Sample Form 1
Case Number
Municipality of ___________________ ) STATE OF ALABAMA
) In the Circuit Court
) of _____________ County
v. ) On Appeal from the
) [ ] Municipal Court
____________________________ ) [ ] District Court
Comes the city/town of _______________________ , Alabama, and
complains that _________________________________________________,
within twelve months before the beginning of this prosecution and
within the corporate limits of the city/Town of ________________,
Alabama, did on the _____ day of _________ , 20 __, willfully
and unlawfully ___________________________________________________
contrary to and in violation of ordinance No.* ___________________
___________________________of the City/Town of ___________________
____________________, Alabama, which was adopted by the
governing body of the city/Town of ________________ , Alabama,
published by authority of said governing body, and presently in
effect; said ordinance provides in part as follows:
[Attach Copy of Ordinance]
The violation of said ordinance is punishable under the
provisions thereof as follows: (set put penalty section of
Prosecutor for City/Town of
____________________, Alabama
Sworn to and Subscribed before
me this _____ day of
_______________, 20__________.
Signature Title
*NOTE: If the ordinance is a reference ordinance to the state
Code, also indicate which section of the Code was violated.
Rules 2, 13.1(c), 15.1, and 30