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Special Use Permit Application Checklist
The applicant shall submit ten (10) copies of all required materials listed below. Applications will NOT be
accepted without the following attachments:
Application Form (pg 10). The application form must be signed by all of the property owners. If
ownership is in the name of any type of legal entity or organization including, but not limited to, a
name of a corporation, partnership, or association, or in the name of a trust, or in a fictitious name,
a document acceptable to the County must be submitted certifying that the person signing the
application has the authority to do so. If the application is submitted by an agent of the owner, the
agent shall sign the application as well.
Comprehensive Plan Justification. References should be made to the Comprehensive Plan
Policy sections in the text portion of the plan. The Comprehensive Plan map provides an overview
of the future land use policy areas, but does not provide a guide to the specific land use policies
adopted by Montgomery County.
Land use policies are articulated in the Planning and Land Use portion of Montgomery County, 2025
(chapter 2). available at the Planning & GIS Services Department or on the web. If the proposed
development, rezoning, or special use permit is located in a village or village expansion area not
covered by an adopted village plan, then the proposal needs to be consistent with the overall
Comprehensive Plan.
Villages and Village Expansion Areas. If the proposed development, rezoning, or special use permit
is located in a village or village expansion area covered by an adopted Village Plan, the proposal
needs to be consistent with both the overall county Comprehensive Plan and with the village plan.
Information that must be addressed concerning the County Comprehensive Plan when submitting
special use permit applications includes:
Compliance with required lot minimums, district minimums, and availability of water and sewer
Describe, in specific detail, how the request fits with the land use policies included under the
appropriate land use policy area. There are seven land use policy areas: Resource Stewardship
(PLU 1.2), Rural (PLU 1.3), Rural Communities (PLU 1.4), Residential Transition (PLU 1.5),
Villages (PLU 1.7), Village Expansion Areas (PLU 1.6), and Urban Expansion Areas (PLU 1.8).
Each area has specific policies covering land uses, community design, and community facilities
and utilities.
If the proposed request requires an E and S permit (land disturbance of more than 10,000 square
feet) or with large areas of impervious surface (paved parking areas, etc.), the proposal will need
to address groundwater, surface water, and stormwater runoff concerns included in the
Environmental Resources Chapter. (ENV6.5, ENV5.6)
Concept Development Plan. Required for all special use permit requests. A concept plan is an
initial plan, which shows the general nature of the land use change or development, which is
intended. It differs from the final site plan, or, plot plan, which is required prior to the issuance of
zoning approval and a building permit.
The level of needed detail may vary depending on the nature, size and complexity of the proposed
project; however, the following items shall be addressed with a concept plan submittal:
Existing Site Features:
Name of all landowners, applicant (if different), developer, engineer/ party preparing the plans.