400-00825 – Agreement on PR&R/Parent Child Contact & Provision Relating to Child (10/2018) Page 4 of 8
☐ July 4th Holiday: _______________________________________________________
☐ Other religious, civil and family celebrated special occasions:
c) Three Day Weekends
☐ No three-day weekend schedule. Routine schedule or vacation schedule (for summer holidays)
☐ The parent exercising parenting time on the weekend before a Monday holiday shall have
parenting time on that Monday holiday.
☐ Three-day weekends checked below shall be shared or alternated as described. If a three-day
weekend is not checked the routine schedule applies.
☐ M. L. King Day
☐ Presidents' Day ___________________________________________________________
☐ Memorial Day ___________________________________________________________
☐ Labor Day ___________________________________________________________
☐ Other ___________________________________________________________
d) School Vacation Schedule
i) December or Christmas Vacation
☐ No December vacation schedule. Routine schedule and/or Christmas holiday schedule applies.
☐ Beginning in the year 20_____
, the December vacation shall be divided between the
parents as
The parent who has the child(ren) on Christmas Eve (as indicated in the Holiday schedule
above) shall have the following additional parenting time:
The parent who has the child(ren) on Christmas Day (as indicated in the Holiday schedule
above) shall have the following additional parenting time
☐ Beginning in the year
, the December vacation shall be alternated as follows:
Even numbered years with _____________________________________________________
Odd numbered years with ______________________________________________________
☐ The choices above do not fit this parenting situation. Instead, the schedule for the child(ren)'s
December vacation shall be
ii) February and April School Vacations
☐ No special schedule for mid-year school vacations. Routine schedule applies.
☐ Beginning in the year
, the parents shall divide the vacations. The children shall be with:
_________________________________ for the February vacation.
_________________________________ for the April vacation.