II. University Approvals – Regulations of the Federal Government demand
University critique of every research design that in any way requests/requires
information from or cooperation of human subjects or involves laboratory
animals. If human subjects are to be sources of data, one or more informed-
consent form(s) may be required as addenda to the research design.
Are human subjects required in this research? ____Yes ____No
If "Yes," the Principal Investigator (PI; responsible for the overall research
project) must provide the Institutional Review Board (IRB) number and sign to
indicate that the IRB has approved the research design and the informed-consent
_________________________ __________________________________
IRB # Signature
Are laboratory animals required in this research? ____Yes ____No
If "Yes," the PI must provide the Animal Care Committee (ACC) authorization
number and sign to indicate that the ACC has approved the research design:
_________________________ __________________________________
ACC# Signature
The student must sign here to indicate completion of this section and of this
proposal/prospectus as a whole:
Student Signature
III. Major-Field Approval – The mentor and the department chairperson or graduate
program director are responsible for critical reviews of this proposal/prospectus.
Both mentor and chairperson/director must sign to indicate full approval. In
addition to the mentor, the other two “readers” must sign this form on the
designated lines. Comments, if any, may be made by the mentor, readers, or the
chairperson/ director on separate, attached pages. NOTE: This section may
NOT be completed (signed) before completion of Section III.
____________________________________ ________________
Thesis Mentor Date
_____________________________________ ________________
Reader Date
_____________________________________ ________________
Reader Date
__________________________________________________ ______________________
Chairperson/Graduate Program Director Date