Residential Mortgage Application Form - Second Charge
Date of Issue: August 2020 | Version: 4 | Page 7 of 7
Applicant 1 Applicant 2
Sinature: Sinature:
Print name: Print name:
Date: Date:
Your property may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortae.
By submittin this application I/we acknowlede and accept that: Masthaven Bank Limited (“MBL”) will make enquiries about
me/us, includin searchin any records held by credit reference aencies and checkin my/our details with fraud prevention
aencies. If I/we provide false or inaccurate information and MBL suspect fraud, MBL will record this. The credit reference and fraud
prevention aencies will keep details of any searches. Information held about me/us by the credit reference aencies may already
be linked to records relatin to one or more of my/our financial partners. For the purpose of this application I/we may be treated
as financially linked and my/our application will be assessed with reference to any ‘associated’ records. Should MBL seek to obtain
possession of my/our property, MBL may at its sole discretion disclose details of my/our outstandin balance and its intentions to
any existin mortae provider. MBL will do this to try to reduce the leal costs which I/we may incur and to ensure parties with an
interest in my/our property are kept properly informed. MBL will disclose details of my/our application and how I/we conduct my/
our account, includin any default, to credit reference aencies, fraud prevention aencies and other relevant oranisations. This
information may be used to help MBL and other oranisations (a) to assess the financial risks of dealin with me/us and other
members of my/our household; (b) to help prevent or detect fraud, prevent money launderin or other crimes, recover debts and
trace debtors; and (c) for statistical analysis about credit and fraud. I/we have completed all relevant sections of this form prior to
sinin and all details provided are true and not misleadin.
I/We further acknowlede and accept that:
1. MBL will rely upon the information I/we have provided in this application, which I/we confirm is complete and true. I/We are
aware that it is a criminal oence to knowinly supply false information to obtain a loan.
2. I/We confirm that if any of the information in the application chanes prior to MBL makin the advance, I/we will inform both
MBL and the credit intermediary (broker).
3. Where I/we have indicated debt(s) in the Outstandin Credit section of the application form and/or the Consolidation Form,
those marked as repayable from the MBL loan will be inored by MBL in its aordability assessment and will be rearded as
debt(s) that will be repaid on or before completion.
4. I/We confirm that sinin this application shall be treated as my/our irrevocable undertakin to repay those debts on or
before completion.
5. The valuation is for MBL only.
6. MBL, or the credit intermediary (broker) may search the files of credit reference aencies which will keep a record of the search.
I/We acknowlede that multiple credit searches may aect my/our ability to obtain credit elsewhere.
7. The credit intermediaries (brokers) in this application are not an aent of Masthaven and I/we accept that where we used a
broker I/we did so of my/our own free choice. I/We acknowlede that any broker involved in the transaction shall be rearded as
my/our aent and MBL are not responsible for their actions or advice. I/We authorise MBL to pay the credit intermediary (broker)
fee set out in the Mortae Illustration and a commission if my/our loan completes.
8. MBL and its aents can make enquiries in connection with this application as it considers necessary, and such persons can pass
this information to MBL.
9. Any information about me/us and my/our account may be used by MBL to open and manae the account, make lendin
decisions, collect debts, trace debtors, prevent fraud and money launderin and for business analysis.
I/We understand that this loan will be secured aainst my/our property and any false, inaccurate or incomplete information
provided may invalidate the loan areement, which could mean that the property is liable for repossession.
Please tick the box if you would like to receive information from Masthaven or any associated company reardin
other products or services.
Authorised by the Prudential Reulation Authority and reulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Reulation Authority (Firm reference number 719354).