College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Scholarship Application
The Dr. Richard E. Fowler Scholarship is an annual undergraduate scholarship for Pre-Veterinary
Medicine and Animal Biosciences majors based on financial need and academic merit with special
consideration given to students who demonstrate excellence in scholarship, generosity of spirit,
honesty, and ethical behavior.
Submit 2 hard copies of all required documentation to the Undergraduate Student
Services Office, 104 Townsend Hall.
Residency Requirement: Preference to out-of-state students
Demonstrated Financial Need: Yes as defined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, FAFSA
Major: Preference to Pre-Veterinary Medicine and Animal Biosciences majors
Minimum GPA: 3.0
Grade Level: Rising Sophomore, Rising Junior, Rising Senior
Renewable: Renewable as long as recipients maintain eligibility
Last Name First Name M.I. Student ID #
Campus Address City State Zip
Cell Phone: _____________________________ Email Address
Anticipated Graduation Date: _____________ Current GPA: _______________________
Major(s): ______________________________ ________________________________
Minor(s): ______________________________ ________________________________
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