Administrator’s Self Review Form
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Administrator: Date:
Rating scale: Please select the appropriate number in the space next to each category
based on the following scale:
4 – Performance exceeds expectations as I understand them
3 – Performance meets expectations as I understand them
2 – Performance meets marginal expectations as I understand them
1 – Fails to meet expectations as I understand them
0 – Don’t know or not applicable as I understand them
Note: The major characteristics you are asked to assess below are described by several different
descriptors which provide broad guidelines for each major area. Please provide additional comments
as appropriate in each area.
• Articulates a vision for the School/Division/Department.
• Inspires/motivates faculty/staff to work toward the goals of the unit.
• Uses an effective administrative style that is consistent with practices within institutions of
higher education.
• Effectively uses personnel, time, money, materials, equipment, and space.
• Plans and develops appropriate policies within the unit of responsibility.
• Evaluates financial needs and makes appropriate recommendations for financing.
• Delegates authority, provides support or supervision of subordinates as needed and
displays reasonable creativity in the use of resources.