Financial Aid
937.328.6034 | | 570 East Leel Lane, Springfield, Ohio 45505
Satisfactory Academic Progress
Appeal Maximum Timeframe
Clark State Community College students receiving federal financial aid are required to meet
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards. Evaluation of SAP is completed at the end of each
semester. Students who do not meet the SAP standards have the right to appeal. Clark State policy
allows each student 2 approved SAP appeals during their enrollment at Clark State.
Students are considered to have an eligible SAP status if they:
Maintain the required cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.00 or better.
Satisfactorily complete enough credit hours to have a completion rate of 67.0% or higher.
Will graduate within 150% of the credit hours required to complete their academic program.
To review the SAP policy, refer to: Clark State S.A.P. Policy
Satisfactory Academic Progress appeals can be filed by students to document unforeseen and
extenuating circumstances that impacted the student’s ability to complete their degree or certificate
within 150% of required credit hours.
Appeals must be submitted 7 days before the start of the semester the student is seeking
reinstatement of federal student aid. Students will be notified of the decision (Approved, Pending or
Denied) by email to their Clark State student email.
All appeals must be signed by the student and a Success Coach/Faculty Advisor and include a
complete Academic Plan.
SECTION 1: Student Information
Name _____________________________________________Student ID Number__________________
Street Address ________________________________________________________________________
City_________________________________________ State_________________ Zip_______________
Primary Phone _____________________________
SECTION 2: Extenuating Circumstance(s)
Provide a typed, detailed statement explaining the extenuating circumstances that aected your
academic progress (for example, death in the family, major illness or unexpected employment
changes). Include the dates of each occurrence and documentation to verify the circumstances.
SECTION 3: Steps for Success
Provide a typed, detailed statement explaining how the extenuating circumstances were resolved and
what steps you are taking to regain successful academic progress.
SECTION 4: Confirmation of academic advising meeting to discuss student’s academic plan.
Success Coach/Faculty Advisor Signature: ________________________________ Date ____________
Financial Aid
click to sign
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Financial Aid
937.328.6034 | | 570 East Leel Lane, Springfield, Ohio 45505
SECTION 5: Supporting Documentation
Please select one or more of the following that is included in support of your appeal:
Proof of visit with/ letter from (check all that apply):
Oce of Accessibility
TRiO Sta
Counseling Services
Oce of Student Support
Student Success Center (Tutoring)
Ohio Department of Job and Family Services
Court Documentation
Obituary/ Death Certificate
SECTION 6: Pell Grant and Loan Usage
As a Federal Student Aid recipient, it is wise to periodically review your grant and loan usage. To
complete this step, do the following:
1. Go to
2. Log in using your FSA ID
3. Select “My Student Data Download,” at the top of the page
My Pell grant usage is _______% out of 600% Lifetime Eligibility
My subsidized loan amount is: $_________ out of $____________ (maximum, view table below)
My unsubsidized loan amount is: $___________ out of $___________ (maximum, view table below)
FAFSA Dependency
Subsidized Maximum Unsubsidized Maximum Total Aggregate Loan
Dependent $23,000 $31,000 $31,000
Independent $23,000 $57,500 $57,500
SECTION 7: Certification Statement
I certify that all of the information on this form and accompanying documents are true and complete
to the best of my knowledge. Furthermore, I arm that I have not knowingly or intentionally provided
any false or fraudulent documentation.
Student Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: ____________________
Appeal Approved Appeal Denied Appeal Pended
FA Reviewer: __________________________________ Date: ____________________
Academic Program: __________________Catalog Year: _______ Credit Hours To Complete: _________
Comments: ___________________________________________________________________________