Questionnaire for Secure Tests and Questions, Answers,
and Other Items Prepared for Use in Secure Tests
The U.S. Copyright Office has established two special accommodations for examining and registering the
copyrightable authorship in a secure test. These procedures are meant to protect the confidential nature of
these works. The first permits the registration of a discrete secure test consisting of a fixed set of test
questions, answers, and other material. The other permits the registration of groups of test items that have
been prepared for use in a secure test. This procedure is known as the “group registration option for secure
test items” or “GRSTQ.” It provides a secure means for examining individual test items that are stored in a
database, test bank, or other storage medium. For purposes of registration, a test item comprises a
question (or “stem”), the correct answer to that question, any incorrect answer choices (or “distractors”),
and any associated material, such as a narrative passage or diagram.
Under both procedures, applicants submit an online application and filing fee and upload a completed
questionnaire and a redacted copy of the work(s) being registered. If the secure test or the group of test items
is scheduled for an in-person examination, applicants must bring a redacted and unredacted copy of the
actual test or the actual test items and the examination fee to the Office. For detailed instructions, see
Copyright Registration of Secure Tests and Test Items
(Circular 64).
The Office cannot determine if a work is eligible for an in-person appointment until you submit an online
application, pay the fee, upload a completed questionnaire, and upload a redacted copy of the entire test or
the entire group of test items being registered. If you do not submit these materials through the electronic
registration system, or if you file a paper application rather than an online application, we cannot consider
your claim.
Eligibility Requirements for Registration of Discrete Secure Tests
The special procedure for discrete secure tests only applies to tests consisting of a fixed set of test
questions, answers, and other material that are administered under supervision at specified centers on
scheduled dates where all copies of the test are accounted for and either destroyed or returned to
restricted locked storage following each administration.
37 CFR § 202.13(b). A set of test items that
are stored in – or pulled from – a database or test bank may be considered a secure test, but only if the
set represents an actual test that is administered to test takers at specified testing centers.
The Office created this special procedure due to the need for heightened security for certain types of
standardized tests. While all tests entail concerns about security, only a fraction of tests qualify as secure
tests under the regulatory definition. The Office reserves discretion to determine whether any particular
test meets all of the eligibility requirements for this special procedure.
Applicants that qualify for the secure test procedure must bring a complete, unredacted copy of the
actual test that is used at specified testing centers to the Office so that it may be examined for copyrightable
authorship. Instructional materials for individuals that administer or proctor a secure test may not be
eligible for this procedure.
You must file a separate application, pay a separate fee, and upload a separate questionnaire for each
test being registered. When registering multiple tests or multiple versions of the same secure test, you
must submit a separate application, fee, and questionnaire for each work. For examples that illustrate these
requirements, see
Copyrigh t Registratio n of Secure Tests and Test Items
(Circular 64).