activity: Develop a
records management
program in compliance with
Presidential Directive
The agency is not currently
utilizing GSA's Schedule
36, but is looking into
options for contractor
support to assist the
agency with transitioning to
an Electronic Environment.
The agency has prepared
and hopes to soon launch
new records management
training for all employees,
including senior officials.
Our agency has identified
the need for a dedicated
staff person to work
full-time on records
management. As SAORM,
I am working with our
Records Manager to
develop a new position
description for this role.
Additionally, our agency
plans to devote additional
funding to our email
management program in
FY 2019 to ensure
successful implementation
of Capstone.
8. Have you, as the SAORM, implemented an appropriate role-based records
management training program that covers recordkeeping responsibilities for all
staff including those with dedicated records management roles, Federal employees,
contractors, senior executives and appointees? (See NARA Bulletin 2017-01: Agency
Records Management Training Requirements)
Please explain your response:
9. Have you, as the SAORM, taken steps to direct and support Records Management
staff in implementing an evaluation or auditing process to ensure records
management directives, policies, procedures, and retention schedules are being
properly implemented?
Please explain your response:
10. Do you need support from NARA to ensure a successful transition to fully
electronic recordkeeping?
Please explain your response:
The agency has yet to
implement role-based
records management
training for all employees.
However, we working to
incorporate a records
management component
into the agency's new
employee orientation, and
hope to launch a
web-based training for all
agency employees soon.
Additionally, approximately
90% of the FEC's
employees with records
responsibilities have
received records
management training from
The FEC has yet to
implement a formal
evaluation or auditing
process for records
management, but hopes to
do so in the near future.