PB-4078 01/01/2021 Probate Ex Parte Relief Checklist Page 1 of 4
Probate Ex Parte Relief Checklist
Case Number: _________________________
Case Name: _________________________________________________________________
Party Seeking Ex Parte Relief: __________________________________________________
Attorney or Party Contact Information:
Attorney/Party Name: ____________________________________________________
Email Address: _________________________________________________________
Telephone No.: _________________________________________________________
Petition type: Heggstad Modify Trust Approve Settlement Agreement
Preliminary Distribution Other
urgent not urgent
Party seeking ex parte relief is (check all that apply):
Trustee Personal Representative Trust Beneficiary Estate Heir
Surviving Spouse Guardian Conservator Creditor
Other (explain): ____________________________________________________________.
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Interested Parties - Competent Adults
List the full name(s) and relationship(s) of all interested persons who are both adults and
competent (please attach an extra sheet if more space is required):
Name Relationship Consent? Y / N
Interested Parties - Minors or Persons Lacking Capacity
List the full name(s) and relationship(s) of all interested persons who are minors and/or otherwise
lack capacity, and whether any guardian ad litem, conservator, or attorney in fact has been
appointed (please attach an extra sheet if more space is required):
Name Relationship GAL/CNR/AIF
Qualification of Guardian Ad Litem
The Guardian Ad Litem is (check all that apply): An attorney licensed to practice in
California; Represented by an attorney licensed to practice in California;
Other (explain):___________________________________________________________.
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Parties who have objected or may object:
The following parties have indicated they object or may object to the proposed relief:
Name Relationship
Heggstad Petitions
Evidence of the settlor’s intent is based on (check all that apply):
Pour over will General assignment Assets listed on schedule A
Other: ________________________________________________________________
Petition to Modify Trust
Purpose of Proposed Modification(s) (check all that apply) :
To eliminate a bypass trust in favor of a survivor’s trust
To create a special needs trust where one did not exist
To fill a vacancy in the office of trustee To modify the powers/duties of trustee(s)
To grant a power of appointment over an irrevocable trust
Other - briefly describe: _______________________________________________
Authority for modification:
Probate Code 17200 Probate Code 15403 Probate Code 15404
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Probate Code 15409 Other ____________________________________
Petition to Approve Settlement Agreement (check all that apply):
All trust beneficiaries/estate heirs/interested parties have signed the settlement
agreement, or
Not all interested parties signed the settlement agreement
The settlement agreement contains a provision that the agreement shall be made a court order
Petition for Preliminary Distribution from an Estate
The value of the estate as reflected in the I & A is: _________________________________
Approximate amount owed to creditors, including lien holders:_________________________
Total dollar amount of assignments by beneficiaries:_________________________________
Approximate costs of administration, including fees and reimbursements:__________________
The amount of requested distribution and the person(s) to whom the distribution would be made:
____ months have passed since letters were issued
Petition requests does not request additional bond be set as a result of distribution.
There are are not currently unpaid creditors of the estate.