It is expected that all applicants have compared the location of Council’s sewer assets to the proposed
structure. Council’s sewer assets approximate locations can be found via the Dial Before You Dig
www.1100.com.au free service.
Type of works (tick at least one) Documents to attach
No work on or near Council's sewer assets
1 (Doc 2 requested based on proximity)
Building within Zone of Influence* of Council's
sewer assets
Building over Council's sewer assests
Works on Council's sewer assets
1. Site Plan showing dimensions to boundaries and approximate distance to the nearest sewer assets
2. Sewer Service protection report (aka sewer peg out)
3. Site Plan showing dimensions to boundaries and sewer assets with survey accuracy
4. Details for piers with in the ZOI
5. Details and plan for work/change to sewer network.
Any documents not submitted that are required, will be requested during assessment. This will delay the time
until an approval can be issued, therefore it is recommended to provide documents when submitting the
Further Fees that may apply after application has been assessed:
• For building with ZOI or working on Council’s sewer:
− minor or major sewer works fee
• For additional dwellings, or connecting new lands:
− section 64 contributions
• For extensive work:
− additional hours, additional inspections
*ZOI is 'Zone of Influence' of council's sewer main, which can be determined from the sewer protection report and drawings SM5-1 and
SM5-2 Standard Specification Construction and Testing of Sewerage Works - 2018 March found in this list
Office Use Only
Fee Amount
Receipt Date
Receipt No.
Council is bound by the provisions of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, in the collection, storage and utilisation
of personal information provided in this form. Accordingly, the personal information will only be utilised for the purposes for which it has
been obtained and may be available for public access and/or disclosure under various NSW Government legislation.