Complete the attached forms in black ink.
Scan your completed forms and save as a single PDF file.
E-mail the PDF to Include
Self-Help Services can review your completed forms before you file them
with the Court. To request review of your completed forms:
"EMERGENCY SERVICES" in the subject line.
SHC-GV-01 (Rev. 01/05/2021) 657.622.8511
Self-Help Services
You can ask for one if you are connected to the person you
think is dangerous as:
1. An immediate family member;
2. An employer;
3. A coworker who has substantial and regular interactions
with the person, and has worked with them for at least a
year. You must have permission from your employer to ask
for this restraining order;
4. An employee or teacher at a school that the person has
attended in the last six months, and you have permission
from a school administrator or a school administration staff
who has a supervisorial role; and/or
5. A law enforcement officer or law enforcement agency.
Immediate family members include:
(1) Your spouse or domestic partner;
(2) Your parents, children, siblings, grandparents, and
grandchildren and their spouses, including any stepparent
or stepgrandparent;
(3) Your spouse’s parents, children (your stepchildren),
siblings, grandparents, and grandchildren; and
(4) Any other person who regularly resides in the
household, or who, within the last six months, regularly
resided in the household.
If you do not have the necessary relationship, advise a law
enforcement officer of the situation. The officer may
investigate and file the petition if he or she finds that the
grounds exist.
Can a Gun Violence Restraining Order Help Me?
What is a gun violence restraining order?
It is a court order that temporarily prohibits someone from
having any guns, ammunition, or magazines (ammunition
feeding devices). The person must surrender all guns,
ammunition, and magazines that he or she currently owns.
The police will come and remove the guns or the person
can store them with a licensed gun dealer while the
restraining order is in effect. The restrained person also
cannot buy any guns, ammunition, or magazines during
this time.
Where can I get these forms?
Judicial Council of California
Rev. September 1, 2020, Optional Form
Penal Code, § 18100 et seq.
Can a Gun Violence Restraining Order Help Me?
(Gun Violence Prevention)
GV-100-INFO, Page 1 of 3
What do I need to do to get the order?
You must go to the superior court in the county where the
person to be restrained lives. At the court, ask where you
should file your request for a gun violence restraining
order. (A self-help center or legal aid association may be
able to assist you in filing your request.) Give your forms
to the clerk of the court. The clerk will give you a hearing
date on the Notice of Court Hearing form.
These instructions cannot cover all of the questions that may arise in a particular case. If you
do not know what to do to protect your rights, you should see a lawyer or a self-help center.
You can get the forms from legal publishers or on the
Internet at You also may be able to
find them at your local courthouse or county law library.
Can I get a gun violence restraining order
against someone?
Will the order protect me in other ways, such
as keeping the person from coming near me?
No, the only order the court can make is to force the person
to not have firearms, ammunition, or magazines. If you
need personal protection from a family member, you
should proceed under the Domestic Violence Prevention
Act. See Can a Domestic Violence Restraining Order Help
Me? (form DV-500-INFO) for information on how to
proceed. For information on other civil restraining orders,
please see
What forms do I need to get the order?
Will I have to pay a filing fee to request the
You must fill out the following forms:
o Petition for Gun Violence Restraining Order
(form GV-100);
o Confidential CLETS Information (form
o Notice of Court Hearing (form GV-109), items 1
and 2 only; and
o Temporary Gun Violence Restraining Order
(form GV-110), items 1 and 2 only.
You may need other local forms. Ask your self-help
center or visit your court's website.
Can a Gun Violence Restraining Order Help Me?
Rev. September 1, 2020
Can a Gun Violence Restraining Order Help Me?
(Gun Violence Prevention)
GV-100-INFO, Page 2 of 3
You will have to convince the judge that the person to be
restrained poses a significant danger in the near future of
causing personal injury to himself, herself, or another
person by having in his or her custody or control, owning,
purchasing, possessing, or receiving any firearms,
ammunition, or magazines.
You will also have to convince the judge that a gun
violence restraining order is needed to prevent personal
injury to the person to be restrained or to another person
because less restrictive alternatives either have been tried
and haven’t worked, or are inadequate or inappropriate for
the current circumstances.
What do I have to prove to get the order?
How can I convince the judge?
You will need to give the judge specific information. You
should tell the judge everything that you know about the
firearms, ammunition, or magazines that the person to be
restrained currently owns, including how many the person
owns, the types, and where they are kept.
Then you will need to present facts to show that the person
to be restrained is dangerous. This could be information
about any threat of violence that the person to be restrained
has made, any violent incident in which the person has
been involved, or any crime of violence the person has
committed. It could also be evidence that the person to be
restrained has violated a protective order or abuses
controlled substances or alcohol. It could also be evidence
of the unlawful and reckless use, display, or brandishing of
a firearm or the recent acquisition of a firearm
. Or it could
be evidence that the person to be restrained has been
identified by a mental health provider as someone
prohibited from purchasing, possessing or controlling any
You should include all of this information in your Petition
and also be prepared to present it to the judge at the
You can ask for a Temporary Gun Violence Restraining
Order, which will be effective right away if granted. The
court may decide whether or not to grant the temporary
order based only on the facts that you have stated in your
petition. If so, the court will decide within 24 hours
whether or not to make the temporary order. Sometimes the
court will want to examine you personally under oath. The
clerk will tell you whether you should wait to talk to the
judge or come back later to find out if the court has signed
a temporary order.
If you don't ask for a temporary restraining order, you will
have to wait until the hearing, at which the court will
decide whether to make an order that will last for a period
of time between 1 5 years.
How soon can I get the order?
How will the person to be
restrained know about the order?
If the court issues a temporary restraining order, someone
age 18 or older—not you—must personally “serve” (give)
the person to be restrained a copy of the order. The server
must then fill out Proof of Personal Service (form GV-200)
and give it to you to file with the court. If the person to be
restrained attends the hearing, no further proof of service is
required. But if they do not attend the hearing, then any
order issued at the hearing must also be personally served.
For help with service, ask the court clerk for What Is
“Proof of Personal Service?” (form GV-200-INFO). Note:
A sheriff or marshal can serve the order for free.
Having a lawyer is always a good idea, but it is not
required and you are not entitled to a free, court-appointed
attorney. Ask the court clerk about free and low-cost legal
services and self-help centers in your county
Do I need a lawyer?
What if I am deaf or hard of hearing?
For help in your area, contact:
[Local information may be inserted.]
Assistive listening systems, computer-
assisted real-time captioning, or sign
language interpreter services are
available if you ask at least five days
before the hearing. Contact the clerk’s
office or go to
for Request for Accommodations by
Persons with Disabilities and Response
(Form MC-410). (Civ. Code, § 54.8.)
Can I agree with the restrained person to
terminate the order?
No. Once the order is issued, only the judge can change or
terminate it. The restrained person would have to file a
request with the court to terminate the order.
What if I need help to understand
When you file your papers, ask your court s clerk or self-
help center if your court will provide an interpreter for
you at no cost. If not, you will have to pay a fee for the
interpreter. If an interpreter is not available for your
court date, you should ask someone who is over age 18
to interpret for you.
Can a Gun Violence Restraining Order Help Me?
Rev. September 1, 2020
Can a Gun Violence Restraining Order Help Me?
(Gun Violence Prevention)
GV-100-INFO, Page 3 of 3
If the court makes a temporary order, it will last until your
hearing date, which must be within 21 days of the date of
the temporary order. If at the hearing the court issues a
more permanent order, it will last for one to five years. It
may be renewed for an additional one to five years.
How long does the order last?
Call the police. The restrained person can be arrested and
charged with a crime.
What if the restrained person does not obey
the order?
Yes. Go to court on the date the clerk gives you.
Do I have to go to court?
Written statements from witnesses made under oath
Medical or police reports
Damaged property
Threatening letters, emails, or telephone messages
Do I need to bring a witness to the hearing?
Witnesses are not required, but it helps to have more proof
than just your word. For example, consider bringing:
The court may or may not let witnesses speak at the
hearing. So, if possible, you should bring their written
statements under oath to the hearing. (You can use
Declaration (form MC-030) for this purpose.)
Yes. You can bring someone to sit with you during the
hearing, but that person cannot speak for you in court. Only
you or your lawyer (if you have one) can speak for you.
Can I bring someone with me to court?
If the person comes to the hearing, yes. If you are afraid,
tell the court officer.
Will I see the restrained person at the court
Clerk stamps date here when form is filed.
Fill in court name and street address:
Superior Court of California, County of
Court fills in case number when form is filed.
Case Number:
Read Can a Gun Violence Restraining Order Help Me? (form GV-100-INFO)
before completing this form.
Your Full Name or Name of Law Enforcement Agency:
Your Lawyer (if you have one for this case):
State Bar No.:Firm Name:
c. Your Address (If you have a lawyer, give your lawyer’s information. If you do not have a lawyer and want to
keep your home address private, you may give a different mailing address instead. You do not have to give
telephone, fax, or email. Law enforcement officer, give agency information.)
City: State: Zip:
Telephone: Fax:
Email Address:
Judicial Council of California,
Rev. September 1, 2020, Mandatory Form
Penal Code, § 18100 et seq.
GV-100, Page 1 of 4
Petition for Gun Violence Restraining Order
(Gun Violence Prevention)
Full Name: Age:
Address (if known):
City: State: Zip:
This is not a Court Order.
Petition for Gun Violence
Restraining Order
I am:
A family member of the Respondent
An officer of a law enforcement agency (A petition may be filed in
the name of the law enforcement agency in which the officer is
employed. If you wrote your full name above, write the name of
the law enforcement agency that employs you):
An employer of the Respondent (your position and name of
A coworker of the Respondent. I have had substantial and regular
interactions with the Respondent for at least one year and I have
obtained the approval of my employer to file this petition (name
of company):
An employee or teacher of a secondary or postsecondary school
that the Respondent has attended in the last 6 months. I have
obtained the approval of a school administrator to file this petition
(name of the school):
Civil Harassment
Domestic Violence
Divorce, Nullity, Legal Separation
Paternity, Parentage, Child Custody
Elder or Dependent Adult Abuse
Workplace Violence
Other (specify):
Are there now any protective or restraining orders in effect relating to Respondent?
If yes, attach a copy if you have one.
I don’t knowNoYes
This is not a Court Order.
Kind of Case Filed in (County/State) Year Filed
Case Number (if known)
Case Number:
I am informed, and on that basis believe, that Respondent currently possesses or controls firearms,
ammunition, or magazines, but I have no further specific information as to the number, types, and locations
of those firearms, ammunition, or magazines.
Description of Respondent's Firearms, Ammunition, or Magazines
If you have reason to believe that the respondent is in possession of firearms, ammunition, or magazines, answer (a)
or check (b).
I am informed, and on that basis believe, that Respondent currently possesses or controls the following
firearms, ammunition or magazines (describe the number, types, and locations of any firearms, ammunition,
or magazines that you believe that the Respondent currently possesses or controls):
Rev. September 1, 2020
GV-100, Page 2 of 4
Petition for Gun Violence Restraining Order
(Gun Violence Prevention)
Are you aware of any other court cases, civil or criminal, involving the Respondent?
Other Court Cases
If yes, check each kind of case and give as much information as you know as to where and
when each was filed:
The Respondent lives in this county.
Why are you filing in this county? (Check all that apply):
This is not a Court Order.
GV-100, Page 3 of 4
Petition for Gun Violence Restraining Order
(Gun Violence Prevention)
Rev. September 1, 2020
Case Number:
b. A gun violence restraining order is necessary to prevent personal injury to Respondent or to another person
because less restrictive alternatives either have been tried and found to be ineffective, or have been
determined to be inadequate or inappropriate for the current circumstances.
c. The facts supporting the above statements are set forth:
On Attached Declaration (form MC-031).
I request that the court issue an order prohibiting Respondent from having in their custody or control, owning,
purchasing, possessing or receiving, or attempting to purchase or receive, any firearms, ammunition, or magazines.
I further request that Respondent be ordered to immediately surrender all firearms, ammunition, and magazines
currently in their possession to a law enforcement officer or to sell the firearms, ammunition, and magazines to or
store them with a licensed gun dealer.
Request for Gun Violence Restraining Order
Grounds for Issuance of a Gun Violence Restraining Order
I have reasonable cause to believe both of the following are true:
The Respondent poses a significant danger in the near future of causing personal injury to themself or another
person by having in their custody or control, owning, purchasing, possessing, or receiving a firearm,
ammunition, or a magazine.
a. I request the order above for
b. I am asking for this amount of time because:
(Please include a number of years between one and five years.)
This is not a Court Order.
Case Number:
Request to Give Less Than Five Days' Notice of Hearing
You must have your papers personally served on Respondent at least five calendar days before the hearing, unless
the court orders a shorter time for service. (Form GV-200-INFO explains What Is “Proof of Personal Service”?
Proof of Personal Service (form GV-200) may be used to show the court that the papers have been served.)
If you want there to be fewer than five days between service and the hearing, explain why below:
Number of pages attached to this form, if any:
Sign your name
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the information above and on all
attachments is true and correct.
Lawyer’s signature
Lawyer’s name (if any)
Type or print your name
Reasons stated in Attachment 11.
GV-100, Page 4 of 4
Petition for Gun Violence Restraining Order
(Gun Violence Prevention)
Rev. September 1, 2020
Has the Respondent been told that you were going to court to seek a TGV?
(If you answered no, explain why below):
Temporary Gun Violence Restraining Order
I request that a Temporary Gun Violence Restraining Order (TGV) be issued against the Respondent to last until the
hearing. I am presenting Temporary Restraining Order (form GV-110) for the court’s signature together with this
Reasons stated in Attachment 10.
I request that the court set a hearing in this matter for the purpose of issuing a gun violence restraining order that
will last between one and five years.
Request for Hearing
No Fee to Serve (Notify) Restrained Person
If you want the sheriff or marshal to serve (notify) the restrained person about the orders, they will do it for free.
Central - 700 Civic Center Dr. West, Santa Ana, CA 92701-4045
Harbor-Newport Beach Faclility-4601 Jamboree Rd., Newport Beach, CA 92660-2595
North - 1275 N. Berkeley Ave., P. O. Box 5000, Fullerton, CA 92838-0500
West 8141 13
Street, Westminster, CA 92683-4593
Temporary Restraining Order
Civil Harassment, Workplace Violence, Transitional Housing, Postsecondary
Educational Institution, Elder or Dependent Adult Abuse, Gun Violence
Restraining Order
On (date) at (time) ,
I telephoned Plaintiff/Petitioner or Defendant/Respondent (name)
I said that on (date) at (time) , I would ask the Court for a Temporary
Restraining Order (describe order, e.g. “against violence”):
I gave the location of the Courthouse as Dept. at (address)
I have been unable to give notice to the Plaintiff/Petitioner or Defendant/Respondent for the following reasons:
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct.
Approved for Optional Use
L-0889 (Rev. March 2019)
Temporary Restraining Order
Civil Harassment, Workplace Violence, Transitional Housing, Postsecondary
Educational Institution and Elder or Dependent Adult Abuse, Gun Violence
Restraining Order
California Rules of Court,
Rule 3.1204(b)
For your protection and privacy, please press the Clear This Form button after you
are done printing the form.
Print This Form
Clear This Form
ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, State Bar number, and address):
Complex Case Designation
Counter Joinder
demanded isdemanded Filed with first appearance by defendant
(Cal. Rules of Court, rule 3.402)
$25,000 or less)exceeds $25,000)
Items 1–6 below must be completed (see instructions on page 2).
1. Check one box below for the case type that best describes this case:
Auto Tort
Provisionally Complex Civil Litigation
(Cal. Rules of Court, rules 3.400–3.403)
Auto (22)
Breach of contract/warranty (06)
Uninsured motorist (46)
Other collections (09)
Antitrust/Trade regulation (03)
Other PI/PD/WD (Personal Injury/Property
Damage/Wrongful Death) Tort
Construction defect (10)
Insurance coverage (18)
Mass tort (40)
Rule 3.740 collections (09)
Asbestos (04)
Securities litigation (28)
Real Property
Product liability (24)
Environmental/Toxic tort (30)
Eminent domain/Inverse
condemnation (14)
Medical malpractice (45)
Insurance coverage claims arising from the
above listed provisionally complex case
types (41)
Other PI/PD/WD (23)
Wrongful eviction (33)
Non-PI/PD/WD (Other) Tort
Enforcement of Judgment
Business tort/unfair business practice (07)
Enforcement of judgment (20)
Civil rights (08)
Commercial (31)
Miscellaneous Civil Complaint
Defamation (13)
Residential (32)
RICO (27)
Fraud (16)
Drugs (38)
Other complaint (not specified above) (42)
Intellectual property (19)
Judicial Review
Miscellaneous Civil Petition
Asset forfeiture (05)
Partnership and corporate governance (21)
Petition re: arbitration award (11)
Writ of mandate (02)
Wrongful termination (36)
Other judicial review (39)
is2. This case is not complex under rule 3.400 of the California Rules of Court. If the case is complex, mark the
factors requiring exceptional judicial management:
Extensive motion practice raising difficult or novel
issues that will be time-consuming to resolve
Large number of witnesses a.
3. Remedies sought (check all that apply):
nonmonetary; declaratory or injunctive relief
4. Number of causes of action (specify):
is not a class action suit.
5. This case
Plaintiff must file this cover sheet with the first paper filed in the action or proceeding (except small claims cases or cases filed
under the Probate Code, Family Code, or Welfare and Institutions Code). (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 3.220.) Failure to file may result
in sanctions.
File this cover sheet in addition to any cover sheet required by local court rule.
If this case is complex under rule 3.400 et seq. of the California Rules of Court, you must serve a copy of this cover sheet on all
other parties to the action or proceeding.
Unless this is a collections case under rule 3.740 or a complex case, this cover sheet will be used for statistical purposes only.
Page 1 of 2
Cal. Rules of Court, rules 2.30, 3.220, 3.400–3.403, 3.740;
Cal. Standards of Judicial Administration, std. 3.10
Form Adopted for Mandatory Use
Judicial Council of California
CM-010 [Rev. July 1, 2007]
Other non-PI/PD/WD tort (35)
Professional negligence (25)
Other real property (26)
Other petition (not specified above) (43)
Other employment (15)
Substantial amount of documentary evidence
Large number of separately represented parties
Coordination with related actions pending in one or more courts
in other counties, states, or countries, or in a federal court
Substantial postjudgment judicial supervision
Unlawful Detainer
If there are any known related cases, file and serve a notice of related case. (You may use form CM-015.)
Other contract (37)
700 Civic Center Drive West
Santa Ana, CA 92701
Auto (22)–Personal Injury/Property
Auto Tort
case involves an uninsured
motorist claim subject to
arbitration, check this item
instead of Auto)
Uninsured Motorist (46) (if the
Damage/Wrongful Death
To Plaintiffs and Others Filing First Papers. If you are filing a first paper (for example, a complaint) in a civil case, you must
complete and file, along with your first paper, the Civil Case Cover Sheet contained on page 1. This information will be used to compile
statistics about the types and numbers of cases filed. You must complete items 1 through 6 on the sheet. In item 1, you must check
one box for the case type that best describes the case. If the case fits both a general and a more specific type of case listed in item 1,
check the more specific one. If the case has multiple causes of action, check the box that best indicates the primary cause of action.
To assist you in completing the sheet, examples of the cases that belong under each case type in item 1 are provided below. A cover
sheet must be filed only with your initial paper. Failure to file a cover sheet with the first paper filed in a civil case may subject a party,
its counsel, or both to sanctions under rules 2.30 and 3.220 of the California Rules of Court.
To Parties in Complex Cases
. In complex cases only, parties must also use the Civil Case Cover Sheet to designate whether the
case is complex. If a plaintiff believes the case is complex under rule 3.400 of the California Rules of Court, this must be indicated by
completing the appropriate boxes in items 1 and 2. If a plaintiff designates a case as complex, the cover sheet must be served with the
complaint on all parties to the action. A defendant may file and serve no later than the time of its first appearance a joinder in the
plaintiff's designation, a counter-designation that the case is not complex, or, if the plaintiff has made no designation, a designation that
the case is complex.
Provisionally Complex Civil Litigation (Cal.
Rules of Court Rules 3.400–3.403)
Breach of Contract/Warranty (06)
Breach of Rental/Lease
Contract (not unlawful detainer
Antitrust/Trade Regulation (03)
Construction Defect (10)
Claims Involving Mass Tort (40)
Securities Litigation (28)
Environmental/Toxic Tort (30)
or wrongful eviction)
Contract/Warranty Breach–Seller
Plaintiff (not fraud or negligence)
Negligent Breach of Contract/
Insurance Coverage Claims
Other Breach of Contract/Warranty
(arising from provisionally complex
case type listed above) (41)
Collections (e.g., money owed, open
Other PI/PD/WD (Personal Injury/
Property Damage/Wrongful Death)
book accounts) (09)
Collection Case–Seller Plaintiff
Asbestos (04)
Enforcement of Judgment
Other Promissory Note/Collections
Enforcement of Judgment (20)
Asbestos Property Damage
Asbestos Personal Injury/
Insurance Coverage (not provisionally
Abstract of Judgment (Out of
Wrongful Death
complex) (18)
Confession of Judgment (non-
Product Liability (not asbestos or
Auto Subrogation
toxic/environmental) (24)
domestic relations)
Other Coverage
Other Contract (37)
Medical Malpractice (45)
Sister State Judgment
Medical Malpractice–
Administrative Agency Award
Contractual Fraud
Physicians & Surgeons
(not unpaid taxes)
Petition/Certification of Entry of
Judgment on Unpaid Taxes
Other Contract Dispute
Other Professional Health Care
Real Property
Eminent Domain/Inverse
Other PI/PD/WD (23)
Other Enforcement of Judgment
Premises Liability (e.g., slip
Condemnation (14)
and fall)
Wrongful Eviction (33)
Intentional Bodily Injury/PD/WD
Other Real Property (e.g., quiet title) (26)
Miscellaneous Civil Complaint
RICO (27)
(e.g., assault, vandalism)
Writ of Possession of Real Property
Mortgage Foreclosure
Intentional Infliction of
Other Complaint (not specified
above) (42)
Emotional Distress
Quiet Title
Negligent Infliction of
Declaratory Relief Only
Other Real Property (not eminent
domain, landlord/tenant, or
Injunctive Relief Only (non-
Emotional Distress
Other PI/PD/WD
Mechanics Lien
Non-PI/PD/WD (Other) Tort
Unlawful Detainer
Other Commercial Complaint
Business Tort/Unfair Business
Case (non-tort/non-complex)
Commercial (31)
l (32)
Practice (07)
Civil Rights (e.g., discrimination,
false arrest) (not civi
Other Civil Complaint
Drugs (38) (if the case involves illegal
drugs, check this item; otherwise,
report as Commercial or Residential)
Miscellaneous Civil Petition
harassment) (08)
Defamation (e.g., slander, libel)
Partnership and Corporate
Governance (21)
Judicial Review
Fraud (16)
Other Petition (not specified
Asset Forfeiture (05)
above) (43)
Intellectual Property (19)
Petition Re: Arbitration Award (11)
Civil Harassment
Professional Negligence (25)
Writ of Mandate (02)
Workplace Violence
Legal Malpractice
Other Professional Malpractice
(not medical or legal)
Other Non-PI/PD/WD Tort (35)
Writ–Administrative Mandamus
Writ–Mandamus on Limited Court
Elder/Dependent Adult
Case Matter
Election Contest
Writ–Other Limited Court Case
Petition for Name Change
Petition for Relief From Late
Other Judicial Review (39)
Wrongful Termination (36)
Other Employment (15)
Review of Health Officer Order
Notice of Appeal–Labor
Commissioner Appeals
Other Civil Petition
CM-010 [Rev. July 1, 2007]
Page 2 of 2
To Parties in Rule 3.740 Collections Cases. A "collections case" under rule 3.740 is defined as an action for recovery of money
owed in a sum stated to be certain that is not more than $25,000, exclusive of interest and attorney's fees, arising from a transaction in
which property, services, or money was acquired on credit. A collections case does not include an action seeking the following: (1) tort
damages, (2) punitive damages, (3) recovery of real property, (4) recovery of personal property, or (5) a prejudgment writ of
attachment. The identification of a case as a rule 3.740 collections case on this form means that it will be exempt from the general
time-for-service requirements and case management rules, unless a defendant files a responsive pleading. A rule 3.740 collections
case will be subject to the requirements for service and obtaining a judgment in rule 3.740.
This is not a Court Order—Do not place in court file.
CLETS Information
Person to Be Protected (Name):
Eye Color: Date of Birth:
Hair Color:
Confidential CLETS Information
Judicial Council of California,
New January 1, 2012, Mandatory Form
Cal. Rules of Court, rule 1.51
Person to Be Restrained (Name):
Describe any marks, scars, or tattoos:
Other names used by the restrained person:
Describe any guns or firearms that you believe the person in owns or has access to
(Number, types, and locations):
CLETS-001, Page 1 of 1
Eye Color: Date of Birth: Hair Color:
Other People to Be Protected
Name Date of Birth
Additional persons to be protected are listed on Attachment 4.
Guns or Firearms
California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (CLETS)
Information Form
Important: This form MUST NOT become part of the public court file. It is confidential and private.
Case Number (if you know it):
This form is submitted with the initial filing (date):
This is an amended form (date):
Fill out as much of this form as you can and give it to the court clerk. If the court issues a restraining order, this form
will provide law enforcement with information that will help them enforce it. If any of this information changes, fill out
a new (amended) form.
Driver’s License Number and State:
Social Security Number:
Vehicle (Type, Model, Year):
(License Number and State):
Vehicle (Type, Model, Year):
(License Number and State):
Mailing Address (listed on restraining order):
Telephone (optional):
Work Hours:
Residence Address:
Business Address:
Relation to
Person in
Clerk stamps date here when form is filed.
Superior Court of California, County of
Court fills in case number when form is filed.
Case Number:
Notice of Court Hearing
Judicial Council of California,
Rev. September 1, 2020, Mandatory Form
Penal Code, § 18100 et seq.
Approved by DOJ
Notice of Court Hearing
(Gun Violence Prevention)
GV-109, Page 1 of 3
Full Name:
Fill in court name and street address:
Name and address of court if different from above:
The court will complete the rest of this form.
Your Full Name or Name of Law Enforcement Agency:
An employer of the Respondent.
An officer of a law enforcement agency.
A family member of the Respondent. I am:
A coworker of the Respondent.
An employee or teacher of a secondary or postsecondary
school that the Respondent has attended in the last 6
Petitioner must complete items and only.
1 2
Your Lawyer (if you have one for this case):
State Bar No.:
Firm Name:
c. Your Address (If you have a lawyer, give your lawyer’s information. If
you do not have a lawyer and want to keep your home address private,
you may give a different mailing address instead. You do not have to
give telephone, fax, or email. Law enforcement officer, give agency
City: State: Zip:
Telephone: Fax:
Email Address:
GRANTED until the court hearing.
DENIED until the court hearing. (Specify reasons for denial in b, below.)
A Temporary Gun Violence Restraining Order as requested in Petition for Gun Violence Restraining Order
(form GV-100) is (check only one box below):
Temporary Gun Violence Restraining Order (Any order granted is on form GV-110, served with this
Reasons for denial of a Temporary Gun Violence Restraining Order as requested in Petition for Gun Violence
Restraining Order (form GV-100) are:
The facts as stated in form GV-100 do not show that there is a substantial likelihood that both of the
following are true:
Rev. September 1, 2020
Notice of Court Hearing
(Gun Violence Prevention)
GV-109, Page 2 of 3
Case Number:
A gun violence restraining order is necessary to prevent personal injury to Respondent or to another
person because less restrictive alternatives either have been tried and found to be ineffective, or have
been determined to be inadequate or inappropriate for the current circumstances.
Respondent poses a significant danger of causing personal injury to themself or another person by
having custody or control of, owning, purchasing, possessing, or receiving firearms, ammunition, or
(2) Below On Attachment 4b(2)Other (as stated):
At least calendar days before the hearing, a law enforcement officer or someone age 18
or older—and not a party to the action—must personally give (serve) a court file-stamped copy of this Form
GV-109 to the Respondent, along with a copy of all the forms indicated below:
Judicial Officer
GV-250, Proof of Service by Mail (blank form)e.
GV-120-INFO, How Can I Respond to a Petition for a Gun Violence Restraining Order?d.
GV-120, Response to Petition for Gun Violence Restraining Order (blank form)
GV-110, Temporary Gun Violence Restraining Order (file-stamped) IF GRANTED
GV-100, Petition for Gun Violence Restraining Order (file-stamped)
Service of Documents on Respondent
GV-125, Consent to Gun Violence Restraining Order and Surrender of Firearms (blank form)
Rev. September 1, 2020
Notice of Court Hearing
(Gun Violence Prevention)
GV-109, Page 3 of 3
Case Number:
If you are unable to serve the Respondent in time, you may ask for a later hearing date, which will give you more time
to serve the documents. Use Request to Continue Court Hearing for Gun Violence Restraining Order (form GV-115).
For information about service, read What Is “Proof of Personal Service”? (form GV-200-INFO).
The court cannot make an order at the court hearing unless the Respondent has been personally given (served) a copy
of the Petition and a temporary order if issued. To show that the Respondent has been served, the person who served
the forms must fill out a proof of service form. Proof of Personal Service (form GV-200) may be used.
To the Petitioner in 1:
Clerk’s Certificate
I certify that this Notice of Court Hearing (form GV-109) is a true and correct copy of the original on file in the
—Clerk's Certificate—
(Clerk will fill out this part.)
Assistive listening systems, computer-assisted real-time captioning, or sign language
interpreter services are available if you ask at least five days before the hearing. Contact the
clerk’s office or go to for Request for Accommodations by Persons
with Disabilities and Response (form MC-410). (Civ. Code, § 54.8.)
Request for Accommodations
At the hearing, the judge may order you to turn in to law enforcement, or sell to or store with, a licensed gun dealer,
any firearms, ammunition, or magazines that you own or possess. If issued, the order will last for one year.
You may bring witnesses and other evidence.
Whether or not you respond in writing, go to the hearing if you want the judge to hear from you before making an
order. You may tell the judge why you agree or disagree with the order requested.
The person who mailed the form must fill out a proof of service form. Proof of Service by Mail (form GV-250), may be
used. File the completed form with the court before the hearing and bring a copy with you to the court hearing.
If you want to oppose the Petition for Gun Violence Restraining Order (form GV-100) in writing, file Response to
Petition for Gun Violence Restraining Order (form GV-120) and have someone age 18 or older—not you—mail it to
the Petitioner.
To the Respondent:
If you do not oppose the petition and are willing to give up your firearm rights, complete and file a Consent to Gun
Violence Restraining Order and Surrender of Firearms (form GV-125).
Clerk, by
, Deputy
Clerk stamps date here when form is filed.
Fill in court name and street address:
Superior Court of California, County of
Court fills in case number when form is filed.
Case Number:
Petitioner must complete items and only.
F Height: Weight:
Race:Hair Color:
Date of Birth:
Eye Color: Age:
Home Address (if known):
Relationship to Petitioner:
Full Name:
Date: Time:
Expiration Date
This Order expires at the end of the hearing scheduled for the date and time below:
The court will complete the rest of this form.
a.m. p.m.
Temporary Gun Violence
Restraining Order
Judicial Council of California,
Rev. September 1, 2020, Mandatory Form
Penal Code, § 18150 et seq.
Approved by DOJ
Temporary Gun Violence Restraining Order
(CLETS-TGV) (Gun Violence Prevention)
GV-110, Page 1 of 5
This is a Court Order.
1 2
Your Lawyer (if you have one for this case):
Name: State Bar No.:
Firm Name:
c. Your Address (If you have a lawyer, give your lawyer’s information. If
you do not have a lawyer and want to keep your home address private,
you may give a different mailing address instead. You do not have to
give telephone, fax, or email. Law enforcement officer, give agency
City: State: Zip:
Telephone: Fax:
Email Address:
Your Full Name or Name of Law Enforcement Agency:
An employer of the Respondent
An officer of a law enforcement agency
A family member of the Respondent I am:
A coworker of the Respondent
An employee or teacher of a secondary or postsecondary
school that the Respondent has attended in the last 6
GV-110, Page 2 of 5
Rev. September 1, 2020
Temporary Gun Violence Restraining Order
(CLETS-TGV) (Gun Violence Prevention)
This is a Court Order.
A temporary gun violence restraining order is necessary to prevent personal injury to Respondent or to
another person because less restrictive alternatives either have been tried and found to be ineffective, or
have been determined to be inadequate or inappropriate for the current circumstances.
(1) Respondent poses a significant danger in the near future of causing personal injury to themself or another
person by having in their custody or control, owning, purchasing, possessing, or receiving firearms,
ammunition, or magazines.
See the attached Attachment (form MC-025).
The court finds that there is a substantial likelihood that both of the following are true:
Petitioner and other witnesses
Having examined
under oath,
Petitioner and other witnessesHaving considered the declarations of under penalty of perjury,
Case Number:
The facts as stated in the Petition and supporting documents, which are incorporated here by reference,
establish sufficient grounds for the issuance of this Order.
And for the reasons stated below.
No Fee to Serve (Notify) Restrained Person
If the sheriff or marshal serves this order, service will be free.
The court has received credible information that Respondent owns or possesses one or more firearms,
ammunition, or magazines.
Surrender all firearms and ammunition, including magazines, in your custody or control or that you possess
or own. If a law enforcement officer orders you to surrender all of your firearms and ammunition, including
magazines, to the officer, you must surrender them to the officer. If no order to surrender is made by a law
enforcement officer, you must surrender all of your firearms and ammunition, including magazines, within
24 hours of being served with this Order. You may do so by:
a. surrendering all of your firearms and ammunition, including magazines, in a safe manner to the
local law enforcement agency; or
b. selling all of your firearms and ammunition, including magazines, to a licensed gun dealer; or
c. storing all of your firearms and ammunition, including magazines, with a licensed gun dealer for as
long as this Order or any more permanent order granted at the hearing in item is in effect.
GV-110, Page 3 of 5
Rev. September 1, 2020
Temporary Gun Violence Restraining Order
(CLETS-TGV) (Gun Violence Prevention)
This is a Court Order.
Case Number:
Within 48 hours of receiving this Order, file a receipt with the court that proves that your firearms and
ammunition have been turned in, sold, or stored. (You may use Proof of Firearms, Ammunition, and
Magazines Turned In, Sold, or Stored (form GV-800) for the receipt.) You must also file a copy of the
receipt with the law enforcement agency that served you with this order. FAILURE TO FILE THIS
Order Prohibiting All Firearms, Ammunition, and Magazines
a. You cannot have in your custody or control, own, purchase, possess, or receive, or attempt to purchase or
receive, any firearm or ammunition, including magazines (ammunition feeding devices).
The court has received credible information that you own or possess one or more firearms, ammunition, or one or
more magazines that have not been surrendered or sold. You must:
Judicial Officer
Number of pages attached to this Order, if any:
To the restrained person: This Order is valid until the expiration date and time noted on page
1. You are required to surrender all firearms, ammunition, and magazines that you own or
possess in accordance with section 18120 of the Penal Code and you may not have in your
custody or control, own, purchase, possess, or receive, or attempt to purchase or receive, any
firearm, ammunition, or magazines while this order is in effect. A hearing will be held on the
date and at the time noted on Page 1 to determine if a more permanent gun violence
restraining order should be issued. Failure to appear at the hearing may result in a court
making an order against you that is valid for a period between one and five years. You may
seek the advice of an attorney as to any matter connected with the order. The attorney should
be consulted promptly so that the attorney may assist you in any matter connected with the
Warnings and Notices to the Respondent
Violation of this Order is a misdemeanor. If you violate this Order, you will be prohibited from
having in your custody or control, owning, purchasing, possessing, or receiving, or
attempting to purchase or receive, a firearm, ammunition, or magazine for a period of five
years. This Order must be enforced by any law enforcement officer in the State of California
who is aware of or shown a copy of this Order. The Order remains enforceable regardless of
the acts of the parties; it may be changed only by an order of the court.
In addition to the response, you may file and have declarations served, signed by you and other persons who have
personal knowledge of the facts. You may use Declaration (form MC-030) for this purpose. It is available from the
clerk’s office at the court shown on page 1 of this form or at If you do not know how to
prepare a declaration, you should see a lawyer.
You must have form GV-120 served by mail on the Petitioner or the Petitioner’s attorney. You cannot do this yourself.
The person who does the mailing should complete and sign Proof of Service of Response by Mail (form GV-250). File
the completed proof of service with the court clerk before the hearing date or bring it with you to the hearing.
After You Have Been Served With a Temporary Order
Obey the order by turning in all firearms, ammunition, and magazines to a law enforcement agency or selling them to or
storing them with a licensed gun dealer.
If you disagree with the petition, fill out Response to Petition for Gun Violence Restraining Order (form GV-120) and
file it with the court clerk.
Read How Can I Respond to a Petition for Gun Violence Restraining Order? (form GV-120-INFO) to learn how to
respond to this Order.
Whether or not you file a response, you should attend the hearing. If you have any witnesses, they must also go to the
At the hearing, the judge can make a gun violence restraining order against you that lasts between one to five years. Tell
the judge why you disagree with the order requested.
This is a Court Order.
GV-110, Page 4 of 5
Rev. September 1, 2020
Temporary Gun Violence Restraining Order
(CLETS-TGV) (Gun Violence Prevention)
Case Number:
Instructions for Law Enforcement
The law enforcement agency that has received surrendered firearms, ammunition, or magazines must do the following:
Retain the firearms, ammunition, or magazines until the termination or expiration of this Order or of any other gun
violence restraining order issued by the court.
Duties of Agency on Surrender of Firearms, Ammunition, or Magazines
On the expiration of this Order or of any later gun violence restraining order issued by the court, return the firearms,
ammunition, or magazines to the respondent as provided by chapter 2 of division 11 of title 4 of the Penal Code
(commencing with section 33850). Firearms, ammunition, or magazines that are not claimed are subject to the
requirements of section 34000.
If you do not oppose the petition, fill out Consent to Gun Violence Restraining Order and Surrender of Firearms (form
GV-125) and file it with the court clerk.
Complete a proof of personal service and file it with the court. You may use form GV-200 for this purpose.
Within one business day of service, submit the proof of service directly into the California Restraining and
Protective Order System (CARPOS), including the serving officer’s name and law enforcement agency.
Order the Restrained Person to immediately surrender to you all firearms, ammunition, and magazines.
Issue a receipt to the Restrained Person for all firearms, ammunition, and magazines that have been surrendered.
The officer who serves this order on the Restrained Person must do the following:
Duties of Officer Serving This Order
Ask if the Restrained Person is in possession of any firearms, ammunition, or magazines or has custody or
control of any that they have not already turned in.
(Clerk will fill out this part.)
This is a Court Order.
GV-110, Page 5 of 5
—Clerk's Certificate—
I certify that this Temporary Gun Violence Restraining Order (CLETS-TGV)
(form GV-110) is a true and correct copy of the original on file in the court.
Clerk’s Certificate
Case Number:
If someone other than the Respondent claims title to any of the firearms, ammunition, or magazines surrendered,
determine whether that person is the lawful owner. If so, return the firearms, ammunition, or magazines to that
person as provided by chapter 2 of division 11 of title 4 of the Penal Code (commencing with section 33850).
The provisions in this Temporary Gun Violence Restraining Order do not affect those of any other protective or
restraining order in effect, including a criminal protective order. The provisions in any other another existing protective
order remain in effect.
The law enforcement officer should determine if the Respondent had notice of the order. Consider the Respondent
“served” (given notice) if:
The officer sees a copy of the proof of service or confirms that the proof of service is on file; or
The Respondent was informed of the order by an officer; or
An officer can obtain information about the contents of the order and proof of service in CARPOS. If proof of service on
the Respondent cannot be verified, the agency must advise the restrained person of the terms of the order and then enforce
it (see above: Duties of Officer Serving This Order).
Enforcing This Order
Instructions for Law Enforcement
Rev. September 1, 2020
Temporary Gun Violence Restraining Order
(CLETS-TGV) (Gun Violence Prevention)
The officer sees a filed copy of form GV-125.
Clerk, by
, Deputy
Gun Violence Restraining Order After Hearing or Consent to
Gun Violence Restraining Order
(CLETS-OGV) (Gun Violence Prevention
GV-130, Page 1 of 5
Judicial Council of California,
Rev. September 1, 2020, Mandatory Form
Penal Code, § 18170 et seq.
Approved by DOJ
This Order expires at:
a.m. p.m. midnight on
Expiration Date
If no expiration date is written here, this Order expires one year from the date of issuance.
Gun Violence Restraining Order After Hearing
or Consent to Gun Violence Restraining Order
Clerk stamps date here when form is filed.
Fill in court name and street address:
Superior Court of California, County of
Court fills in case number when form is filed.
Case Number:
This is a Court Order.
Full Name:
Height: Weight:
Race:Hair Color:
Date of Birth:
Eye Color: Age:
Home Address (if known):
Relationship to Petitioner:
The court will complete the rest of this form.
Your Full Name or Name of Law Enforcement Agency:
An employer of the Respondent.
An officer of a law enforcement agency (A petition may be
filed in the name of the law enforcement agency in which the
officer is employed).
A family member of the Respondent. I am:
A coworker of the Respondent.
An employee or teacher of a secondary or postsecondary
school that the Respondent has attended in the last 6 months.
Petitioner must complete items and only.
1 2
Your Lawyer (if you have one for this case):
State Bar No.:
Firm Name:
c. Your Address (If you have a lawyer, give your lawyer’s information. If
you do not have a lawyer and want to keep your home address private,
you may give a different mailing address instead. You do not have to
give telephone, fax, or email. Law enforcement officer, give agency
City: State: Zip:
Fax:Email Address:
Gun Violence Restraining Order After Hearing or Consent to
Gun Violence Restraining Order
(CLETS-OGV) (Gun Violence Prevention
(date): at (time): in Dept.: Room:
(Name of judicial officer):
The Petitioner The lawyer for the Petitioner (name):
The Respondent The lawyer for the Respondent (name):
made the orders at the hearing.
This is a Court Order.
The court finds by clear and convincing evidence that the following are true:
Case Number:
A gun violence restraining order is necessary to prevent personal injury to Respondent or to another person
because less restrictive alternatives either have been tried and found to be ineffective, or have been
determined to be inadequate or inappropriate for the current circumstances.
Respondent poses a significant danger of causing personal injury to themselves, or another person by having
in their custody or control, owning, purchasing, possessing, or receiving firearms, ammunition, or
See the attached Attachment (form MC-025).
GV-130, Page 2 of 5
Rev. September 1, 2020
The court has received credible information that the Respondent owns or possesses one or more firearms,
ammunition, or one or more magazines.
These people were at the hearing.
There was a hearing
The Respondent filed Consent to Gun Violence Restraining Order and Surrender of Firearms (form
GV-125). The court finds that Respondent agreed not to have in Respondent's custody or control, own,
purchase, possess, or receive a firearm, ammunition, or magazine or attempt to purchase or receive a
firearm, ammunition, or magazine until:
The facts as stated in the Petition and supporting documents, which are incorporated here by reference,
establish sufficient grounds for the issuance of this Order. And/or for the reasons stated below.
There was not a hearing because Respondent filed a Consent to Gun Violence Restraining Order and
Surrender of Firearms (form GV-125).
(expiration date)
Gun Violence Restraining Order After Hearing or Consent to
Gun Violence Restraining Order
(CLETS-OGV) (Gun Violence Prevention
GV-130, Page 3 of 5
Rev. September 1, 2020
This is a Court Order.
Case Number:
Order Prohibiting All Firearms, Ammunition, and Magazines
a. You cannot have in your custody or control, own, purchase, possess, or receive, or attempt to purchase or
receive, any firearm, ammunition, or magazine (any ammunition feeding device).
You must:
The Respondent personally attended the hearing. No other proof of service is needed. The clerk has
provided the Respondent with a blank copy of Request to Terminate Gun Violence Restraining Order
(form GV-600).
The Respondent did not attend the hearing. The Respondent must be personally served with a court file-
stamped copy of this Order and a blank copy of Request to Terminate Gun Violence Restraining Order (form
GV-600) by a law enforcement officer or someone age 18 or older, and not a party to the action.
Service of Order on Respondent
Judicial Officer
Number of pages attached to this Order, if any:
This is an order based on the Respondent's filing a Consent to Gun Violence Restraining Order and
Surrender of Firearms (form GV-125). The court will provide notice to all parties.
No Fee to Serve
If the sheriff or marshal serves this order, service will be free.
Surrender all firearms and ammunition, including magazines, in your custody or control or that you possess
or own. If a law enforcement officer orders you to surrender all of your firearms and ammunition, including
magazines, to the officer, you must do so immediately. If no order to surrender is made by a law enforcement
officer, you must surrender all of your firearms and ammunition, including magazines, within 24 hours of
being served with this Order. You may do so by:
a. surrendering all of your firearms and ammunition, including magazines, in a safe manner to the local
law enforcement agency; or
b. selling all of your firearms and ammunition, including magazines, to a licensed gun dealer; or
c. storing all of your firearms and ammunition, including magazines, with a licensed gun dealer for as
long as this Order is in effect.
Within 48 hours of receiving this Order, file a receipt with the court that proves that your firearms and
ammunition have been turned in, sold, or stored. (You may use Proof of Firearms, Ammunition, and
Magazines Turned In, Sold, or Stored (form GV-800) for the receipt.) You must also file a copy of the
receipt with the law enforcement agency that served you with this order. FAILURE TO FILE THIS
Gun Violence Restraining Order After Hearing or Consent to
Gun Violence Restraining Order
(CLETS-OGV) (Gun Violence Prevention
GV-130, Page 4 of 5
This is a Court Order.
Instructions for Law Enforcement
Case Number:
Violation of this Order is a misdemeanor punishable by a $1,000 fine or imprisonment for six
months or both. (Pen. Code, §§ 19, 18205.) If you violate this Order, you will be prohibited
from having in your custody or control, owning, purchasing, possessing, or receiving, or
attempting to purchase or receive, any firearm, ammunition, or magazines for a period of five
years. This Order must be enforced by any law enforcement officer in the State of California
who is aware of or shown a copy of this Order. The Order remains enforceable regardless of
the acts of the parties; it may be terminated only by an order of the court.
Rev. September 1, 2020
This Order is valid until the expiration date and time noted on page 1. If you have not done so
already, you must surrender all firearms, ammunition, and magazines that you own or
possess in accordance with section 18120 of the Penal Code. You may not have in your
custody or control, own, purchase, possess, or receive, or attempt to purchase or receive, any
firearm, ammunition, or magazines while this Order is in effect. Under section 18185, you have
the right to request one hearing per year to terminate this Order during its effective period.
You may seek the advice of an attorney as to any matter connected with the order.
Warnings and Notices to the Respondent
The law enforcement agency that has received surrendered firearms, ammunition, or magazines must do the following:
Retain the firearms, ammunition, or magazines until the expiration of this order or of any other gun violence
restraining order issued by the court.
Duties of Agency on Surrender of Firearms and Ammunition
On the expiration of this order or of any later gun violence restraining Order issued by the court, return the firearms
and ammunition to the Respondent as provided by chapter 2 of division 11 of title 4 of the Penal Code (commencing
with section 33850). Firearms, ammunition, or magazines that are not claimed are subject to the requirements of
section 34000.
If someone other than the Respondent claims title to any of the firearms, ammunition, or magazines surrendered,
determine whether that person is the lawful owner. If so, return the firearms, ammunition, and magazines to him or
her as provided by chapter 2 of division 11 of title 4 of the Penal Code (commencing with section 33850).
Complete a proof of personal service and file it with the court. You may use form GV-200 for this purpose.
Within one business day of service, submit the proof of service directly into the California Restraining and
Protective Order System (CARPOS), including the serving officer’s name and law enforcement agency.
Order the Restrained Person to immediately surrender to you all firearms, ammunition, and magazines.
Issue a receipt to the Restrained Person for all firearms, ammunition, and magazines that have been surrendered.
The officer who serves this order on the Restrained Person must do the following:
Duties of Officer Serving This Order
Ask if the Restrained Person is in possession of any firearms, ammunition, or magazines or has custody or
control of any that they have not already turned in.
Gun Violence Restraining Order After Hearing or Consent to
Gun Violence Restraining Order
(CLETS-OGV) (Gun Violence Prevention
—Clerk's Certificate—
I certify that this Gun Violence Restraining Order After Hearing or Consent to Gun
Violence Restraining Order (CLETS-OGV) (form GV-130) is a true and correct copy of
the original on file in the court.
Clerk’s Certificate
(Clerk will fill out this part.)
GV-130, Page 5 of 5
This is a Court Order.
Case Number:
The provisions in this Gun Violence Restraining Order After Hearing or Consent to Gun Violence Restraining Order
(form GV-130) do not affect those of any other protective or restraining order in effect, including a criminal protective
order. The provisions in any other existing protective order(s) remain in effect.
Instructions for Law Enforcement
Rev. September 1, 2020
An officer can obtain information about the contents of the order and proof of service in CARPOS. If proof of service on
the respondent cannot be verified, the agency must advise the restrained person of the terms of the order and then enforce
it (see above: Duties of Officer Serving This Order)
The law enforcement officer should determine if the Respondent had notice of the order. Consider the Respondent
“served” (given notice) if:
The officer sees a copy of the proof of service or confirms that the proof of service is on file; or
Enforcing This Order
Item 8a or 8c is checked.
The respondent was informed of the Order by an officer.
Instructions to Clerk
This order must be served on all parties by the court, if it is made following the filing of a Consent to Gun Violence
Restraining Order and Surrender of Firearms (form GV-125).
, Deputy
Clerk, by
GV-200-INFO, Page 1 of 2
What Is ''Proof of Personal Service''?
(Gun Violence Prevention)
What IsProof of Personal Service”?
What is “service”?
Service is the act of giving your legal papers to the other party. There are many kinds of service—in person, by mail, and
others. This form is about personal or “in-person” service. The Petition for Gun Violence Restraining Order (Form
GV-100), the Notice of Court Hearing (Form GV-109), and the Temporary Gun Violence Restraining Order (Form
GV-110) must be served “in person.” That means that someone must personally “serve” (give) a copy of the forms to the
respondent (the person to be prohibited from having guns).
These forms cannot be served by mail; they must be given to the respondent personally.
Judicial Council of California,
Rev. January 1, 2019, Optional Form
Service lets the respondent know:
Why you are asking for a Gun Violence Restraining Order;
The hearing date;
How to respond.
How to serve
Ask the server to:
Make personal contact with the person to be served.
Make sure it is the right person. Ask the person’s name.
Give the person copies of all papers checked on Form GV-200, Proof of Personal Service.
Fill out and sign the Proof of Personal Service form.
Give the signed Proof of Personal Service to you.
Why do I have to get the orders served?
The police cannot arrest anyone for violating an order unless that person knows about the order.
No hearing can be held to extend the order for a year unless the respondent was served and knows about the hearing.
What if the person won’t take the papers or tears them up?
If the person won’t take the papers, just leave them near him or her.
It doesn’t matter if the person tears them up. Service is still complete.
Don't serve it by mail!
Who can serve?
Any law enforcement officer may serve the respondent, even if the petition
was filed by a law enforcement officer. It is recommended that you ask a
law enforcement officer to serve the forms because of the potential for
gun violence. A sheriff or marshal will serve the order at no cost to you.
However, service may also be by any person who is at least 18 years old and
not a party to the action. That means that if the petitioner is a family
member rather than a law enforcement officer, that person may not serve the
forms on the respondent. You may use a process
server. A “registered
process server” is a business that you pay to deliver court forms. Look for
“Process Serving” in the Yellow Pages or on the Internet.
First, look at the hearing date on page 1 of Form
When do the orders have to be served?
It depends. To know the exact date, you have to look at two things on Form GV-109, Notice of Court Hearing:
Look at a calendar. Subtract the number of days in from the hearing date. That is the final date to have the orders
served. It is always OK to serve earlier than that date. If nothing is checked or written in , you must serve the orders at
least five days before the hearing.
What do I do with the completed Proof of Personal Service?
If someone other than a law enforcement officer serves the papers, you should:
Make several copies.
File the original with the court before your hearing.
Bring a copy of the completed Proof of Personal Service to your hearing.
Always keep an extra copy of the restraining orders with you for your safety.
GV-200-INFO, Page 2 of 2
Rev. January 1, 2019
Date: ________
Dept.: ________
Next, look at the number of days in item on page 2 of
Form GV-109.
What Is ''Proof of Personal Service''?
(Gun Violence Prevention)
Who signs the Proof of Personal Service?
Only the person who serves the forms can sign Form GV-200, Proof of Personal Service. You do not sign it; the
restrained person does not need to sign it.
What happens if I can't get the orders served before the hearing date?
You will need to ask the court to “continue” (postpone and reschedule) the hearing until after you are able to have the
respondent served. Fill out and file Form GV-115, Request to Continue Court Hearing for Gun Violence Restraining
Order. If the court grants you a continuance, the Temporary Gun Violence Restraining Order (Form GV-110) will remain
in effect until the new hearing date.
At least five calendar days before the
Service of Documents on Respondent
What IsProof of Personal Service?
Proof of Personal Service
Clerk stamps date here when form is filed.
Fill in court name and street address:
Superior Court of California,
County of Orange
Fill in case number:
Case Number:
Notice to Server
The server must:
Be 18 years of age or older.
Not be the Petitioner unless the
Petitioner is a law enforcement officer.
I personally gave the Respondent a copy of the forms checked below:
Give a copy of all documents checked in to the Respondent /
Restrained Person. (You cannot send them by mail.) Then
complete and sign this form and give or mail it to the Petitioner.
I personally gave copies of the documents checked above to the Respondent/Restrained Party:
Server's Information
(If you are a registered process server):
Registration number:
County of registration:
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the information above is true and
GV-200, Page 1 of 1
Proof of Personal Service
(Gun Violence Prevention)
Respondent/Restrained Person
Petitioner/Requesting Agency
GV-109, Notice of Court Hearing
GV-110, Temporary Gun Violence Restraining Order
GV-120, Response to Petition for Gun Violence Restraining Order (blank form)
GV-100, Petition for Gun Violence Restraining Order
GV-120-INFO, How Can I Respond to a Petition for a Gun Violence Restraining Order?
GV-600, Request to Terminate Gun Violence Restraining Order (blank form)
GV-130, Gun Violence Restraining Order After Hearing
Server to sign here
Type or print server’s name
On (date):
At (time):
At this address:
Judicial Council of California,
Rev. September 1, 2019, Optional Form
Penal Code, § 18160(b)
GV-116, Order for Continuance and Notice of New Hearing Date
GV-800, Proof of Firearms, Ammunition, and Magazines Turned In, Sold, or Stored (blank form)
GV-030, Gun Violence Restraining Order After Hearing on EPO-002
Court Operations
To better assist our Deputies in serving these documents, we ask that you give us as much information as
possible. PLEASE PRINT.
Service Information
Person to be served: _________________________________________________________________________
Service address: __________________________________________ City: __________________________
Best time to attempt service: __________________________________________________________________
Personal Information
Date of birth: _________Age: ________Sex: _______Height: _______Weight: ______ Race: ______________
Nicknames/Aliases: __________________________________________________________________________
Identifying marks (Scars, tattoos, facial hair, length of hair, etc): ______________________________________
List any known previous arrests: _______________________________________________________________
Are there any weapons on the premises? ________________________________________________________
Where are they kept?________________________________________________________________________
Is the person known to carry a weapon? _________ Type?__________________________________________
Description of vehicle driven by person to be served (Model, color, license #, etc): _______________________
Other information (Alcoholic, drug addict, martial arts expert, etc):____________________________________
Your name: ____________________________________Signature____________________________________
Address: _____________________________________ Contact Phone: ________________________________
City: ________________________________________
Rev 03-11
OCSD1 (Rev.4/2011)
How Can I Respond to a Petition for a
Gun Violence Restraining Order?
Who can ask for a gun violence restraining
What if I don't obey the temporary order?
Should I go to the court hearing?
Yes. You should go to court on the date listed on Form
GV-109, Notice of Court Hearing. If you do not go to the
hearing, the judge can extend the order against you for up
to one year without hearing from you.
How Can I Respond to a Petition for
a Gun Violence Restraining Order
(Gun Violence Prevention)
GV-120-INFO, Page 1 of 2
Judicial Council of California,
Rev. January 1, 2019, Optional Form
Penal Code, § 18150 et seq.
What if I don't agree with what the order
If you disagree with the order that the Petitioner is asking
for, fill out Form GV-120, Response to Petition for Gun
Violence Restraining Order, before your hearing date and
file it with the court. You can get the form from legal
publishers or on the Internet at You
also may be able to find it at your local courthouse or
county law library.
The police can arrest you. You can go to jail and pay a
I've been served with a Petition for Gun
Violence Restraining Order. What do I do
Read the papers served on you very carefully. The Notice
of Court Hearing tells you when to appear in court. There
may also be a Temporary Gun Violence Restraining Order
prohibiting you from having any guns, ammunition, or
magazines and requiring you to surrender, sell, or store any
guns, ammunition, or magazines that you currently own or
possess. You must obey the order until the hearing.
It is a court order that prohibits someone from having any
guns, ammunition, or magazines (any ammunition feeding
device). The person must surrender all guns, ammunition,
and magazines that he or she currently owns.
What is a gun violence restraining order?
The petition must have been filed by a law enforcement
officer or an immediate family member of yours.
Immediate family members include (1) your spouse or
domestic partner; (2) your parents, children, siblings,
grandparents, and grandchildren and their spouses,
including any stepparent or stepgrandparent; (3) your
spouse’s parents, children (your stepchildren), siblings,
grandparents, and grandchildren; and (4) any other person
who regularly resides in the household, or who, within the
last six months, regularly resided in the household.
Yes. Have someone age 18 or older—not you—mail a
copy of completed Form GV-120 to the person who asked
for the order (or that person’s lawyer). (This is called
“service by mail.”)
The person who serves the form by mail must fill out
Form GV-250, Proof of Service by Mail. Have the person
who did the mailing sign the original. Take the completed
form back to the court clerk or bring it with you to the
Do I have to serve the other person with a
copy of my response?
Will I have to pay a filing fee?
Will I see the person who asked for the order
at the court hearing?
Can I bring a witness to the court hearing?
Yes. Assume that the person who is asking for the order
will attend the hearing. It is probably best not to talk to him
or her unless the judge or that person’s attorney says that
you can.
Yes. You can bring witnesses or documents that support
your case to the hearing. But if possible, you should also
bring the witnesses’ written statements of what they saw or
heard. Their statements must be made under penalty of
perjury. (You can use Form MC-030, Declaration, for this
For help in your area, contact:
[Local information may be inserted.]
What if I am deaf or hard of hearing?
Assistive listening systems, computer-
assisted real-time captioning, or sign
language interpreter services are
available if you ask at least five court
days before the hearing. Contact the
clerk’s office or go to for Request
for Accommodations by Persons with
Disabilities and Response (Form
MC-410). (Civ. Code, § 54.8.)
How Can I Respond to a Petition for a
Gun Violence Restraining Order?
Rev. January 1, 2019
GV-120-INFO, Page 2 of 2
How Can I Respond to a Petition for
a Gun Violence Restraining Order
(Gun Violence Prevention)
When you file your papers, ask your courts clerk or self-
help center if your court will provide an interpreter for you
at no cost. If not, you will have to pay a fee for the
interpreter. If an interpreter is not available for your court
date, you should ask someone who is over age 18 to
interpret for you.
What if I need help to understand English?
Can I agree with the protected person to
terminate the order?
No. Once the order is issued, only the judge can change or
terminate it. You would have to file a request with the
court to terminate the order.
If the court issued a temporary restraining order before the
hearing, it will last until your hearing date. At that time, the
court will decide whether to issue a gun violence
restraining order that can last for one year.
Do I need a lawyer?
Having a lawyer is always a good idea, but it is not
required, and you are not entitled to a free, court-appointed
attorney. Ask the court clerk about free and low-cost legal
services and self-help centers in your county.
How long does the order last?
Be prepared to tell the court at the hearing why
you don't agree. Write your hearing date, time,
and place from form GV-109 item here:
If a Temporary Gun Violence Restraining
Order was issued, you must obey it until the
hearing. At the hearing, the court may make an
order against you for one to five years.
Dept.: Room:
Response to Petition for Gun
Violence Restraining Order
Use this form to respond to the Petition (form GV-100)
Read How Can I Respond to a Petition for a Gun Violence Restraining
Order? (form GV-120-INFO) to protect your rights.
If you do not agree to the gun violence restraining order filed against
you, fill out this form and take it to the filing window at the court.
Have someone age 18 or older—not you—mail a copy of this form and
any attached pages to the Petitioner or to their lawyer. (Use Proof of
Service by Mail (form GV-250).)
Your Lawyer (if you have one for this case):
Your Address (If you have a lawyer, give your lawyer’s
information. If you do not have a lawyer and want to keep
your home address private, you may give a different
mailing address instead. You do not have to give
telephone, fax, or email.)
Your Name:
Name: State Bar No.:
Firm Name:
Telephone: Fax:
Email Address:
Clerk stamps date here when form is filed.
Fill in court name and street address:
Superior Court of California, County of
See Petition for case number and fill in:
Case Number:
Gun Violence Restraining Order
GV-120, Page 1 of 2
Response to Petition for Gun Violence
Restraining Order
(Gun Violence Prevention)
Judicial Council of California,
Rev. September 1, 2020, Mandatory Form
Penal Code, § 18170 et seq.
I do not agree to the order requested in the Petition
Check here if there is not enough space for your answer. Put your complete answer on an attached sheet of
paper and write “Attachment 3—Reasons I Disagree” as a title. You may use Attachment (form MC-025).
If you agree to the Petition for a gun violence restraining order filed
against you, use Consent to Gun Violence Restraining Order and
Surrender of Firearms (form GV-125) to agree to a voluntary gun
violence restraining order.
Name of person or law enforcement agency seeking order (see form
GV-100, item ):
GV-120, Page 2 of 2
If a Temporary Gun Violence Restraining Order (form GV-110) was issued, you cannot own or possess any
guns, other firearms, ammunition, or magazines. (See item of form GV-110.) You must sell to or store
with a licensed gun dealer, or turn in to a law enforcement agency or officer, any guns, other firearms,
ammunition, or magazines in your immediate possession or control within 24 hours of being served with
form GV-110. You must file a receipt with the court. You may use Proof of Firearms, Ammunition, and
Magazines Turned In, Sold, or Stored (form GV-800) for the receipt.
Response to Petition for Gun Violence
Restraining Order
(Gun Violence Prevention)
Case Number:
I do not own or control any guns, other firearms, ammunition, or magazines.
I have turned in my guns, other firearms, ammunition, and magazines to a law enforcement officer or
agency, or sold them to or stored them with a licensed gun dealer. A copy of the receipt
is attached.
has already been filed with the court.
Surrender of Guns, Ammunition, and Magazines
Lawyer’s name (if any)
Lawyer’s signature
Sign your name
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the information above and on
all attachments is true and correct.
Type or print your name
Number of pages attached to this form, if any:
If I did some or all of the things that the Petitioner has accused me of, my actions were justified or excused for the
following reasons (explain):
Justification or Excuse
Check here if there is not enough space for your answer. Put your complete answer on an attached sheet of
paper and write “Attachment 5
Justification or Excuse” as a title. You may use Attachment (form MC-025).
I did not do anything described in item of form GV-100.
Rev. September 1, 2020
Consent to Gun Violence Restraining
Order and Surrender of Firearms
Use this form if you have been served with a Petition for Gun Violence
Restraining Order (form GV-100) and you want to agree to voluntarily
give up your firearm rights without a court hearing.
Fill out this form and take it to the court clerk.
Have someone age 18 or older—not you—mail a copy of this form
and any attached pages to the Petitioner or to their lawyer. (Use Proof
of Service by Mail (form GV-250).)
Your Lawyer (if you have one for this case):
Your Address (If you have a lawyer, give your lawyer’s information.
If you do not have a lawyer and want to keep your home address
private, you may give a different mailing address instead. You do not
have to give telephone, fax, or email.)
Your Name:
Name: State Bar No.:
Firm Name:
Telephone: Fax:
Email Address:
Clerk stamps date here when form is filed.
Fill in court name and street address:
Superior Court of California, County of
See Petition for case number and fill in:
Case Number:
Gun Violence Restraining Order
GV-125, Page 1 of 2
Consent to Gun Violence Restraining Order and
Surrender of Firearms
(Gun Violence Prevention)
Judicial Council of California,
New September 1, 2020, Mandatory Form
Penal Code, § 18115 and § 18175(d)
If you do not agree to a gun violence restraining order, use Response to
Petition for Gun Violence Restraining Order (form GV-120) to tell the
court you oppose a gun violence restraining order.
Name of person or law enforcement agency seeking order (see form
GV-100, item ):
By checking this box and signing this form, I agree to give up my right to own, possess, or purchase
guns, magazines, and ammunition for the time requested in the petition (between one to five years) or, if
no time is specified, then for one year.
I am not contesting the petition.
I understand that the petitioner can request to renew this order for one to five years.
I understand that I can only request to terminate this order once per year while it is in effect.
GV-125, Page 2 of 2
After you file this form, the court will issue a Gun Violence Restraining Order After Hearing or
Consent to Gun Violence Restraining Order and Surrender of Firearms (form GV-130) and send it to
you and the petitioner in the mail.
This form will be listed in the statewide California Restraining and Protective Order System, where it
will be accessible to all law enforcement.
You cannot own or possess any guns, other firearms, ammunition, or magazines. You must sell to or
store with a licensed gun dealer, or turn in to a law enforcement agency, any guns, other firearms,
ammunition, or magazines in your immediate possession or control within 48 hours of filing this form.
You must file a receipt with the court. You may use Proof of Firearms, Ammunition, and Magazines
Turned In, Sold, or Stored (form GV-800) for the receipt.
Case Number:
I do not own or control any guns, other firearms, ammunition, or magazines.
I have turned in my guns, other firearms, ammunition, and magazines to a law enforcement officer or
agency, or sold them to or stored them with a licensed gun dealer. A copy of the receipt
is attached.
has already been filed with the court.
Surrender of Guns, Ammunition, and Magazines
Lawyer’s name (if any)
Lawyer’s signature
Sign your name
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the information above and on
all attachments is true and correct.
Type or print your name
New September 1, 2020
Instructions to Clerk
On the filing Consent to Gun Violence Restraining Order and Surrender of Firearms (form GV-125), the
clerk must submit the proposed order, Gun Violence Restraining Order After Hearing or Consent to Gun
Violence Restraining Order and Surrender of Firearms (form GV-130) to the judicial officer, because
the court must issue the order at least five court days before the scheduled hearing, or if this form is filed
within five court days before the scheduled hearing, the court must issue, without any hearing, the gun
violence restraining order, as soon as possible.
Within one business day of issuance of the order, submit this form directly into the California
Restraining and Protective Order System (CARPOS) or to law enforcement to enter into CARPOS
within one business day of receipt from the court.
Consent to Gun Violence Restraining Order and
Surrender of Firearms
(Gun Violence Prevention)
Not be a party to the case.
The server must:
Be 18 years of age or older.
Mail a copy of all documents checked
in to the person in .
Complete and sign this form and give
it to the person in .
Live or be employed in the county
where the mailing took place.
Notice to Server
GV-250, Page 1 of 1
Proof of Service by Mail
(Gun Violence Prevention)
Proof of Service by Mail
Judicial Council of California,
Rev. January 1, 2019, Optional Form
Penal Code, § 18170 et seq.
Form GV-120, Response to Petition for Gun Violence Restraining Order
I placed copies of the documents above in a sealed envelope and mailed them as described below:
Mailed from City: State:c.
To this address:
Mailed to (name):
On (date):
Server’s Information
(If you are a registered process server):
Registration number:
County of registration:
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the information above is true and
Server to sign here
Full Name:
Full Name:
I am 18 years of age or older and not a party to this case. I live or am employed in the county where the mailing
took place. I mailed the a copy of all documents checked below:
Clerk stamps date here when form is filed.
Fill in court name and street address:
Fill in case number:
Case Number:
Other (specify):
Type or print server’s name
Petitioner Respondent
Superior Court of California,
County of Orange
700 Civic Center Drive West
Santa Ana, CA 92701
Central Justice Center
Signature of law enforcement agent
The court has ordered you to surrender all of your firearms, ammunition, and magazines by turning them in to law
enforcement or by selling them to or storing them with a licensed gun dealer. You may use this form to prove to the
court that you have obeyed its orders. When you deliver your unloaded firearms, ammunition, and magazines, ask
the law enforcement officer or the licensed gun dealer to complete item or, and item .
To Law Enforcement
Fill out this box and item of this form. Keep a
copy and give the original to the person who sold
you the firearms, ammunition, or magazines or
stored them with you.
Fill out this box and item of this form. Keep a
copy and give the original to the person who
turned in the firearms, ammunition, or magazines.
The items listed in were:
The items listed in 7 were turned in on:
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws
of the State of California that the information
above is true and correct.
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws
of the State of California that the information
above is true and correct.
GV-800, Page 1 of 3
Proof of Firearms, Ammunition, and Magazines
Turned In, Sold, or Stored
(Gun Violence Prevention)
Proof of Firearms, Ammunition, and
Magazines Turned In, Sold, or Stored
Judicial Council of California,
Rev. September 1, 2019, Optional Form
Penal Code, § 18120
Petitioner/Requesting Agency
Respondent/Restrained Party
To the Respondent/Restrained Person
Your Lawyer (if you have one for this case):
Your Address (If you have a lawyer, give your lawyers information.
If you do not have a lawyer and want to keep your home address
private, you may give a different mailing address instead. You do not
have to give telephone, fax, or e-mail.)
Name and title of law enforcement agent
Your Name:
Name: State Bar No.:
Clerk stamps date here when form is filed.
Fill in court name and street address:
Superior Court of California, County of
Fill in case number:
Case Number:
Firm Name:
City: State: Zip:
Date: at:
Date: at:
a.m. p.m.
Name of law enforcement agency
Name of licensed gun dealer
License number
E-Mail Address:
To Licensed Gun Dealer
Signature of licensed gun dealer
4 5
Badge Number:
5 7
sold stored on:
700 Civic Center Drive West
Santa Ana, CA 92701
Central Justice Center
Rev. September 1, 2019
GV-800, Page 2 of 3
a. Firearms
Serial NumberModel
Case Number:
After the form is signed, make two copies. File the original with the court clerk. File a copy with the law
enforcement agency that served you with the gun violence restraining order. Keep a copy for yourself. Failure to
file a receipt with the court and with the law enforcement agency is a violation of the court's order.
For help filling out this form, read How Do I Turn In, Sell, or Store My Firearms, Ammunition, and Magazines?
(form GV-800-INFO).
Proof of Firearms, Ammunition, and Magazines
Turned In, Sold, or Stored
(Gun Violence Prevention)
Check here if you turned in, sold, or stored more magazines. Use form MC-025 and write “GV-800, Item 7c-
Magazines Turned In, Sold, or Stored” for a title. Include make, model, and serial number of magazines.
b. Ammunition
Number of MagazinesModel
c. Magazines
To the Respondent/Restrained Person
Check here if you turned in, sold, or stored more ammunition. Use form MC-025 and write “GV-800, Item 7b-
Ammunition Turned In, Sold, or Stored” for a title. Include the brand, type, and amount of ammunition.
Check here if you turned in, sold, or stored more firearms. Use form MC-025 and write “GV-800, Item 7a-Firearms
Turned In, Sold, or Stored” for a title. Include the make, model, and serial number of each firearm.
Rev. September 1, 2019
GV-800, Page 3 of 3
Proof of Firearms, Ammunition, and Magazines
Turned In, Sold, or Stored
(Gun Violence Prevention)
I filed a Proof of Firearms, Ammunition, and Magazines Turned In, Sold, or Stored (form GV-800) for
those firearms with the court on (date):
I am filing the proof for those firearms, ammunition, or magazines along with this proof.
I have not yet filed the proof for the other firearms, ammunition, or magazines. (Explain why not):
Do you have, own, possess, or control any other firearms, ammunition, or magazines
besides the items listed in ?
If you answered yes, have you turned in, sold, or stored those other items?
If yes, check one of the boxes below:
Check here if there is not enough space below for your answer. Use form MC-025 and write
“Attachment 8c” for a title.
Type or print your name
Sign your name
Case Number:
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the information above is
true and correct.