Venn Diagram Activity: The book and youVenn Diagram Activity: The book and you
Cultural Representation Level 2
Sample Title
by Author Name
Consider the characters in the text: for example, personality, physical traits,
language, food, and interests. What do you notice about the characters? What
about you? Pause and reflect on similarities.
Characters in the Book
Consider the setting in the text: for example, neighborhood, community, home,
climate, and era. What do you see in the book? What do you see in your own
world? Pause and reflect on similarities.
Setting in the Book
Setting in Your World
Cultural Representation tester
Familiar and NewFamiliar and New
Cultural Representation Level 2
Sample Title
by Author Name
How does it feel to find familiar things in the text?
Circle all that apply
loved great sad interested okay
included embarrassed chill bad
emotional frustrated proud angry
excluded lonely happy supported
disappointed ignored other surprised
Explain 1-2 of the feelings you chose.
How does it feel to find unfamiliar things in the text?
Circle all that apply
loved great sad interested okay
included embarrassed chill bad
emotional frustrated proud angry
excluded lonely happy supported
disappointed ignored other surprised
Explain 1-2 of the feelings you chose.
What do you notice in the book that feels unfamiliar in your own school, home, or community?
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