Disability Support Programs and Services
04.22.13 Service Agreement Final
Student CSID#
1. Disability Support Programs and Services (DSPS) is an equal access program designed to
provide specialized support beyond the existing general college services. Each college and
Continuing Education site within SDCCD offers support services which are voluntary and
available to eligible students meeting the following provisions:
A. Verification of Disability
Verification documentation may be shared with other SDCCD sites
B. Enrollment as a SDCCD student
C. Contact with a DSPS Counselor each semester to:
Maintain a current Student Educational Contract
Request appropriate support services/accommodations & develop an Authorized
Academic Accommodations(AAA) letter to provide my instructors (if needed)
Retain level of priority registration for DSPS based on established SDCCD criteria
2. Each semester I will discuss my accommodations with a DSPS Counselor. I understand that I
must activate my services at each College and/or Continuing Education site at which I am
enrolled, and that I must inform my DSPS counselor(s) if my needs change. I further
understand that DSPS Counselors may need to discuss my education and use of
reasonable accommodations with other SDCCD personnel who have a legitimate,
educational need to know.
3. I am responsible for notifying DSPS if I cannot keep a scheduled appointment. Following two
(2) absences without prior notification, the service will be suspended. I may also have my
semester services suspended or terminated by DSPS for lack of measurable progress or
inappropriate use of services. Reinstatement of suspended services for subsequent semesters
must be requested through the DSPS Coordinator.
4. I am expected to respect and obey standards of student conduct while in classrooms, service
areas, and all public areas of SDCCD. The Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Administrative
Due Process Policy (BP 3100) can be found in the college catalog, online at www.sdccd.edu
and at the office of the Dean of Student Affairs.
5. If I believe that I have been denied reasonable academic accommodations, I am encouraged
to contact the DSPS Office immediately, as indicated in the grievance procedures, Academic
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities (AP 3105.1). I may also contact the campus
504 officer.
I have read, understand, and agree to follow the above rules for the responsible use of DSPS
services. I have received a copy of this agreement.
Student Signature Date