Run Dates:
If scheduled run date does not land on a business day, transaction will run at closest
business date.
By signing this form, you (the bank account holder(s)) hereby waive any pre-notification
requirements as specified by sections 15(a) and (b) of the Canadian Payments Association
Rule H1 with respect to pre-authorized debits.
• You authorize Mackenzie Investments to debit the bank account provided for the
amount(s) and in the frequencies instructed.
• If this is for your own personal investment, your debit will be considered a Personal
Pre-authorized Debit (PAD) by Canadian Payments Association definition. If this is for
business purposes, it will be considered a Business PAD. Monies transferred between CPA
members will be considered a Funds Transfer PAD.
• You have certain recourse rights if a debit does not comply with this agreement. For
example, you have the right to receive reimbursement for any debit that is not authorized
or is not consistent with this pre-authorized debit agreement. To obtain more information
on your recourse rights, you may contact your financial institution or visit www.cdnpay.ca.
• You confirm that all persons whose signatures are required to authorize transactions in
the bank account provided have signed this agreement.
• You may change these instructions or cancel this plan at any time, provided that
Mackenzie Investments receives at least 10 business days notice. To obtain a copy of a
cancellation form or for more information regarding your right to cancel a pre-authorized
debit agreement, please consult with your financial institution or visit the Canadian
Payments Association website at www.cdnpay.ca. You agree to release the financial
institution of all liability if the revocation is not respected, except in the case of gross
negligence by the financial institution.
• Mackenzie Investments is authorized to accept changes to this agreement from my
registered dealer or my financial advisor in accordance with the policies of that company,
in accordance with the disclosure and authorization requirements of the CPA.
• You agree that the information in this form will be shared with the financial institution,
insofar as the disclosure of this information is directly related to and necessary for the
proper application of the rules applicable for pre-authorized debits.
• You acknowledge and agree that you are fully liable for any charges incurred if the debits
cannot be made due to insufficient funds or any other reason for which you may be
held accountable.
• You have requested this application form and all other documents relating hereto to be
in English. Vous avez exigé que ce formulaire et tous les documents y afférant soient
rédigés en anglais.
For DCA, please make regular switches or withdrawals from the Starting Fund specified
in Table 6.3, to units of Mackenzie mutual funds indicated above (“Fund Direction”), in
the percentages shown. Please note that switches under Mackenzie DCA Service must be
within the same purchase option (FE to FE, BE to BE). The switch or withdrawal amounts
are pro-rated systematic switches or withdrawals from the Starting Fund to the Target
Fund(s). Where the selected switch or withdrawal date is not a business day, the switch
will be moved to the next eligible business day. At the end of the DCA Service any
distributions or interest paid on the Starting Fund will be moved to the Target Fund in
Table 5.3 with the lowest fund code number. You can terminate a DCA program at any
time before a scheduled switch date, as long as we receive at least three (3) business days’
notice, or by switching all of the applicable securities out of the Starting Fund.
Client Authorization:
I (we) hereby agree to participate in the Mackenzie Guided Portfolio Service as described
in the simplified prospectus of Mackenzie Canadian Money Market Fund or the Simplified
Prospectus of other Mackenzie funds. I (we) hereby authorize Mackenzie Investments to
automatically rebalance my (our) account based on the rebalancing range and frequency
stated above by exchanging investments to return to my (our) target fund allocation if
one or more fund holding(s) vary by more than the selected rebalancing range. I (we)
acknowledge that other than an initial rebalancing from Mackenzie Canadian Money
Market Fund, rebalancing will be carried out in accordance with the section below. I (we)
understand that there may be tax implications for these transactions in non-registered
accounts. The Mackenzie Guided Portfolio Service will continue unless Mackenzie
Investments receives instructions from me (us) to suspend or discontinue the service. If
100% of one or more target funds within my target allocation are redeemed or exchanged/
transferred from the target fund allocation without providing Mackenzie Investments with
new standing instructions through my financial advisor, at the next scheduled rebalance,
the remaining funds in my current target mix will be proportionately reallocated across
those funds, including the fund(s) that were redeemed or exchanged/transferred out.
Mackenzie Guided Portfolio Service is described in the simplified prospectus of each fund
eligible for participation in it and that description, as may be amended from time to time,
is incorporated herein by reference.
Mackenzie Investments will monitor your portfolio at the frequency selected by you and
set forth in this agreement. Your portfolio holdings will be rebalanced on each “Rebalance
Date” (based on the frequency you selected) when the weightings attributable to any asset
class on the Rebalance Date differ by an amount equal to or greater than the rebalancing
range selected by you and set forth in the agreement. We will exchange holdings within
your account by buying or redeeming, on your behalf, funds the current weightings of
which deviate the greatest from their target weightings to ensure the fewest number of
trades occur and only to the extent necessary to ensure that none of the actual weightings
differ from the target weighting by more than the rebalancing band. No new funds will be
substituted in your portfolio without specific instructions from you and your Advisor. You
may, from time to time, instruct us to rebalance your portfolio outside of the frequency
set forth in this agreement. In those cases we will rebalance your portfolio based on the
parameters, other than rebalancing frequency, set forth in this agreement. You will not be
advised prior to the execution of the trades required to effect any rebalancing and you and
your Advisor hereby authorize Mackenzie Investments to make those trades.
Any changes to your Mackenzie GPS must be submitted to Mackenzie Investments through
the Mackenzie GPS Client Agreement Amendment Form.
1. You may stop participation in Mackenzie Guided Portfolio Service at any time by providing
us with written notice. To restart your participation, you must submit a new Mackenzie
GPS Client Agreement Form.
2. You may change the instructions you have provided us at any time by providing us with
new instructions in an “Amendment to the Mackenzie GPS Client Agreement Form.”
3. Mackenzie Investments will have no liability for your investment and rebalancing decisions.
You should discuss these matters thoroughly with your financial advisor. Mackenzie
Investments makes no warranty as to the performance of any fund or portfolio. By signing
this agreement, you agree to bear all of the risks associated with your investment and
acknowledge that your financial advisor has explained to you all of the risks associated
with each investment, portfolio investing generally and asset allocation programs.
4. Mackenzie Investments may terminate this agreement at any time by providing written
notice to you.
5. If any provision of this agreement shall be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the
remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or impacted.
6. This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Province of Ontario.
Mackenzie Financial Corporation (referred to in this Notice as “we”, “us”, “our”, and
“Mackenzie”) has always been committed to protecting the privacy of personal information
that we collect and maintain in the course of carrying on our business. This Notice
describes how we collect, hold, use, and disclose your personal information. Please read
this Notice and contact us through any of the means listed at the end of the document if
you have any questions. Members of the Mackenzie Group of Companies include any
affiliates or successor companies of Mackenzie whose business relates to a purpose
identified in this Notice. In this Notice, your “Dealer” refers to an individual or entity acting
or representing that it acts in connection with your investments as your investment advisor,
broker, or dealer, or on behalf of your investment advisor, broker, or dealer. By applying for
one of our products or services, you acknowledge and agree that your Dealer is your agent
and not our agent. We are entitled to accept and act on any notice, authorization, or other
communication that we believe in good faith to be given by you or your Dealer on your
behalf. We are under no obligation to verify that your Dealer is properly authorized to act
as your agent or is otherwise authorized to act on your behalf. 1. Client Record and
Personal Information: We hold the personal information we collect about you (and your
spouse and/or beneficiary as applicable) for the purposes identified in this Notice in a
record called the “client record”. Depending on the investment or service you request, the
personal information in your client record may include your name, address, telephone
number, social insurance number (“SIN”), birth date, account holdings, and the name,
address, and SIN of your spouse and/or beneficiary among other information. For example,
if you have established a pre-authorized payment plan, your financial institution account
number is also held in your client record. Where you provide personal information about
another individual, you represent to us that you are authorized to disclose such information
to us. 2. Providing Your Personal Information to us: When you or your Dealer complete an
application form or otherwise open an account with Mackenzie, you are providing personal
information to Mackenzie, including, where applicable, personal information concerning
your spouse and/or beneficiary, in order to: A. make an investment; B. provide instructions
about an investment you have made; or C. receive information related to an investment you
have made. Mackenzie collects this personal information, holds it in your client record, uses
it, and discloses it for the purposes identified in this Notice. 3. Collecting, Holding, Using,
and Disclosing Personal Information in Your Client Record: Mackenzie may collect, hold,
and use the personal information in your client record as well as collect personal
information from and disclose personal information to the third parties identified in
paragraph 4 for the following purposes: A. identifying you and ensuring the accuracy of
information contained in your client record; B. establishing and administering your account,
determining, maintaining, recording, and storing account holdings and transaction
information in your client record; C. executing transactions with or through Mackenzie
including transferring funds by electronic or other means; D. providing you and your Dealer
with account statements, transaction confirmations, tax receipts, financial statements,
proxy mailings, registered plan notices, and other information which you or your Dealer
may request as needed to service your account; E. verifying information previously given by
you with any other organization when necessary for the purposes provided in this Notice; F.
processing pre-authorized debit transactions; G. collecting a debt owed to Mackenzie; H.
engaging in the financing or sale of all or part of our businesses, reorganizing our