1 March 11, 2021
Montclair State requires suppliers to submit a legibly completed Supplier Create/Maintain Form
by Email to: suppliercreate@montclair.edu or fax, 973-655-5468 with the appropriate tax form:
• W9 (United States Tax Identification Number for Individuals, LLC, or Corporations)
• W8BEN (US Tax form for international individuals)
• W8BEN-E (US Tax form for international organizations)
Completing these forms will ensure a smooth procure to pay cycle for goods and services for
both you, as a supplier, and the University.
Montclair State University Staff Use Only: To be completed by MSU staff so that the Supplier
Create Group will send a notification by Email when a supplier file is created or updated.
Required sections to be completed by supplier:
1. Supplier Name – Your legal name, or organization, or company name
2. Names used by IRS – Name you use when reporting your earnings to the Internal
Revenue Service (IRS). This name must be identical to the name entered on your W9,
W8 Ben, or W8BEN-E form.
3. Supplier’s Federal Tax Identification Number – Enter the United States Tax
Identification Number as stated on the W9 or W8 form submitted with the Supplier
Create Maintain Form.
4. Description of Products/Services – Specify the type of good or service that the
University will be issuing payment. For example, IT consultant, construction contractor,
artist model, special lecturer, coop teacher, grant participant, job candidate, office
equipment, plumber, architect, etc.
5. Payment Type – Select how you wish to receive payment.
6. Contact Information – Your primary phone, fax, mailing address, Email and website
address should be entered. The point of contact listed in this section will be our point of
contact for confirming remittance and updating all other supplier information. If no
other address will be required for payments or returns, the Remit to and Returns
sections do not need to be completed.
7. Remit To – Only complete this section if any of the pertinent address and contact
information differs from the information provided in the Contact Information section.
8. Returns – Only complete this section if any of the pertinent address and contact
information differs from the information provided in the Contact Information section.
Phone: 973-655-4145
Fax: 973-655-5468