For Transfer Students,
Wings – Adult Education Degree
Completion Students, and
Second degree students.
School Report – School Official Recommendation
To the Applicant:
Please complete the shaded box below and give this form to the Dean of Students, Registrar, or the equiva-
lent official at the college where you are now or were most recently enrolled. Request that this form be mailed,
faxed, or emailed to the Office of Admissions at Meredith College. Or, you may return the form to the Office of
Admissions after your college official has completed and signed the recommendation.
I do I do not waive my right to view this recommendation
Name ___________________________________________________________________________________________
First Middle Last
Address _________________________________________________________________________________________
street, route or PO Box
city state ZIP/postal code province country
Term Applying for: Fall Spring Summer __________ (year)
To the College Official:
1. Complete any information requested on the front and back of this form.
2. Return this form directly to the Office of Admissions. This information will be held in confidence.
1. Is the student in good standing and eligible to return to your institution?
YES NO If “NO,” please state reason ________________________________________________
2. a. Has the applicant ever been found responsible for a disciplinary violation at your school, whether related to
academic misconduct or behavioral misconduct, that resulted in the applicant’s probation, suspension,
removal, dismissal, or expulsion from your institution?
b. To your knowledge, has the applicant ever been convicted of a misdemeanor, felony or other crime?
If you answered yes to either or both questions, please attach a separate sheet of paper or use your written
recommendation to give the approximate date of each incident and explain the circumstances.
3. On what basis is this information given?
Records Personal knowledge of student Other (please specify) ________________________
Office of Admissions • 3800 Hillsborough Street
Raleigh, NC 27607-5298 • (919) 760-8581 or
1-800-MEREDITH • FAX (919) 760-2348 • admissions@meredith.edu
Meredith College admits qualified women students without regard to race, creed, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, age. or disability.
4. Do you recommend this student for admission to Meredith College?
YES NO Do not know student
College policy prohibits giving recommendation Prefer not to respond
Comments (attach additional page as needed):
Signature _________________________________________________ Title ___________________ Date __________
Printed name ______________________________________________ Institution
Phone (______)_________________ Fax (______)_________________ E-mail ________________________________
Note to the College Official: After signing, please print this document and return it to the applicant or by mail or
email to Meredith College.
Office of Admissions
3800 Hillsborough Street
Raleigh, NC 27607-5298
(919) 760-8581 or 1-800-MEREDITH
FAX (919) 760-2348
click to sign
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