Every council has to plan for
additional new homes.
Braintree District Council, Colchester
Borough Council and Tendring District
Council have been working together
since 2015 to make sure development
is benecial for North Essex. This
resulted in a draft strategic Section 1
Local Plan which is shared by all three
councils within their Local Plans. The
Section 1 Local Plan includes policies
on cross boundary issues including
infrastructure and housing. It also
includes proposals for three new
garden communities.
The Local Plan has undergone
a number of rounds of public
consultation and was submitted to
the Secretary of State in October
2017. A Planning Inspector
was appointed to carry out an
independent examination to look
at Section 1 of the Local Plans and
examination sessions were held in
January 2018 and May 2018.
Following the hearings, the Planning
Inspector wrote to the councils to say
he agreed with the councils’ gures
for housing growth up until 2033.
This means at least 2,186 homes
need to be built across North Essex
each year.
That means:
716 each year in the
Braintree District
• 920 each year in the
Colchester Borough
• 550 each year in the
Tendring District
The Planning Inspector also said
that while he commended the
councils’ ambitions for high-quality,
strategic-scale development in North
Essex he raised concerns with some
elements of the Local Plan specically
around the garden communities.
He suggested further steps that he
considered necessary in order for the
Section 1 part of the plan to be made
sound and legally-compliant.
You can read all
correspondence with the
Planning Inspector online here:
The three councils have been working
together to provide more evidence
for the Planning Inspector to address
his concerns. The Local Plan process
was ocially paused while this
additional evidence was collected.
The additional evidence was
published online in June 2019.
The evidence has been considered
by Braintree District Council’s Local
Plan Sub Committee in July 2019. It
was approved by Braintree District
Council’s Full Council in August 2019.
The evidence was also approved
by elected members at Colchester
Borough Council and Tendring
District Council.
The evidence is now out to public
consultation until 5pm on
Monday 30th September 2019.
Everyone who has previously made
representations on the Section 1 Plan
has been informed of the consultation
via email or letter but we have also
produced this document in order to
highlight the consultation to all residents
in the district.
After the consultation has closed
the Planning Inspector intends to
hold further hearing sessions as part
of his examination of the soundness
and legal compliance of the Section
1 Plan.
Those responding to the consultation
are invited to indicate whether they
wish to appear at further hearing sessions.
Take a look at page 4 for more details
of the consultation.
A Local Plan is the basis for the future development of homes,
employment, business and much more. Planning applications, whatever
their size and proposed use, are assessed against the policies contained
in the Local Plan.
Having a Local Plan is really important because it sets the direction
for future development but it also gives us more power to stop
inappropriate development.
Local Plans are not just about new homes but must ensure that housing
growth is supported by infrastructure, jobs and community facilities.
Section 2 relates to sites
for development, housing,
employment, regeneration
solely in the Braintree District.
The examination for Section 2
will follow.
TS1E02 - Local Plan leaflet Summer 2019