© Sacred Heart University Page 42 of 82
Students must keep the following items away and store them on the perimeter of
the room until the faculty member instructs the students the exam/exam review
session is over.
o Educational, test preparation, or study materials (including textbooks,
notebooks, classroom notes, etc.)
o All bags, purses, wallets, and watches.
o All electronic devices (cell/mobile/smart phones, tablets, smart watches,
MP3 players, fitness bands, jump drives, cameras, or any other electronic
devices. All electronics must be in the off mode.
o Coats, jackets, hats, scarfs, gloves, and hoodies.
o Food or drink.
• Faculty will distribute authorized scrap paper to be utilized during an exam as
needed. Upon receipt students should promptly write their name on the scrap
paper. A student may not write notes on paper until exam officially begins and
has successfully logged in to the testing platform. Scrap paper must be handed
in before leaving the testing room even if scrap paper was not used. Scrap paper
or any other note taking may not be used during exam review.
• Students who prefer to wear earplugs for testing must discuss that request with
their course instructor before using.
• Students may not leave the testing room without faculty permission. Students
needing to use the bathroom emergently during an exam will be escorted to the
lavatory by a test proctor.
• The exam clock will not stop during any break in testing.
• You may not take the exam for somebody else.
• Each exam can only be taken once. (Unless otherwise authorized by the
Director of FPD Program, if extenuating circumstances are presented).
• If you experience hardware or software problems during the exam, notify the
exam proctor immediately by raising your hand.
• Students who opt out of a test or exam due to illness must obtain a note from a
Health Care Provider such as an MD, APRN, or PA; the absence from the exam
must be communicated with course faculty prior to the start of the test or exam.
• Students who opt out due to an emergency must contact course faculty prior to
the start of the test or exam.
• If a student opts out of an examination due to illness or emergency, the final
exam score will be substituted for the missed unit exam score.
• If a student is absent from an exam that is not related to an emergency or illness,
and/or have incorrectly reported an absence as described above, a zero will be
given for the missed exam.
• A student may take an exam only during the scheduled course exam time. If the
student misses the scheduled exam time, a zero will be given for the missed
• If two (2) unit exams are missed regardless if the reason provided for the missed
exam follows above policies, an incomplete will be awarded.