PB-4078 01/01/2021 Probate Ex Parte Relief Checklist Page 2 of 4
Interested Parties - Competent Adults
List the full name(s) and relationship(s) of all interested persons who are both adults and
competent (please attach an extra sheet if more space is required):
Name Relationship Consent? Y / N
Interested Parties - Minors or Persons Lacking Capacity
List the full name(s) and relationship(s) of all interested persons who are minors and/or otherwise
lack capacity, and whether any guardian ad litem, conservator, or attorney in fact has been
appointed (please attach an extra sheet if more space is required):
Name Relationship GAL/CNR/AIF
Qualification of Guardian Ad Litem
The Guardian Ad Litem is (check all that apply): □ An attorney licensed to practice in
California; □ Represented by an attorney licensed to practice in California;
□ Other (explain):___________________________________________________________.