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Security During Incident Operations
When using the folders, keep them secure at all times and control the
issue of grab sheets to salvage teams.
Plan the movement and storage of objects or items as determined by
the incident.
Cordon off area’s where possible
If the site or office is open, visitors/staff should be directed to the
muster point – see inside front cover of emergency response folder
As an incident develops, it is important to consider the security of
individuals, the evacuated building and objects.
Allocate security duties to minimise risks to salvaged collections/items.
Guarding duties may need to be different during an incident
If necessary, and if it is safe to do so, guard doors and exits
If a guarding company provides guarding services for your site,
consider asking them for additional staff for the duration of the salvage
operation. Otherwise appoint staff to these duties
Objects & Assets
Monitor the movement of objects/items. Carry out this activity at a
safe/appropriate distance determined by the emergency.
Ensure routes are understood and the receiving area has space
available. Monitor the receiving area
Appoint guards or staff to monitor loading and transport. If valuable
objects/items are to be transported by a third party, assign a staff
member to travel with the object/s to ensure safe and secure storage
at the agreed destination. It is essential to obtain guidance from the
conservation hotline contact, if collection objects are to be moved. It is
also essential to protect all important items, objects and data before,
during and after transport
Ensure the following items are not vulnerable to criminal activity: tills &
contents, safe & contents, stock, IT equipment, confidential data,
objects/items remaining in situ and any other confidential items.
Ensure buildings & building fabric are also not vulnerable to criminal
If objects/items are to be stored in an unfamiliar environment, make
sure appropriate security exists. Appoint a static guard if necessary
Accurate documentation is an essential security process. Valuable
objects and items may need to move to and from assessment and
treatment area’s and then to storage areas. You need to ensure
records are kept showing where objects/items are.
You may need to appoint guards or staff to monitor triage and
treatment area’s
Where available and practicable, use site security camera’s to:
monitor salvage operations
monitor entrance/exit points
view entrances/exits/salvage operations
monitor traffic (if relevant)
If you need to relocate objects, staff, assets or records, ensure security
measures and protocols at the alternative location are appropriate and
suitable to ensure people and items are safe and protected. E.g. you
may need to consider additional security guarding.
Ensure appropriate asset control is introduced e.g. ensuring valuable
items/equipment or data are recorded.