Saddleback College
Sandra Cubillos-Bezanilla: 949.582.4773, sbezanilla@saddleback.edu
Mira Manchik, Phone: 949.582.4773, mmanchik@saddleback.edu
EWD and Bus Sci Division Office – BGS 226
28000 Marguerite Pkwy, Mission Viejo, CA 92656
Career Technical Education (CTE)
Book Loan Program Eligibility Criteria
Criteria I: Proof of CTE Program enrollment
Please login into MySite account, PRINT and ATTACH your current semester Enrollments page. Your documents
MUST show the following:
Proof that Saddleback College is your college of record.
Proof that the CTE Program listed above is the same DECLARED CTE Program that’s listed on MySite.
Criteria II: Proof of Financial need
You must show you have financial need. Please provide a proof of approval or denial of your FAFSA application (or a
DREAM Act application). IMPORTANT: If you were not eligible for FAFSA - you might still qualify for the CTE
Book Loan program! Please visit Financial Aid office or EOPS office and obtain signatures required to complete this section.
Type of Assistance receiving: (Please select all that apply) Signature and Date of the Financial Aid or EOPS office staff member:
Student’s FAFSA application has been received;
Student IS qualified for financial assistance.
Student’s FAFSA application has been received but the
Student IS NOT qualified for financial assistance.
Student is receiving EOPS assistance.
Student is receiving BOGW - Board of Governors
Criteria III: Special Population
Student must identify with at least ONE of the following Special Population groups:
Non-Traditional: Student preparing for non-traditional training and employment (such as: males in nursing, females in
automotive, etc.)
Displaced Homemaker: Has worked as an adult primarily without pay to care for the home and family, and for that
reason had diminished marketable skills.
Economically Disadvantaged: Has been dependent on public assistance or on the income of a relative but is no longer
supported by that income. Lost income support.
ESL Participant
Single Parent:
Single Parent who has a minor child/children with custody or joint custody; single pregnant women.
udents with Disabilities.
Migrant: a worker who moves from place to place to do seasonal work.
Certification Statement
I certify that the above information is true and I qualify for one or more Special Populations mentioned above.
Student’s Signature: Date:
Take your completed application form to EWD and Business Science Division office - BGS #226.
Application processing time: up to 3 business days. Books can be requested the week class starts.
With questions regarding the program, please contact
Sandra Cubillos-Bezanilla sbezanilla@saddleback.edu or Mira Manchik at 949.582.4773