Seasonal parking passes are available for the Hunt Memorial Municipal Parking Lot, located at 228
Beach Road.
Parking is enforced from May 1
- October 15
, 8:00 am-midnight, 7 days per a week.
There is no overnight parking permitted.
Proof of residency/property ownership/employment must be provided at time of purchase.
Copies of the vehicle registration must be provided with every purchase form.
For more information on parking, please visit
, or call the Parking Clerk’s office
at 978-462-1145.
Please detach here and return this portion to The Town of Salisbury, Parking Clerk, 5 Beach
Road, Salisbury, MA 01952
_________________________________ _________________________________________
First Name Last Name
_________________________________ _________________________________________
E-mail Address Phone Number
_________________________________ _________________________________________
Salisbury Address (St # & Name) Mailing Address
*Please include check made payable to “Town of Salisbury”, this form and a copy
of the registration
Please check one:
Resident……………………………… $10.00
Non-Resident Property Owner… $10.00 (1
pass) $50.00 (additional passes)
Employee……………………………. $20.00
Non-Resident………………………. $50.00
Town of Salisbury
Hunt Memorial Municipal Parking Lot
Seasonal Parking Passes