October 2019 Addendum
Consultation Statement Addendum October 19 2
Consultation Statement Addendum October 19 3
The purpose of this addendum is to update the Braintree District Council Consultation Statement for
the Local Plan (Sections 1 and 2) to include the consultation activities undertaken in the period
between submission of the Local Plan in October 2017 and the conclusion of the technical section 1
examination consultation in September 2019. This addendum will be submitted to the inspector
along with the documents subject to consultation over the summer.
This addendum will provide an overview of the consultation process including a list of the people
and organisations who were specifically invited to make a representation. There is a note at the end
to describe the consultation methods used during the production of the Additional Sustainability
The Braintree Local Plan was subject of a number of public consultations leading up to submission to
the Secretary of State (SoS) for examination in October 2017. This included consultations held in
accordance to regulations 16 and 18.
An Inspector appointed by the SoS and a two week examination hearing session were held by
January 2018 followed by an additional week May 2018. Following these sessions, the Inspector
wrote to the Council outlining his interim findings. He suggested that additional evidence would be
required to make the plan sound and that this evidence would be subject to public consultation.
The table below is a summary of the public consultation stages completed so far. Having completed
the Technical Section 1 Examination, the development plan is awaiting scheduling of further hearing
Development Plan Stage
Consultation Period
Local Plan Issues and Scoping January 2015
26th January to 6th March 2015
Local Plan Draft for Consultation 2016
27th June to 19th August 2016
Local Plan Publication Draft Local Plan
2017 16th June to 28th July 2017
Section 1 Examination Hearing Sessions week 1-2
January 2018
Section 1 Examination Hearing Sessions week 3
May 2018
Technical Section 1 Examination
August to 30
September 2019
Section 1 Examination Hearing Sessions week 4+
Inspector’s Reporting
Section 2 Examination
Title of the consultation, consultation period, and the relevant planning
This addendum covers the consultation for Technical Section 1 Examination which is the additional
evidence requested by the Inspector in his letter IED11. The requested additional evidence was
published in June 2019 and subject to a six public consultation from 19
August to 30
Unlike the previous stages of plan preparation, this stage is not specifically covered by the Town and
Country planning 2012 regulations however for practical purposes the consultation was held in
conformity with regulation 18. This consultation is also not covered by the statement of community
Consultation Statement Addendum October 19 4
involvement (2013) however it was, regardless, undertaken with general conformity with the
In every practical sense, the Council has undertaken a consultation that is consistent in quality with
previous consultations for regulations 16, 18 and 19.
Key aspects of the consultation and where appropriate main changes arising from
the previous consultation.
In his Section 1 post hearing letter 8
June 2018, the inspector reasoned that the sustainability
appraisal, employment, viability, delivery and Rapid Transit System evidence was inadequate to
justify the three proposed Garden Communities. In response the NEAS commissioned as a series of
additional evidence documents that were published in August 2019 as itemised below.
To reflect the changes made resulting from the hearing sessions, a document tabling the suggested
amendments to the Local Plan was also published for consultation. This summarises the proposed
main changes to the Section 1 Local Plan compared to the reg18 submission.
An update to the Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA) was also necessary to ensure it is
compatible with the CJEU ruling in People over Wind, Peter Sweetman v Coillte Teoranta.
Documents included in the consultation:
Suggested Amendments to the Publication Draft Braintree, Colchester & Tendring Local
Plans: Section One - July 2019
Habitats Regulation Assessment: NEA Strategic Section 1 Update
Modal Share Strategy for the North Essex Garden Communities
North Essex Garden Communities: Infrastructure Planning, Phasing and Delivery
North Essex Authorities: Infrastructure Order of Costs Estimate
North Essex Authorities: Build Out Rates at the Garden Communities
North Essex Authorities: Delivery Mechanisms Position Statement
North Essex Authorities: Section 1 Viability Assessment Update
North Essex Authorities: State Aid Position Statement
North Essex Garden Communities: Employment Provision
North Essex Rapid Transit System: From Vision to Plan
Additional Sustainability Appraisal*
*The Additional Sustainability Appraisal comprises of the following sections:
Executive Summary
Non Technical Summary
Main Report
Appendix 1 - Method Scoping Statement Consultation Responses
Appendix 2 - Workshop Record
Appendix 3 - Evidence Review on Urban Form
Appendix 4 - Site Information Forms
Appendix 5 - Detailed Results of Stage 1 SA of Alternative Strategic Sites
Appendix 6 - Identification of Spatial Strategy Alternatives
Appendix 7 - Detailed Results of Stage 2 SA of Alternative Spatial Strategies
Appendix 8 - Reasons for Rejection or Endorsement of Alternative Spatial Strategies
Consultation Statement Addendum October 19 5
Which bodies and persons the local planning authority invited to make
An email or letter informing consultees of consultation dates, consultation material, how to view
and how to respond was sent to:
All statutory consultees (see Annex 1 (main report))
Consultees on the Local Plan consultation list (over 3,000 individuals or organisations)
All Parish Councils
All examination participants (as updated)
General public and interested parties were alerted through:
Advertising - a public notice in the local press, namely the Braintree & Witham Times. Public
notices were published at the beginning of the consultation.
The Council’s website
Social Media
Newspaper Adverts
Deposit points at Braintree Council, Braintree Library, Halstead Library and Witham Library
Stakeholder workshop, Duty-to-Cooperate meetings.
A special edition of the Council’s magazine, “Contact” was sent to every household in the
district 65,000 copies printed and distributed.
Copies of the above have been reproduced in Annex 1 of this addendum.
All additional evidence documents were deposited at the Council Offices and copies made for
Braintree, Halstead and Witham Libraries. Documents were made available on the Council’s website
in PDF format and also available through the Council’s online consultation portal.
No consultation events were held on this occasion, although Officers were available to assist
stakeholders wishing to make a response at the Council Offices and over the phone.
How those bodies and persons were invited to make representations
Similar to the reg 18 process, a letter or email was sent to statutory and non-statutory individuals
and organisations using the Council’s database of registered interested parties. Where an email
address is available, this was used as the preferred method. Letters were sent to consultees without
an email address or where the attempts to send an email failed.
Consultation responses were encouraged through the consultation portal accessible on the Council’s
website (based on the Objective platform), however comments in any format were acceptable
through email or post. Any non-electronic responses were transposed into Objective by the Council.
The deadline for responses was Monday 30th September at 5pm.
The list of statutory undertakers contacted has not changed and can be view in Annex 1 of the
Braintree Consultation Statement October 17.
The number of representations made and a summary of the main issues raised by
the representations made
A total of circa 1000 responses were received across the documents (as counted by the number of
consultation points) by around 800 individual and organisations, including statutory consultees.
Consultation Statement Addendum October 19 6
In addition to this, 2 petitions were received which were included in the submitted documents but
counted as part of a response.
All responses were processed and submitted to the Inspector by 10
October on this occasion, no
summaries of the consultation was possible. The document which garnered the most comments was
the Additional Sustainability Appraisal, followed by the North Essex Rapid Transit System.
How any representations made have been taken into account in the plan
preparation process.
Not applicable since the regulation 19 Publication Draft Local Plan is subject to examination. Only
the Inspector appointed by the secretary of state may recommend changes to the plan in his report.
Note on the consultation undertaken for the SA
A separate public consultation was held for the Method Scoping Statement (methodology) for the
Additional Sustainability Appraisal between 14 December 2018 and 1 February 2019, during the
period when the Local Plan examination was suspended. The statutory undertakers, Natural
England, Historic England and the Environment Agency were specifically contacted, as were all
examination participants (as updated). This public consultation was open for comment from anyone.
One engagement event was held during the method scoping statement at Colchester Stadium.
Representatives from LUC and the NEAs were present at the event and appointments were made
with 13 stakeholders/organisations/individuals. The consultation response led to changes in the
methodology of the SA as summarised at paragraph 2.87 to 2.92 of the Additional SA Main Report.
Another engagement event was held at Colchester Stadium on Friday March 29
. This event was
open to all examination participants (as updated) however each stakeholder were allowed 2
delegates and RSVPs were required. The purpose of this event was to hold a Check and challenge
workshop where the participants were presented the findings of Stage 1 SA assessment, followed by
a Q&A session with LUC and the NEAs. This event led to further changes to the methodology of the
SA. A workshop record containing the presentation slides and the workshop note is available at
Appendix 2 of the Additional SA.
A limited consultation was undertaken with each site promotor via email pursuant to the completion
of Site Information Proformas. These responses were published, following moderation by the NEAs
to summerise the information, as Appendix 4 Additional SA.
Consultation Statement Addendum October 19 7
Annex 1. Addendum list of consultation material
TS1E01a Statutory Consultees letter and email
TS1E01b Statutory Consultees letter and email
TS1E02 - Local Plan leaflet Summer 2019
TS1E03 Instagram, Facebook and Twitter -
TS1E04 - Libraries and exhibitions
TS1E05 - Response Form
TS1E06 - Email signature
Dear Stakeholder,
You are receiving this letter because you have indicated a desire to be notified of future
progress of the Local Plan including the North Essex shared Section 1 Local Plan
Background to the consultation
The Section 1 Local Plan Examination began in October 2017, and hearing sessions were
held in January and May 2018. All the Examination documents are available on the
After considering all the evidence and representations and the discussion at the hearing
sessions, the Inspector wrote to the North Essex Authorities (NEAs) on 8 June 2018 (see
Examination document IED/011). In his letter the Inspector identified those aspects of the
Section 1 Local Plan and its evidence base which he considered required significant further
work on the part of the NEAs. In that context the Inspector set out options for the NEAs to
consider in determining its next steps in their Local Plan preparation.
Of these options the NEAs chose to pause the Examination and carry out the necessary
further work on the evidence base and Sustainability Appraisal, and to bring forward any
resulting revised strategic proposals, for the Section 1 Local Plan examination to consider.
On 10 December 2018 the Inspector announced a pause in the Examination to enable this
further work to take place (see Examination document IED/015).
North Essex Local Plan Technical Consultation
The NEAs are now carrying out a public consultation on the Additional Sustainability
Appraisal, additional evidence base documents and the suggested amendments to the
Section 1 Local Plan. These are the documents which have been prepared in response to
the Inspector’s 8 June 2018 letter (see Examination document IED/011). The consultation
will run from 19 August to 30 September 2019. Anyone may submit comments, whether or
not they have previously been involved in the Section 1 Local Plan Examination.
What will happen after the consultation?
After the public consultation has finished, the Examination of the Section 1 Local Plan will
resume. The additional documents produced by the NEAs and all the comments that have
been made on them will be forwarded to the Inspector who will consider them alongside all
Our ref: North Essex Shared Section 1 Local Plan Examination.
Submission Local Plan
Your ref:
Ask for: Planning Policy
Dial: 01376 551414
Ext: 2567
Date: 19
August 2019
Planning Policy
Causeway House Braintree
Essex CM7 9HB
Tel: 01376 552525
Fax 01376 557787
TS1E01a – Statutory Consultees letter and email
the other evidence and representations already submitted on the Section 1 Local Plan.
Following this the Inspector will arrange further hearing sessions as part of the Examination.
They will focus mainly on those aspects of the Section 1 Local Plan and its evidence base
which the Inspector identified as requiring significant further work and any matters raised by
the representations arising from this consultation. However, they may include other topics
as necessary to inform his assessment of the soundness and legal compliance of the
Section 1 Local Plan, as determined by the Inspector.
Those submitting comments during the public consultation will be able to indicate if they wish
to take part in the further hearing sessions. The Inspector may invite others to take part if
doing so would assist him in assessing the soundness and legal compliance of the Section 1
Local Plan.
The Inspector will fix the dates for the further hearing sessions after he has received and
considered the additional documents produced by the NEAs and the comments made on
them. As was the case for the previous hearing sessions, the Inspector will prepare a list of
matters, issues and questions to focus discussion at the hearings, along with a guidance
note to explain the procedure and the arrangements for submitting hearing statements.
At the end of the Examination the Inspector will produce a report for the NEAs setting out his
conclusions and recommendations, including any recommended main modifications to the
Section 1 Local Plan. Any main modifications which the Inspector may consider
recommending will be the subject of further public consultation before the completion of his
Where can you find out more about the consultation?
The NEAs have created a dedicated online consultation portal which can be accessed via
the following address: On the portal you can find out
more information about the documents subject to the North Essex Local Plan Technical
Consultation and how to make representations to the NEAs on them.
The NEAs have also placed copies of the consultation documents in the main libraries within
their districts to ensure that those without internet access can respond to the consultation.
Please ensure you read the NEAs’ Guidance Notes and the Inspector’s Explanatory Note
before responding to the consultation. Please note that you do not need to respond to each
local authority a single response either through the online consultation portal or via other
means to one local authority (Braintree District Council, Tendring District Council or
Colchester Borough Council) will be sufficient to ensure your consultation is properly
Kind regards
Emma Goodings
Head of Planning & Economic Development
TS1E01a – Statutory Consultees letter and email
Sung, Gary
From: Local Plan
Sent: 19 August 2019 11:36
Dear Stakeholder,
You are receiving this email because you have indicated a desire to be notified of future progress
of the Local Plan including the North Essex shared Section 1 Local Plan Examination.
Background to the consultation
The Section 1 Local Plan Examination began in October 2017, and hearing sessions were held in
January and May 2018. All the Examination documents are available on the Examination web
After considering all the evidence and representations and the discussion at the hearing sessions,
the Inspector wrote to the North Essex Authorities (NEAs) on 8 June 2018 (see Examination
document IED/011).
In his letter the Inspector identified those aspects of the Section 1 Local Plan
and its evidence base which he considered required significant further work on the part of the
NEAs. In that context the Inspector set out options for the NEAs to consider in determining its
next steps in their Local Plan preparation.
Of these options the NEAs chose to pause the Examination and carry out the necessary further
work on the evidence base and Sustainability Appraisal, and to bring forward any resulting revi
strategic proposals, for the Section 1 Local Plan examination to consider. On 10 December 2018
the Inspector announced a pause in the Examination to enable this further work to take place (see
Examination document IED/015).
North Essex Local Plan Technical Consultation
The NEAs are now carrying out a public consultation on the Additional Sustainability Appraisal,
additional evidence base documents and the suggested amendments to the Section 1 Local Plan.
These are the documents which have been prepared in response to the Inspector’s 8 June 2018
letter (see Examination document IED/011). The consultation will run from 19 August to 30
September 2019. Anyone may submit comments, whether or not they have previously been
involved in the Section 1 Local Plan Examination.
What will happen after the consultation?
After the public consultation has finished, the Examination of the Section 1 Local Plan will
resume. The additional documents produced by the NEAs and all the comments that have been
made on them will be forwarded to the Inspector who will consider them alongside all the other
evidence and representations already submitted on the Section 1 Local Plan.
Following this the Inspector will arrange further hearing sessions as part of the Examination. Th
will focus mainly on those aspects of the Section 1 Local Plan and its evidence base which the
Inspector identified as requiring significant further work and any matters raised by the
representations arising from this consultation. However, they may include other topics as
necessary to inform his assessment of the soundness and legal compliance of the Section 1 Local
Plan, as determined by the Inspector.
TS1E01b – Statutory Consultees letter and email
Those submitting comments during the public consultation will be able to indicate if they wish to
take part in the further hearing sessions. The Inspector may invite others to take part if doing so
would assist him in assessing the soundness and legal compliance of the Section 1 Local Plan.
The Inspector will fix the dates for the further hearing sessions after he has received and
considered the additional documents produced by the NEAs and the comments made on
them. As was the case for the previous hearing sessions, the Inspector will prepare a list of
matters, issues and questions to focus discussion at the hearings, along with a guidance note to
explain the procedure and the arrangements for submitting hearing statements.
At the end of the Examination the Inspector will produce a report for the NEAs setting out his
conclusions and recommendations, i
ncluding any recommended main modifications to the Section
1 Local Plan.
Any main modifications which the Inspector may consider recommending will be the
subject of further public consultation before the completion of his report.
Where can you find out more about the consultation?
The NEAs have created a dedicated online consultation portal which can be accessed via the
following address: On the portal you can find out more
information about the documents subject to the North Essex Local Plan Technical Consultation
and how to make representations to the NEAs on them.
The NEAs have also placed copies of the consultation documents in the main libraries within their
districts to ensure that those without internet access can respond to the consultation.
Please ensure you read the NEAs’ Guidance Notes and the Inspector’s Explanatory Note before
responding to the consultation. Please note that you do not need to respond to each local
authority – a single response either through the online consultation portal or via other means to
one local authority (Braintree District Council, Tendring District Council or Colchester Borough
Council) will be sufficient to ensure your consultation is properly submitted.
Planning Policy Team
Braintree District Council, Causeway House, Bocking End, Braintree, Essex, CM7
01376 552525 ext 2567
Web site:
TS1E01b – Statutory Consultees letter and email
Shape your district
What is a Local Plan?
Story so far
Why garden
Have your say
TS1E02 - Local Plan leaflet Summer 2019
Every council has to plan for
additional new homes.
Braintree District Council, Colchester
Borough Council and Tendring District
Council have been working together
since 2015 to make sure development
is benecial for North Essex. This
resulted in a draft strategic Section 1
Local Plan which is shared by all three
councils within their Local Plans. The
Section 1 Local Plan includes policies
on cross boundary issues including
infrastructure and housing. It also
includes proposals for three new
garden communities.
The Local Plan has undergone
a number of rounds of public
consultation and was submitted to
the Secretary of State in October
2017. A Planning Inspector
was appointed to carry out an
independent examination to look
at Section 1 of the Local Plans and
examination sessions were held in
January 2018 and May 2018.
Following the hearings, the Planning
Inspector wrote to the councils to say
he agreed with the councils gures
for housing growth up until 2033.
This means at least 2,186 homes
need to be built across North Essex
each year.
That means:
716 each year in the
Braintree District
920 each year in the
Colchester Borough
550 each year in the
Tendring District
The Planning Inspector also said
that while he commended the
councils’ ambitions for high-quality,
strategic-scale development in North
Essex he raised concerns with some
elements of the Local Plan specically
around the garden communities.
He suggested further steps that he
considered necessary in order for the
Section 1 part of the plan to be made
sound and legally-compliant.
You can read all
correspondence with the
Planning Inspector online here:
The three councils have been working
together to provide more evidence
for the Planning Inspector to address
his concerns. The Local Plan process
was ocially paused while this
additional evidence was collected.
The additional evidence was
published online in June 2019.
The evidence has been considered
by Braintree District Council’s Local
Plan Sub Committee in July 2019. It
was approved by Braintree District
Council’s Full Council in August 2019.
The evidence was also approved
by elected members at Colchester
Borough Council and Tendring
District Council.
The evidence is now out to public
consultation until 5pm on
Monday 30th September 2019.
Everyone who has previously made
representations on the Section 1 Plan
has been informed of the consultation
via email or letter but we have also
produced this document in order to
highlight the consultation to all residents
in the district.
After the consultation has closed
the Planning Inspector intends to
hold further hearing sessions as part
of his examination of the soundness
and legal compliance of the Section
1 Plan.
Those responding to the consultation
are invited to indicate whether they
wish to appear at further hearing sessions.
Take a look at page 4 for more details
of the consultation.
A Local Plan is the basis for the future development of homes,
employment, business and much more. Planning applications, whatever
their size and proposed use, are assessed against the policies contained
in the Local Plan.
Having a Local Plan is really important because it sets the direction
for future development but it also gives us more power to stop
inappropriate development.
Local Plans are not just about new homes but must ensure that housing
growth is supported by infrastructure, jobs and community facilities.
Section 2 relates to sites
for development, housing,
employment, regeneration
solely in the Braintree District.
The examination for Section 2
will follow.
TS1E02 - Local Plan leaflet Summer 2019
Braintree, Colchester and Tendring
have a legal requirement to provide
for more than 2,000 homes each
year. There are limited browneld’
sites available, so the options are
eectively either allowing towns
and villages to continue to expand,
which is not particularly sustainable
and has a big impact on services and
infrastructure or look at creating new
It is less sustainable to keep adding
large scale housing developments
on the edges of our urban areas.
These are for the most part small
market towns and villages with
limited capacity in terms of shops,
services and transport links and
they are not capable of dealing with
unlimited population increases.
The garden communities, which
would be built over 40-50 years, are
the long-term strategy of the three
North Essex councils, in partnership
with Essex County Council, to help
meet the future growth of the area in
a more strategic way.
The three garden communities
(West of Braintree up to 13,500
homes, Colchester/Braintree
borders up to 24,000 homes and
Tendring/Colchester borders up to
9,000 homes) are an opportunity
to plan for infrastructure in a more
joined up, considered and
comprehensive way.
Residents are rightly concerned
about their access to education,
health care and transport. The
garden communities oer the
chance to plan all this in from the
start, an active, inclusive whole
community built with today’s
modern requirements in mind.
This would mean essential facilities
are available as communities grow
rather than delivered late, in a
piecemeal way, or never provided.
If the garden communities are not
progressed, then those homes –
both now but more crucially in
future years – will need to be built
elsewhere within North Essex.
This will most likely be by expanding
our towns and villages.
The garden communities make a
relatively small contribution to the
current Local Plan but every ve
years the Local Plan must be rolled
forward and more homes need to be
provided. The continued expansion
of our existing towns and villages
is unsustainable and by making
decisions now we are securing the
long term growth of the district for
the benet of all residents.
The Local Plan has been a chance for the
whole community to talk about the housing,
employment and infrastructure we need.
These are the consultations carried out:
Call for Sites
2015 Issues and Scoping consultation
– 1,450 responses back
2016 Draft Local Plan consultation
– more than 3,000 responses back.
2017 Publication Draft Local Plan consultation
- 1,700 responses back.
2017/18 Issues and Options consultation for each
of the garden communities
– more than 700 responses back.
TS1E02 - Local Plan leaflet Summer 2019
Additional Sustainability Appraisal
This is an assessment of the
environmental eects, and social and
economic issues of policies, proposals
and alternative strategies, used to inform
the preparation of the Local Plan.
Habitats Regulations Assessment
North Essex Authorities Strategic
S1 Local Plan
This is an assessment of the likely
eects of development proposed
in the Local Plan on wildlife sites of
European importance for example the
Blackwater Estuary.
Modal Share Strategy for the
North Essex Garden Communities
This is a document looking at the way
people can be inuenced to travel
using alternatives to the car.
Infrastructure Order
of Costs Estimate
A review of the cost of infrastructure
works associated with the
development of homes and jobs
across the three new garden
communities in North Essex.
Build Out Rates at the
Garden Communities
This document reviews evidence and
publications which explore how to
boost housing buildings rates and
evidence on high build out rates
which have been achieved in other
parts of the country.
Delivery Mechanisms Position
This is a document looking at the
available delivery mechanisms for the
garden communities.
Section 1 Viability
Assessment Update
This is a document which tests
the economic viability of garden
community proposals taking into
consideration updated cost and value
assumptions and including the costs
of the Rapid Transit Study.
State Aid Position Statement
A brief summary of the application
of state aid law to the North Essex
garden community proposals.
Employment Provision for
the North Essex Garden
This is a document which sets out the
amount of employment land required
at each garden community.
Infrastructure Planning,
Phasing and Delivery
This report demonstrates the phased
manner in which infrastructure will be
delivered alongside new homes at the
garden communities.
North Essex Rapid Transit System:
from Vision to Delivery
This explains how a high quality,
frequent and rapid public transport
system could be created.
Proposed Amendments to the
Section 1 Plan
The North Essex Authorities have
also complied a table of proposed
amendments to the Section 1 Plan
which aim to address certain issues
identied by the Planning Inspector,
partners and consultees.
All these documents can be
viewed online at
You can have your say by
registering on our online portal
and giving your comments on the
Find out more visit
Get in touch with the team:
01376 552525
Planning Policy
Braintree District Council
Causeway House
Bocking End
01376 552525
The evidence is now out
to public consultation
until 5pm on Monday
30th September 2019.
This consultation is on the additional evidence requested by the Planning Inspector.
Detailed proposals will come later, reecting the needs of each garden community.
TS1E02 - Local Plan leaflet Summer 2019
TS1E03 – Instagram, Facebook and Twitter - example
Shape your district
- to accompany the North Essex Local Plan
Examination Technical Consultation 2019
The North Essex Authorities
Please read these guidance notes before completing the response form
Braintree District Council, Colchester Borough Council and Tendring District Council (the
North Essex Authorities) have prepared a shared strategic Section 1 of their Local Plans in
order to comprehensively plan for the future of North Essex. This shared section contains a
commitment to meet the sub-region's housing, jobs and infrastructure requirements through
the planning and delivery of three new Garden Communities at Colchester Braintree Borders,
Tendring Colchester Borders and West of Braintree.
The North Essex Authorities’ Section 1 was submitted to the Secretary of State in October
2017 and an Examination in Public was carried out at the beginning of 2018. Following the
appointed Planning Inspector's post hearing session findings (see 8th June letter) the
Authorities have been working on the following documents to address the issues raised by
the Inspector:
Revised evidence base - 10 documents
Additional Sustainability Appraisal
Suggested amendments to Section 1
These documents have now been approved by the North Essex Authorities for public
consultation between 19th August and 30th September. All consultation responses will be
sent to the Inspector for his consideration prior to his making a decision to resume the
Examination in Public.
If you would like assistance in completing your representation or have any other questions
about the Publication Draft Local Plan please contact the Planning Policy Team by email
.uk or by phone on 01376 552525 and ask for Planning Policy.
TS1E05 - Response Form
Part A - Personal Details
Please note that it is not possible for
representations to be considered
anonymously. Representations will be
published on the North Essex Councils'
consultation portal and forwarded to the
Inspector. Address and contact details
will removed from published responses.
(Village/town will be shown).
The Authorities reserve the right not to
publish any representations which they
considers offensive or defamatory.
Please supply a postal address and
email address if you have one. Future
contact preferences can be indicated at
the end of the form.
If an agent or consultant has been
engaged to act on your behalf please fill
in both sets of details in full.
Correspondence will be sent primarily
to the agent.
Part B - Representation
Comments are invited on:
1. Revised Evidence Base Documents
There are ten Evidence base documents -
please specify to which document your
response refers.
2. Additional Sustainability Appraisal
This is an assessment of the environmental
effects, and social and economic issues of
policies, proposals and alternative
strategies, used to inform the preparation of
Local Plans.
3. Suggested Amendments to the North
Essex Authorities' Shared Section 1
The North Essex Authorities have compiled
a table of proposed amendments to the
Section 1 Plan which aim to address certain
issues identified by the Planning Inspector,
partners and consultees.
For each response please specify the document and/or section you are
commenting on and provide a summary (this will ensure an accurate summary is
provided to the Inspector).
Responses on multiple documents and points are welcome - however please use a
separate form for each evidence base document in order that your response can be
processed against the correct document.
Please explain the reasoning behind any suggested amendments or text
Duplicate responses are unnecessary. You need only respond using the North
Essex Authorities' online system for this consultation or to All representations received by the three authorities
relating to shared Section 1 of the Plans will be processed centrally.
If you require more space to comment please attach additional sheets to this
response form and ensure they are clearly labeled with your name.
TS1E05 - Response Form
1. Personal Details
First Name
Last Name
(Where relevant)
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Address Line 3
Post Code
E-mail Address
2. Agent’s Details (if applicable)
First Name
Last Name
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Address Line 3
Post Code
E-mail Address
For internal Use only ID: Rep No:
Shape your district
North Essex Local Plan Examination
Technical Consultation 2019
Please see guidance notes
Responses are encouraged via the council’s online consultation system available on
the website, see However, this form can be
returned electronically to or in hard copy if necessary to:
Planning Policy, Braintree district Council, Causeway House, Bocking End, braintree,
The consultation runs for 6 weeks until 5pm on Monday, 30th September 2019.
This form has two parts: Part A - Personal Details and Part B - Your comments
TS1E05 - Response Form
Continue onto next page
1. Revised Evidence Base:
Do you have any comments to make on the additional evidence base documents that have been
prepared by the North Essex Authorities in response to the Inspector’s interim findings? Please
specify which document your comments relate to by choosing one of the following:
North Essex Rapid Transit System: from Vision to Delivery
Modal Share Strategy for the North Essex Garden Communities
Employment Provision for the North Essex Garden Communities
North Essex Authorities: Build Out Rates at the Garden Communities
Habitats Regulations Assessment North Essex Authorities Strategic Section 1 Local
Plans North Essex Authorities: Delivery Mechanisms Position Statement
North Essex Authorities: State Aid Position Statement
North Essex Authorities: Viability Evidence
North Essex Authorities: Infrastructure Order of Costs
North Essex Garden Communities: Infrastructure Planning, Phasing and Delivery
If you are commenting on a specific part of a document please specify which paragraph
or section:
If you require more space to comment please attach additional sheets to this response form and
ensure they are clearly labeled with your name and the document(s) you are commenting on.
TS1E05 - Response Form
If your representation is more than 400 words, please provide a brief summary here:
(this will ensure an accurate summary is provided to the Inspector):
TS1E05 - Response Form
2. Additional Sustainability Appraisal
Do you have any comments to make on the Additional Sustainability Appraisal which has
been prepared by independent consultants in response to the Inspector’s interim findings?
If you are commenting on a specific part of the document please specify which paragraph or
If your representation is more than 400 words, please provide a brief summary here (this
will ensure an accurate summary is provided to the Inspector):
TS1E05 - Response Form
3. Suggested amendments to the North Essex Authorities’ shared Section 1
of their Local Plans
Do you have any comments to make on the suggested amendments to the North Essex Authorities’
shared Section 1 of their Local Plans?
Please note where the suggested amendments materially affect the plan’s policies, they can only be
made if the Inspector considers they are necessary to make the plan sound and/or legally compliant.
Please ensure your comments relate to specific suggested amendments and that your response
clearly specifies which suggested amendments you are commenting on.
If you propose any changes to the suggested amendments or to the text of the shared Section 1 Plan
you should explain why they are needed to make the plan sound and/or legally compliant.
To which Suggested Amendment/text
does your comment relate?
TS1E05 - Response Form
Yes No
If you answered ‘yes’, at which stage have you made representations?
Issues and
and Scoping
Preferred Options
Return by 5pm 30th September 2019
Braintree District Council, Causeway House, Bocking End, Braintree. CM7 9HB
responses will not be accepted after this date.
Colchester Borough Council
Tendring District Council
Pre-submission Draft
4. Further details
Do you wish to participate at future oral hearing session(s) of the Section 1 Local Plan
If you wish to appear at future oral hearing session(s), please outline why you consider
this to be necessary.
Please note the Inspector will determine the most appropriate procedure to adopt to
hear those who have indicated that they wish to participate in future hearing session(s)
Have you made representations to the North Essex Authorities earlier in the process of
preparing the shared Section 1 of their Local Plans?
Additional Sustainability
appraisal Methodology
BraintreeDistrict Council
Do you wish to be notified?
When the Inspectors Report is published?
When document is adopted?
Would you like to be added to our mailing lists:
Braintree District Council is a data controller for the purposes of data protection legislation. All personal information is held and processed in
accordance with this. Please refer to our privacy notices published on our website at for details. Please contact us if
you need the privacy notice in an alternative format.
TS1E05 - Response Form
TS1E06 - Email signature