Records retention and disposition schedules are designed to serve as your records
management guideline for storing and disposing of agency records, regardless of the media
on which they reside, including paper, microfilm, diskettes, optical disks, CDs, DVDs, servers,
computer hard drives, etc. This schedule was written specifically for records unique to your
office and the Local Agencies General Records Schedule #24 contains those records common
to most local government agencies. This retention schedule, which is approved by the State
Records Administrator, provides your only ongoing authority to dispose of records. Listed below
are some basic procedures to follow when applying this schedule.
1. Check your schedules to see what the retention period is. Note: Your agency's
unique schedule will take precedence over General Records Schedule #24 for any
items which have differences in retention requirements.
2. Dispose of records that have met their retention periods.
3. For records requiring a review of, or transfer to the NE State Historical Society
(State Archives), your agency is required to contact the State Archives to negotiate
the transfer. Additionally, once the records are accessioned into their collection,
they become the property of the State Archives. The State Archives may remove
selected records in accordance with standard archival practices to ensure efficient
access, organization and enduring historical value (Nebr. Rev. Stat. §82-107).
Please contact their office by calling (402) 471-4783.
4. Complete a Records Disposition Report for the records you dispose. The Records
Disposition Report form is the last page of this schedule. Remove the form,
photocopy it, complete the form, make a photocopy for your records, and send the
completed form to the Records Management Division at the address below. If you
wish, you may receive this form electronically by contacting the Records
Management Division. This report establishes that the destruction was performed in
your normal course of business.
Please remember to retain the blank form for future use.
Contact a Records Management Specialist in Records Management to see whether the records
will fit under an item already on the schedule. If they do not, they must be retained until they are
added to the next revision of your schedule.
It is the responsibility of each agency to periodically update their schedule. A Records
Management Specialist in Records Management can assist you with the schedule update,
which may involve adding new records series and making revisions to existing items. Keeping
your schedule current will ensure you have the ongoing authority to discard records when their
useful life has ended.
If you have any questions about these procedures, please contact your agency Records Officer
or the Records Management Specialist in Records Management. They will help you with any
questions the schedule may present, including: transferring records to the State Records
Center or microfilming records, scanning records, etc.
Records Management Division
440 South 8th Street, Suite 210
Lincoln, NE 68508-2294