Statement #9
What aspect of the examination process did you find most beneficial?
• Pre-exam meetings and the Report of Examination closeout were very
helpful. Great System-wide perspective was provided at the closeout. Good
reinforcement and validation. Also, helpful to hear that the Agency is supportive
of sticking with customers that have long-term success opportunities during this
period of low commodity prices. . . encouraged the institution to be comfortable
changing FIRS level if necessary to serve the market/LSA.
• The dialogue and exchange with examiners is most beneficial.
• The process enhances the institution's understanding of the various regulations.
• Final Closing meeting.
• Executive session with the board was very beneficial.
• Interaction with examiners in conference call and board setting.
• Discussions with the EIC were more productive than past experience.
• The parts directly applicable to regulations and statutes.
Statement #10
What aspect of the examination process did you find least beneficial?
• Timing of the examination is the most difficult part of the process.
• The condescending nature of one of the FCA staff members toward the Board
and management.
• Testing of the whistle blower program.
• None.
• We continue to be criticized for our top 10 attribution hold percentage and the
level of loans we hold in our portfolio despite reducing our risk exposure in this
• Extensive verbiage and closed mind when younger auditors reported up to more
seasoned managers.
• The process took a lot of time to complete.
Statement #11
Please provide any comments from the Board as a whole regarding the
examination process not provided in the preceding responses.
• Board and management feel FCA costs are high in relation to overall size of our