Rev. 11/9/17
A student may appeal a grade that he/she received in any course taught through the School of
Education and Health Sciences. It is the intent of each SEHS instructor to be objective and fair in setting
standards and in making final grade determinations. It is the obligation of each faculty member to
develop and make known to the students these class objectives and grading standards at the beginning
of each course. Should a student wish to appeal a final course grade, the appeal process should be
completed within 30 days of the date the semester ends. The semester ends after final examinations.
The appeal process is as follows:
Informal process
The student must first discuss with the instructor the final grade that is in question and make every
effort to understand and resolve the final grade at that level.
Should the student, after fully exploring the avenue stated above, still feel that the issue concerning the
grade is not resolved, he/she must next meet with the departmental chair and/or program director of
the involved course and seek to resolve the grade situation within the departmental structure.
At the end of the informal appeal process, if the student still feels that there are compelling and
unresolved reasons which necessitate a further appeal of the grade beyond this informal process, the
student may make such further appeal of a grade by use of the formal process indicated below.
Formal process
Using the form included on the following pages, the student must prepare a statement in writing to the
SEHS Dean, which includes the following items:
i. Course name and instructor’s name
ii. Grade and date received
iii. Reasons for the grade appeal, including a description of the evidence on which the appeal is
iv. Summary of the informal process and its results
v. Signed statement by the student releasing the confidentiality of the file and related
information to the Dean and his/her assignees
If the appeal is not resolved with the SEHS Dean, the SEHS Dean will then appoint a Review Committee
to consider the grade appeal. This review committee will consist of:
i. Two SEHS faculty members
ii. One SEHS student
The Review Committee must agree to the confidentiality of the information he/she gains access to as a
member of the committee. Committee members cannot be from the appealer’s program or department
or be involved in any way with the appealer. The Review Committee will meet with the student and the
instructor on separate occasions and gather any additional evidence or information related to the
appeal. The review committee will make known its recommendations and reasons for the
recommendations in a signed, majority report to the SEHS Dean.
The SEHS Dean retains the right to either approve or disapprove the recommendations of the review
committee and will make known his/her decision and the reasons for the decision to the student, the
instructor, and members of the review committee in writing.
If for some legitimate reason (i.e., out-of-town student is not able to return during the summer to meet
with the faculty member and chair) the student cannot complete the informal process within the
required 30-day time period, the student must notify the SEHS Dean in writing of his/her intent to
appeal within 45 days of the date the semester ends. The semester ends after final examinations.
Student information
Full name:
Local address:
Permanent address:
Phone (incl. area code):
Course(s) information
Course number(s):
Grade(s) received:
Semester taken:
Reason(s) for appeal
Include a detailed statement and all pertinent evidence. Use a separate sheet and/or attachments if
Summary of the appeal process
Include names of the people contacted, dates of contact and results. Use a separate sheet and/or
attachments if necessary.
Release statement
I hereby release the confidentiality of this information to the SEHS Dean and his/her assignees.
Student’s signature:
click to sign
click to edit