1313 Park Boulevard, Rm. A-180 San Diego, CA 92101
(619)388-3450 office (619)388-3098 fax
revised 12/2019
San Diego City College
Student Health Clinic
Student ID#:_____________________________
First Middle Last
I prefer to be called:_______________________ My preferred Pronouns are:
She/her/hers They/them/theirs
He/him/his Other___________________
Date of Birth:_____________________________ Sex assigned at birth:
Male Other
Female Decline to answer
Email:___________________________________ Cell/Home # (circle one): _____________________________
Address:_________________________________ Zip code:___________________________________________
Emergency contact name: __________________ Relationship to you:__________________________________
Emergency contact phone number:________________________________________________________________
Are you allergic to any medications or substances such as latex?
Yes. If yes, please list and describe reaction_______________________________________________________
Are you taking any prescription or over the counter medication(s), and/or herbs or supplements?
Yes. Please list_______________________________________________________________________________
Please complete the additional information below:
1. Have you received services at SHC before?
First visit Mental Health Student Health Both
2. Is it okay to leave phone messages to the number listed?
Yes, detailed messages including personal health information such as lab results, prescriptions, etc.
Yes, but only brief messages such as an appointment reminder, or a request to call the clinic.
No, please do not leave messages on my number listed above.
3. Is it okay to send emails to the email address listed?
Yes, detailed emails including personal health information such as lab results, prescriptions, etc.
Yes, but only brief messages such as an appointment reminder, or a request to call the clinic.
No, please do not email me at my email listed above.