Sample Plan
Business Name:
Cultivation Location Addresses:
Street City State Zip Code
Street City State Zip Code
Street City State Zip Code
Type of Cultivation:
Outdoor cultivation
Indoor cultivation
Nursery cultivation
Containment Method:
Indoor cultivation
Indoor and Outdoor Drainage Filters and Traps
Silt Fence
Livestock Fence
Bare earth or cover crop for areas around cultivation sites
Weekly monitoring for volunteer crops
Other _______________________________________________________________________________________
Transportation and Movement Plan:
Will transport hemp material using the following type of container(s):
Will transport hemp material using the following type of vehicle(s):
Equipment Cleaning Plan:
Will employ the following cleaning techniques for tools and equipment:
Will employ the following cleaning techniques for large equipment:
Responsible person signature: Date:
Print Name:
Page 2 of 2 rev 03/20
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