Source: Adapted by Family Court Services, 2007 from Danger Assessment Scale 2001 by Jackie Campbell.)
Yes No N/A
1. Has the other parent been violent toward a previous partner? (If you
were his/her 1
relationship, check N/A.)
2. Has the physical violence increased in severity or frequency over the
past year before you decided to leave him her/her?
3. Has he/she ever used a weapon against you or threatened you with a
4. Did he/she ever try to choke you (strangle/cut off air with hands or object
around neck)?
5. Does he/she own/have access to a gun?
6. Has he/she ever forced you to have sex when you did not wish to do so?
7. Doe he/she use drugs? By drugs, we mean “uppers” or amphetamines,
speed, angel dust, cocaine, “crack,” street drugs or mixture?
8. Has he/she threatened to kill you or the children and/or do you believe
he/she is capable of killing you or the children?
9. Does he/she get intoxicated/drunk every day or almost every day?
(frequency of drinking) Or d
oes he/she get intoxicated every time
he/she drinks (quantity of drinking)?
10. Did he/she control most of all of your daily activities? For instance:
isolate you,
tell you with whom you can be friends, who you can see,
how much money you could
use, if you could work, when you could
take the car, etc.
11. Have you ever been beaten by him/her while you were pregnant. (If
never been pregnant, check N/A)
12. Is he/she violently and constantly jealous of you? (For instance, does
he/she say, “If I can’t have you, no one can.”)
13. Have YOU ever threatened or tried to commit suicide?
14. Has the OTHER PARENT ever threatened or tried to commit suicide?
15. Does he/she threaten to harm your children?
16. Do you have a child that is not the child of your partner?
17. Is the other parent unemployed?
18. Have you left him/her during the past year? (If you have never lived with
him/her, check N/A)
19. Are you in the process of divorcing him/her? (If you were never married
to him/her check N/A)
20. Do you currently have another intimate partner?
21. Does the other parent follow or spy on you, leave threatening notes,
destroy your property, or call you when you don’t want him/her to do so
22. Has the other parent ever violated a protective order or been arrested for
charges related to domestic violence, assault, alcohol, illicit drugs? If
yes, briefly explain.
23. Do you currently fear for your safety or your child's safety or have
any concerns for future safety? If yes, please explain.
Other Comments:
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