When should I use this form?
• To amend multiple sales and use tax returns
• To request a refund of Minnesota sales, use, and/or local taxes assessed on a sales and use tax audit that has been paid in full when you
have documentation that was not present at the time of audit.
• You must be registered for sales or use tax.
• Yourrequestformisnotvaliduntilfullycomplete.Youmustincludesucientinformationtoverifyyourrequest.
How long do I have to le?
tax, whichever is later.
How do I ll out the form?
1. Enter your business Informaon
• IfyourMinnesotataxIDnumberchangedduringtherequestperiod,leaseparateformforeachIDnumber.
2. Choose the type of request
• Choose all that apply.
• Youcanndinstructionsforeachtypeofrequestonthefollowingpages.
3. Create a worksheet
• Create a worksheet listing the items you are requesting a refund for.
• If you want to make more than one request on the same form, you must complete a separate worksheet for each type of request.
4. Describe your business and the reason for your request
5. Indicate the total refund or amount due
• Total the amounts from all worksheets.
• If your amended return results in an amount due, you may make a payment by logging into e-Services. Follow the instructions for mak-
ing a payment for an amended return. Apply the payment to the last period being amended. We will bill you for additional amounts due.
6. Sign the form
What happens next?
We may ask for additional information, such as:
• Copiesofexemptioncerticates
• Copies of vendor invoices
• Backup documentation for your sales and use tax returns
We will review your request, and send you a letter with our decision.
If your request is approved and:
• You do not owe other taxes, we will send you a refund of the tax plus any applicable interest.
• You owe other government debts, we will use your refund to reduce or pay your balance due. Once your taxes are paid in full, we will
send you the remaining refund amount.
• You received a refund from us and a vendor refunded you for the same item, you must return the refund we gave you.
Instrucons for Form ST11-MPA