Student Activities Council
Michael R. Madecky Scholarship
The Michael R. Madecky Scholarship is awarded on a yearly basis by Student Involvement to active members of the
Student Activities Council. Student Involvement will award the money in one or two scholarships for the 2015-2016
academic year.
Michael R. Madecky worked in the former Activities Office of the Rhatigan Student Center from 1981 until 2009. His
academic background at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh was in museum studies and counseling. He was a
strong student advocate and had a passion for challenging students to learn about themselves. He also had a love of
the visual arts and was proud to be associated with the student art gallery and the graphics department. His creativity,
though unconventional at times, was expressed through various marketing efforts or programs. He was involved in
campus beyond the union, often serving as a training facilitator for various workshops. One of his proudest
accomplishments was being involved in the founding of That Gay Group! now named Spectrum: LGBTQ and Allies,
in 2000.
This scholarship is made possible by the generous donation of Kevin (1960 2015) and Andrea Clark.
Basic Scholarship Guidelines
A. Scholarships will be awarded annually to students enrolled full time or part time at Wichita State University and who are
members of the Student Activities Council.
B. No recipient will be excluded from consideration based on race, religion, color, national origin, gender, age, sexual
orientation, marital status, status as a veteran or disability.
C. It is the preference of the donor that the recipients demonstrate vision, creativity, leadership and a commitment to
service, as determined by the Advisors for SAC.
D. Awards will be made with regard to financial need.
E. The Scholarship Office, within the Division of Academic Affairs of Wichita State University, will administer the
scholarships and make the awards based on recommendations submitted by the Advisors for SAC.
F. The scholarships can be renewed as long as the recipients meet the required criteria.
A. Applicants for the scholarship must have been involved in the Student Activities Council for at least one semester at the
time the Scholarship is awarded.
B. Applicants for this scholarship must currently be active members of the Student Activities Council. Further, applicants
must maintain active membership for the entirety of the semester they are awarded this scholarship. If they fail to do so,
they are responsible for paying back the full amount of the scholarship.
C. Applicants for this scholarship must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher.
Award Selection Criteria
A. The decision to award this scholarship shall be made by the Advisors for SAC.
B. Scholarships shall be awarded based on involvement, academics, leadership and financial need.
C. A student can be awarded this scholarship multiple times, but the Scholarship must be applied for on a yearly basis.
The deadline to apply for this Scholarship is Friday, April 24, 2015 by 5:00 PM. All materials must be turned into
Student Involvement, RSC 216. The total of the scholarship(s) awarded shall be approximately $470 for the 2015-2016
academic year.
Student Activities Council
Michael R. Madecky Scholarship
City: State: Zip:
Phone Number: WSU ID:
Minor(s): Cumulative GPA:
SAC Committee(s):
Position(s) Held:
Period of Involvement:
Please attach the following to this application:
1.) A list of activities you are involved in. This list should include:
a. Name, length of activity and any leadership positions held in University related organizations (e.g.
Student Government, student organizations, athletic participation, fraternal organizations, honor
societies, etc.).
b. Campus awards and honors received, with an explanation of each award.
c. Community service involvement.
2.) Financial Assessment form
3.) A Personal Statement of no more than 250 words highlighting the following
a. Summary of your achievements
b. What have you gained from your SAC involvement and how will your experience with SAC impact
your future?
4.) A short essay (250 words) that answers the following question:
“How does SAC benefit the student body of Wichita State University?”
By submitting this application, I verify that I have answered the above questions truthfully and to the best of my
ability. I give permission to Student Involvement to verify my grade point average. I understand that I must be an
active member of the Student Activities Council to receive this scholarship. I also understand that if I no longer
participate as an active member of the Student Activities Council I will be asked to pay back the amount of the
Signature: Date:
For Office Use Only
Received By: __________________________________________________________________
Received On: _________________________ GPA: ______________________________
Includes All Attachments ___Yes ___No
Student Activities Council
Michael R. Madecky Scholarship
Financial Assessment Form
Have you completed the Free Applications for Financial Student Aid
(FAFSA) for the 2015 2016 academic year?
___ Yes
___ No
If you completed the FAFSA in the past, were you awarded Federal
Work Study Funds?
___ Yes
___ No
Does your family contribute to your education financially? (This may
include paying for textbooks, tuition or other educational needs)
___ Yes
___ No
If yes to the question above, approximately how much is contributed
during an academic year?
Please list any scholarships, grants or other financial assistance (except loans and work) you
received during the 2014 2015 academic year in the boxes below:
By submitting this form I verify that I have answered the above questions truthfully and to the best of my
Print Name: _________________________________________________________________
Signature:__________________________________________ Date: _________________