SUNY Orange
This form can be used by students, employees, and third parties to file a complaint of discrimination based on race,
color, national origin, religion, creed, age, disability, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, familial status, pregnancy,
predisposing genetic characteristics, military status, domestic violence victim status, or criminal convict
CAMPUS: Orange County Community College
(PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE) RECEIVED BY__________________________ DATE _______________
1. Name________________________________ Phone _________________________________
Campus Address____________________________ Status: _____________________________________
(Faculty, Staff)
Home Address______________________________
City______________________________ State_______________ Zip Code_________________
2. ALLEGED DISCRIMINATION IS BASED ON (please list all that apply):
Alleged Discrimination took place on or about: Month__________ Day_______ Year________
Location of alleged discrimination: ______ _____________________
Check if alleged discrimination is continuing Yes No
3. Respondent(s) Name(s) ________________________________ Title (if known) _______________________
Address: ___________________________________________ Status: _____________________________
(Faculty, Staff)
Telephone: _________________________________________
4. Witness(es) Names and contact information (attach additional pages if needed):_______________________
5. Please check the appropriate box(es):
I have filed an informal complaint on _________________________(Date).
I have reported information concerning this matter on _____________________(Date).
Form A
I elect to utilize the informal complaint process as described in the Discrimination Complaint Procedure.
I elect to proceed immediately to file a formal complaint as described in the Formal Resolution section
of the internal Discrimination Complaint Procedure.
6. Have you filed this charge with a federal, state or local government agency?
Yes No
7. If yes, with which agency?_________________________________ When?________________________
8. Have you instituted a suit or court action on this charge?
Yes No
If yes, with which court?______________________________________ When? ______________________
Court address
Contact person_________________________________________________
9. Describe briefly the act which occurred and your reason for concluding that it was discriminatory
(attach extra pages if necessary).
10. Describe any corrective or remedial action you would like to see taken (attach extra pages if necessary).
I agree to provide such other or supplemental information that may be requested.
I swear or affirm that I have read the above charge and that it is true to the best of my knowledge, information
and belief.
Signature:________________________________________________________ Date_______________