This is NOT a complaint form. If you wish to register a complaint regarding how Family Court Services handled your case, you may
obtain a complaint form from our clerical staff.
FM-1039 REV 10/01/08
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12. I believe the Mediator/Investigator spent enough time on my case.
strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree
13. I believe the service was provided in a (
Select one in each column) manner:
very fair very helpful very professional very unbiased
fair helpful professional unbiased
unfair unhelpful unprofessional biased
very unfair very unhelpful very unprofessional very biased
14. I did not feel overly pressured by the Mediator/Investigator to go along with things I did not want.
strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree
15. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the service you received in Family Court Services?
very satisfied satisfied dissatisfied very dissatisfied
16. The service was provided in a manner that it preserved self-determination even though I did not “get” everything I
strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree
17. The result of the service produced an agreement or recommendation that is likely to be safe and good for the
child(ren), and safe for the family members.
strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree
If the service received most recently was an emergency screening, assessment, recommendation or evaluation
which resulted in a recommendation by the investigator:
I agreed with all or most of the recommendation, and was willing to have it presented to the court for
approval with no, or only minor, changes.
I disagreed with an important part of the recommendation and did not want it submitted to the court
without important changes.
I believe the investigation was:
very thorough thorough adequate very inadequate
18. The most helpful thing about the service was:
19. The most unhelpful thing about the service was
20. Other comments or suggestions: