Case No: _____________________
© Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County Page 2 of 3 DR12f 033021
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Parent Information Program Notice
ATTENDANCE IS REQUIRED (A.R.S. § 25-352). You and the other parent must attend and complete a class in the
Parent Information Program. As a precaution against any type of abuse or harassment, you and the other parent must
attend separate classes. You may each take the class from the same agency, but not at the same time. This is not a
parenting skills class. The purpose of the program is to give parents information about how children are affected by
matters that involve divorce, paternity, legal decision-making (custody) and/or parenting time. This Notice applies to
all parents who file any of the following actions.
● D
issolution of marriage or legal separation that involves a natural or adopted minor child common
to the parties OR
● P
aternity with a request that the court determine legal decision-making authority (custody),
parenting time or child support, OR
● A
ny other domestic relations/family cases if attendance is ordered by the court.
f you do not attend the parent information class, the judge may not sign your papers and you may not get what you
asked from the court. The judge may also find you in contempt of court.
TICE TO THE OTHER PARENT. After you file your court papers, you must serve the Order and Notice on the other
parent. If you have questions on how to serve the other parent, the Superior Court Law Library Resource Center
locations have forms and instructions available.
East Court Building Southeast Court Complex
101 West Jefferson Street, 1st floor 222 East Javelina Avenue,1st floor
Phoenix, Arizona 85003 Mesa, Arizona 85210
Northwest Court Complex Northeast Regional Court Center
14264 West Tierra Buena Lane 18380 North 40
Surprise, Arizona 85374 Phoenix, AZ 85032
you want to attend. The court will not assign you to attend a specific class. Court-approved provider classes are
available in both English and Spanish. You can register for your class by contacting one of the providers listed below.
If you wish to be excused from the requirement to take this class for some reason or to take a class from a provider
that is not one of the “Approved Parent Information Program classes” listed below, you must receive prior authorization
from the Judicial Officer assigned to your case.
ISCLAIMER. The court does not recommend using one program provider over another. Class fee is subject to change
without notice.