101 Hospital Street, #29 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333-0029
Tel. (207) 624-9000 Ext. 52139 Fax: (207) 624-9239 TTY Users call Maine relay 711
MVT-28A (Rev 7-2014)
If all the paperwork received is in order, the Secretary of State will contact the owner and lien holder, if any, by
letter and inform them that they have 21 days to pay your charges and retrieve the vehicle or ownership will
pass to you. A copy of the letter will be sent to you.
If the vehicle was towed per order of law enforcement and an Application for Certificate of Salvage is
submitted, the towing company need not submit any fee provided the owner can be identified. The Secretary of
State will request the fee from the owner of the vehicle.
If the Secretary of State cannot locate an owner or lien holder, or if the Secretary of State’s letter is returned, the
owner of the premises where the vehicle is located shall publish one advertisement in a newspaper of general
circulation in the county where the premises is located.
The advertisement must:
1. Clearly describe the vehicle by the year, make, model, and vehicle identification number.
2. State how the owner of the premises may be contacted.
3. State that if the owner or lien holder of the vehicle has not properly retrieved it and paid all reasonable
charges for its towing, storage, and repair within 14 days from the publication, ownership of the vehicle will
pass to the owner of the premises where the vehicle is located.
Immediately after running the advertisement you must submit proof in the form of the entire page of the
newspaper containing the advertisement. Upon receipt of the advertisement, a title or letter of ownership will
be issued provided 21days have passed since the Secretary of State was first notified in writing of an abandoned
Do not sell, part out, or repair the vehicle until you receive a title or letter of ownership.
If you have not mailed your application to the Secretary of State that you have an abandoned vehicle by the 14th
day (based on the post mark date) after you come into possession of the vehicle, you may not charge more than
14 days storage fees ($420.00). Daily storage charges must be reasonable and total storage charges may not
exceed $900.00 for a 30-day period.
A person who refuses to release a vehicle when reasonable charges are paid or does not notify the Secretary of
State that the vehicle is no longer in the person’s possession commits a Class E crime.
Have I:
___ 1. completed a title application (MVT-2) or (MVT-102) with the $33.00 fee; or
___ 2. a written request for ownership with the $5.00?
___ 3. completed Notice to the Secretary of State of an Abandoned Vehicle (MVT-28)?
___ 4. had the VIN Inspection done by a full time law enforcement officer (MVT-10)?
___ 5. attached a signed work order if repairs were done?
Please make checks payable to: Secretary of State