Scholarship Application
REQUIRED Applicant Information
KCC Student ID Date of Birth Gender
Student Applicant
Legal Last Name Legal First Name Legal Middle Initial
Mailing Address
Street City State Zip
County Phone Personal email
Cell Home
Are you a rst generation college student? Yes No
Citizenship U.S. Citizen Non–U.S. Citizen Visa Type Country of Origin
Race/Ethnicity* Are you Hispanic or Latino? Yes No
Select one or more as appropriate: American Indian/Alaska Native Asian Black/African American
Native Hawaiian/Pacic Islander White Other _____________
*This information is optional and it is not used in application decisions.
Military Affiliation Active Member Veteran Spouse or Dependent of Active Member or Veteran
Were you honorably discharged from any branch of the military? Yes No
Will you be receiving 100% tuition-paying Veteran’s benets? Yes No
Have you been impacted by or in recovery from domestic violence, substance abuse, bullying, or human tracking?
Yes No
Do you have a diagnosis of ADHD, ADD or other learning disability? Yes No
Are you related to a KCC employee? Yes, if yes how No
Are you related to a KCC alum? Yes, if yes how No
Are you a KCC student athlete? Yes, if yes what sport? No
Have you received a KCC Foundation Scholarship in 2019/2020? Yes No
Your program of study/major
Be as specific as you can.
If "Undecided" or General Studies, what is your field of interest?
Have you been officially accepted in the Nursing/Allied Health program? Yes No
If yes, are you in the full-time or part-time program? FT PT Start Date
Have you been ocially accepted in KCC’s Police Academy? Yes No
Semester(s) you plan to attend:
Fall 2020 Spring 2021 Summer 2021
Number of credit hours Number of credit hours Number of credit hours
0-5 6-11 12+ 0-5 6-11 12+ 0-5 6-11 12+
What KCC campus do you plan to attend? (Check all that apply)
Battle Creek Campus Grahl Center Fehsenfeld Center Eastern Academic Center
Regional Manufacturing Technology Center
Complete one application only. Check all that apply:
Gold Key Board of Trustees General