L-1084 10/11/2019 Page 6 of 7
23152(a) or (b)*
If probation granted, either option A) or B) may be imposed in addition to
penalty C):
A) 48 hours in jail, a fine of $390 and attendance at an alcohol/drug program
B) a fine of $390 and attendance at an alcohol/drug program
C) 6-month suspension of license
Without probation: 96 hours in jail, a fine of $390, and 6-month license
*Jail time not to interfere with work schedule.
*Commercial driver’s license shall be suspended for 12 months if the offense
occurred in a vehicle requiring a class A or B driver’s license.
6 months jail and $1000 fine
23152(a), (b), (f), or (g) * - within 10
years of one prior conviction for 23152,
23153 or 23103 per VC 23103.5
If probation granted, either option A) or B) may be imposed:
A) 10 days in jail, a fine of $390- and 2-year suspension of license
B) 96 hours in jail, a fine of $390 and attendance at an 18-month alcohol/drug
program and 2-year suspension of driver’s license
Without probation: 90 days in jail and a fine of $390- and 2-year suspension
of license.
* Commercial driver’s license shall be revoked for life if the offense occurred in
a vehicle requiring a class A or B driver’s license.
1-year jail and $1,000 fine
23152(a), (b), (f) or (g) - within 10 years
of two prior convictions for 23152,
23153 or 23103 per VC 23103.5
If probation granted either option A) or B) may be imposed:
A) 120 days in jail, a fine of $390, habitual traffic offender designation for 3
years and an 18-month alcohol/drug program, if not previously completed,
3-year revocation of license and habitual traffic offender designation for 3
B) 120 days in jail, a fine of $390, habitual traffic offender designation for 3
years and an 18-month alcohol/drug program, if not previously completed
and 3-year revocation of license. 30 months in driving under the influence
program upon special request and good cause shown. 30 days in jail in lieu
of the 120 days
Without probation: 120 days in jail, a fine of $390, 3-year revocation of driver’s
license and habitual traffic offender designation for 3 years.
1-year jail and $1,000 fine;
habitual traffic offender designation
for 3 years
23152(a), (b), (f) or (g) - within 10 years
of three prior convictions for 23152,
23153 or 23103 per VC 23103.5
If probation granted:
180 days in jail, a fine of $390, habitual traffic offender designation for 3 years
and may require an 18-month alcohol/drug program, if not previously
completed and 4-year revocation of license
Without probation: 180 days in jail, a fine of $390 and habitual traffic offender
designation for 3 years and 4-year revocation of license.
1-year jail and $1,000 fine;
habitual traffic offender designation
for 3 years
23153(a), (b), (f) or (g)
If probation granted:
5 days jail, a fine of $390 and attendance at an alcohol/drug program and
1-year suspension of license
*If Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) is less than .20% - 3 months with 30 hours of
education, counseling and interview program required.
*If Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) is more than .20% or if defendant refused to
submit to test, 9 months with 60 hours of education, counseling and interview
program required.
Without probation: 90 days in jail and a fine of $390- and 1-year suspension of
1-year jail and $1,000 fine
23153(a), (b), (f) or (g) - within 10 years
of one prior conviction for 23152, 23153
or 23103 per VC 23103.5
If probation granted, either option A) or B) may be imposed:
A) 120 days in jail and a fine of $390- and 3-year revocation of license
B) 30 days in jail, a fine of $390 and18 or 30-month attendance at a driving-
under the influence program and 3-year revocation of license
Without probation: 120 days in jail, a fine of $390- and 3-year revocation of
1-year jail and $5,000 fine
Option B) $1000 max fine
23103 pursuant to V.C. 23103.5 *
*This conviction will serve as a prior
DUI conviction if I commit one or
more DUI offenses within 10 years.
If probation granted:
9-month participation in an alcohol and drug treatment program
If probation not granted: 5 days in jail and/or a fine of $145
90 days jail and/or $1,000 fine