Application to Add Business Major as Secondary Major for
Non-Business Students
A handwritten form will not be accepted. Submit the form to the College of Business Administration for
Section 1: Student Information
st Name First Name
Email: MUID:
Middle Initial
Graduation Term:
Home College:
Arts & Sciences Communication Education
Health Sciences
Freshman (0-23 hours) Sophomore (24-59 hours) Junior (60-91 hours)
Senior (92+ hours)
I understand that I must submit this form to the College of Business Administration, DS101
Section 2: Major Information
I wish to add the following secondary major:
Please be aware this request will require an academic review and may include an in-person meeting prior to approval.
An addition of a secondary major may add an additional 70+ credits to a student's graduation requirements. A
request to adjust a student's primary major to business requires an Internal Transfer Request form found on the
Marquette Central website, under Forms-Academic.
Section 3: Student Signature and Form Submission to College of Business Administration
I understand that I must sign with an ink pen for my student signature
Student Signature:
Section 4: College of Business Approval
Name of College Representative/Title:
Signature of College Representative:
Student Athletes must obtain a signature from Athletics Department: