at Alaska Pacific University
Scholarship Application
Thanks to generous donor support, we are proud to offer the Early Honors Program (EHP) merit-based and need-
based scholarships listed below. To be considered for need-based
awards, EHP students must also submit their
parent or guardian’s latest year’s tax return and answer the questions below. Students who do not submit the
required tax documentation will be considered for merit-based scholarships only. NOTE: The information submitted
as part of this application is protected under privacy laws and
guidelines and will not be distributed without prior
Student Information
First Name:
Last Name:
Home Address: City, State, Zip:
Main Phone: Email:
Merit-Based Awards
The Leah J. Peterson AwardApplicants with a GPA of 3.5 or better. Award amount varies.
APU Early Honors Merit Award Applicants with a GPA of 3.3 or better. Award amount varies.
Need-Based Awards
First National Bank Alaska ScholarshipApplicants who demonstrate very high financial need.
Applications are reviewed in the order in which they are received.
APU Early Honors Tuition Assistance AwardApplicants who demonstrate moderate to high financial need.
Calculation of need will be performed by APU Financial Aid based on submission of tax documents. Need is typically
demonstrated by those students who, were they eligible for federal financial aid, would qualify for
the Pell Grant.
Please answer the questions below and submit parent or guardian’s latest year’s tax return:
1. Number of family members in the immediate household supported by the parent or guardian (include your parent(s) or
2. Number of family members in the immediate household attending college (including you):
3. Age of oldest parent or guardian:
Statement and Agreement
By signing below, I confirm that the information provided above on this form, and on the accompanying tax
documents, is complete, true, and accurate. If requested, I will provide further documentation to substantiate the
information contained on this application. I understand that completion of this application does not guarantee any
financial award and that intentional falsification or misrepresentation of information will disqualify me for any
scholarships as an EHP student.
I understand that EHP students remain enrolled at their hosting high school as full-time high school students and
therefore are not eligible to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), nor eligible to
any state or federal financial aid.
Applicant Signature Date
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