Science Laboratory Safety Form - Student
Your cooperation in following these rules is appreciated and will ensure that all students using the laboratories will have a clean,
organized, and safe environment in which to learn. Unless you have been trained in laboratory safety, and have signed and returned
this form to your instructor, you are not allowed to perform any experiments or remain in the laboratory.
1. All instructions from your instructor must be followed.
2. If the fire alarm sounds, the building must be evacuated.
3. The following are not allowed in the labs: unattended students, children, non-service animals.
4. All personal items (coats, bags, laptops, etc.) must be left in the cubbies at the front of the lab.
5. There is absolutely no eating or drinking permitted in the laboratory.
6. Students must wash their hands every time they enter and every time they leave the laboratory.
7. Students in the lab must be dressed appropriately:
a. legs must be covered (pants, long skirt, etc.); shorts or short skirts, etc., are not permitted
b. feet must be covered with close-toed shoes; sandals or open-toed shoes are not permitted
c. long hair must be tied back
d. contact lenses may not be worn
8. You are required to wear the necessary personal protective equipment (PPE) during experiments.
a. lab coats a lab coat must cover the student’s street clothes and arm down to the hand
b. goggles goggles must fit snugly against the face, have covered air vents, and meet the ANSI Z87.1 standard; they must
be worn whenever students are working with glassware or transferring chemicals
c. gloves nitrile gloves are provided in each laboratory classroom
9. Note the location of the first aid kit, fire extinguisher, emergency shower/eyewash, and Safety Data Sheets (SDS).
10. Seek the advice of your physician if you have any existing medical condition(s) that may be aggravated by exposure to any
chemicals. You may wish to inform your instructor of these conditions if you will require accommodation.
11. All chemicals used in lab should be treated as though they are hazardous. Never taste or intentionally inhale chemicals.
12. Report all spills to your instructor immediately and follow their instructions for proper clean-up.
13. All volatile chemicals must be kept under the fume hoods during use.
14. Students and instructors are required to correctly label all used glassware and containers.
15. Mouth suction must never be used on pipettes or any other equipment or glassware.
16. Inform your instructor of any broken or damaged glassware or other equipment.
17. All used chemicals must be placed in properly labeled waste containers. Do not
dispose of used chemicals in the sink unless you
have been instructed to
do so by
your instructor.
18. Microscopes must always be carried in an
upright position using both hands.
19. Before being returned, microscope
lenses are to
following the protocol provided
by your instructor.
20. Unauthorized experiments, acts of
or other irresponsible behavior are prohibited and will not be tolerated.
21. No chemicals or equipment may be
removed from the laboratory.
22. All accidents, injuries, or damage to persons or property
must be
reported immediately regardless of severity.
23. Students are
for lab housekeeping.
Student Signature
Printed Name
(Last Revised: Dec 12, 2017)
Instructor (Last Name) Date
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