Please note processing will not begin until payment is received (or identied if incorrectly referenced).
I conrm payment by: Bank transfer to account 02 0948 0002000 000 (If paying from overseas swiftcode is – BKNZNZ22)
Use the reference RM and the rst 5 letters of applicant name (e.g RMJONES)- if paying prior to submitting application
Use the RM# reference provided by Planning Support (e.g RM170123) - if paying after submitting application
Cheque payable to Queenstown Lakes District Council attached
Manual Payment at reception (can only be accepted once application has been lodged and
acknowledgement email received with your unique RM reference number)
*Amount Paid
(For required initial fees refer to website for Resource Consent Charges or speak to the Duty Planner by phoning 03 441 0499)
*Date of Payment
PAYMENT // An initial fee of $195 payable upon submitting this application.
The Council relies on the information contained in this application being complete and accurate. The Applicant must take all reasonable
steps to ensure that it is complete and accurate and accepts responsibility for information in this application being so.
If lodging this application as the Applicant:
I/we hereby represent and warrant that I am/we are aware of all of my/our obligations
arising under this application including, in particular but without limitation, my/our
obligation to pay all fees and administrative charges (including debt recovery and legal
expenses) payable under this application.
If lodging this application as agent of the Applicant:
I/we hereby represent and warrant that I am/we are authorised to act as agent of the Applicant in
respect of the completion and lodging of this application and that the Applicant is aware of all of
his/her/its obligations arising under this application including, in particular but without limitation,
his/her/its obligation to pay all fees and administrative charges (including debt recovery and legal
expenses) payable under this application.
I hereby apply for the resource consent(s) for the Proposal described above and I certify that, to the best of my
knowledge and belief, the information given in this application is complete and accurate.
*Signed (by or as authorised agent of the Applicant) **
*Full name of person lodging this form
Firm/Company *Dated
**If this form is being completed on-line you will not be able, or required, to sign this form and the on-line lodgement will be treated as
conrmation of your acknowledgement and acceptance of the above responsibilities and liabilities and that you have made the above
representations, warranties and certication.
*Address / Location to which this application relates:
*Legal Description:
Can be found on the Computer Freehold Register or Rates Notice – e.g Lot x DPxxx (or valuation number)
Queenstown Lakes District Council
Private Bag 50072, Queenstown 9348
Gorge Road, Queenstown 9300
P: 03 441 0499
Page 2/7 // 13 July 2018
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