I served the papers in my open case. Now what?
Once you serve the papers on the other party, you must tell the court by completing two steps:
1. Fill out a Rule 5 Proof of Service form. You can find this form here
2. File the form with the Court. During the COVID-19 public health crisis, you can file the form by emailing
it to FamilyCourtCIC@dcsc.gov
My case is closed. How do I serve somebody?
If your case is closed when you file your motion, the Court will send you a summons to serve on the other party
or parties. You must follow Rule 4
of the Domestic Relations rules. Rule 4 says that you must serve both the
summons and your motion in one of the following ways:
Ask someone else (18 or older) to hand the papers to the other party (you cannot do this yourself)
Ask someone else (18 or older) to leave the papers at the other party’s home with a person who lives
there and is at least 18 years old (you cannot do this yourself)
Send the documents by certified or registered mail to the other party’s last known address
During the COVID-19 pandemic, you can send these documents by email or text
You can find a more detailed version of these instructions here
I served the papers in my new or closed case. Now what?
Once you serve the papers on the other party, you must tell the court by completing two steps:
1. Fill out a Rule 4 affidavit. The affidavit is different depending on how you served the papers.
a. If you served the other party by text or email, use the affidavit here
b. If you served the other party by certified mail, use the affidavit here.
c. If someone else handed the papers to the other party or someone who lives with them, use the
affidavit here
2. File the affidavit with the Court. During the COVID-19 public health crisis, you can file the affidavit form
by emailing it to FamilyCourtCIC@dcsc.gov
How can I get help figuring out how to serve my papers?
If you need help, call the Family Court Self-Help Center at 202-879-0096. The Family Court Self
Help Center can explain the process to you, help you complete the proper legal papers, and
direct you to other free legal resources.
Visit www.lawhelp.org/dc
for more information, including how to contact free legal assistance organizations, or
call the D.C. Bar Legal Information Helpline at 202-626-3499 to listen to recorded messages about this issue.
DC Bar Pro Bono Center (revised 04/2021)
Motion to Intervene (Third Party Custodian) - Page 6 of 6