Scholarship Application
Morrill County Farm Bureau Federation will award two scholarships for $300.00.
1. Must be a Farm Bureau member or have a parent or grandparent who is a member.
2. Applicants must be a resident of Morrill County.
3. Must have completed and returned application by April 15, 2021.
4. Must provide two letters of reference (other than family.)
5. Must have intention of entering college, trade school or university. Preference will be given to those
6. Must provide a transcript to the selected school.
Name in Full
First: Middle:
Home Address:
R.R, Street or Box City State Zip Code
Parents telephone number:
Applicants telephone number:
Name of Farm Bureau member:
Name of College, University or Tech School
List your Agricultural activities (FFA, 4-H, NAYI, etc.)
Name of Activity Number of years Hours/weeks