Income from self-employment
We have sent you this form as we need to work out your average weekly income from self-employment.
Please answer the following questions and tell us your income and business expenses or outgoings for the last
12 months, or last financial year. The income and expenses you tell us about should be for the same period of
time. If you have not been self-employed for 12 months yet, then you should tell us your income and expenses
for the period you have been trading.
If you have only just started trading you need to tell us what you think your income and expenses will be for
3 months from when you started. If you have a business plan, please send it to us.
1. Benefit reference
2. Your name
The address
you are
benet for
Things you need to know to help you ll out this form, please read.
Please answer the following questions and tell us your income and business expenses or outgoings for your
most recent trading year, this can be a nancial year, i.e. 6 April to 5 April or calendar year, 1 January to 31
December. The income and expenses you tell us about should be for the same period of time.
If you have not been self employed for 12 months yet, then you should tell us your income and expenses for
the period you have been trading.
If you have only just started trading you need to tell us what you think your business income and business
expenses will be for 3 months from when you started. If you have a business plan, please send it to us.
You will be asked for evidence to support what you have told us and should send your latest trading accounts
when you send back this form. You may also be asked to send your business bank accounts to cover the
period on this form.
You will also be asked for your Unique Tax Payer Reference issued to you by HMRC to prove you are self em-
ployed. You will be asked to send us evidence of this. You should be registered even if you don’t earn enough
to pay tax. We cannot treat you as self employed unless you are registered. This means that we would take
into account your gross income from the business as a Notional Income. We would not deduct any business
expenses and we could not give you an earnings disregard when working out your Housing Benet and Coun-
cil Tax Reduction.
If you have more than one business you need to ll out one of these forms for each business.
If you employ a spouse or non business partner you need to send in their payslips as well as telling us what
your wages expense is.
Benefits Service, Wealden District Council
Vicarage Lane, Hailsham, BN27 2AX
Telephone: (01323) 443500
Email: benefits@wealden.gov.uk