Financial Aid Office • SUNY Plattsburgh • 101 Broad Street • Plattsburgh, NY 12901-2681
Tel: (518) 564-2072 • Toll-Free: (877) 768-5976 • Fax: (518) 564-4079 • email: finaid@plattsburgh.edu
Revised: 12/01/2019 SUMAPP
Student Name: ___________________________ Banner ID or NetID: ____________________________
From the list below, check the financial aid programs that you are requesting for the summer. Visit our website for the
standard eligibility requirements for each aid program, and additional requirements are listed under each program below.
☐ Federal Subsidized or Unsubsidized Loans in the amount of $_____________________
• You must have subsidized or unsubsidized loan eligibility remaining for the current aid year.
• You must enroll in at least 6 credits across all sessions. If you drop below 6 credits, we would be required to
cancel these loans, return all disbursed funds, and you would be responsible for any resulting account balance.
☐ Federal Parent PLUS Loan in the amount of $_____________________
• Parents can apply for a summer PLUS Loan at studentaid.gov.
• You must enroll in at least 6 credits across all sessions. If you drop below 6 credits, we would be required to
cancel these loans, return all disbursed funds, and you would be responsible for any resulting account balance.
☐ Federal Work-Study for 15 or 29 hours per week (check one)? ☐ 15 hours or ☐ 29 hours
• The wage rate is $11.80 per hour. Summer earnings may impact your financial aid eligibility for next year.
• Summer enrollment is only required if you are graduating in August. If you are not enrolled in the summer, you
must enroll in the following fall semester.
☐ Federal Pell Grant
• Complete both the 2019-20 FAFSA and the 2020-21 FAFSA.
• If you received two full-time Pell Grant awards in 2019-2020, you must enroll in a total of 6 credits or more
across all summer sessions for additional Pell Grant eligibility. If you attended less than full-time in one or more
semesters in 2019-2020, your remaining Pell eligibility will be pro-rated for summer based on your registered
credits and up to 100% of your annual maximum award eligibility. If your enrollment changes after award
determination, we would be required to reduce or cancel your Pell Grant and you would be responsible for any
resulting account balance.
• Any refunds generated from a Pell Grant would not be available until at least mid-July.
☐ Federal TEACH Grant
• Amount = $469.00 for 3 credits; $938.00 for 6 credits; $1,407.00 for 9 credits; $1,876.00 for 12 credits or more
• You must have remaining TEACH aggregate eligibility, be in a TEACH eligible major and enroll in a total of 3
credits or more across all summer sessions. If your enrollment changes after award determination, we would
be required to reduce or cancel your TEACH Grant and you would be responsible for any resulting account
☐ NYS TAP Grant
• You must complete a 2020-2021 FAFSA and TAP Application. Add the summer term to your TAP application.
• You must complete a total of 6 credits or more across all summer sessions.
• You must have earned at least 24 credits at Plattsburgh in 2019-2020 & also been enrolled full-time in the
☐ Private Education Loan in the amount of $__________________ from ______________________ lender
• Apply via your lender’s website and satisfy their eligibility requirements.
☐ Federal Graduate PLUS Loan in the amount of $_____________________
• Graduate students can apply for a Graduate PLUS Loan at studentaid.gov.
• You must enroll in a total of 6 credits or more across all summer sessions. If you drop below 6 credits, we
would be required to cancel this loan, return all disbursed funds, and you would be responsible for any resulting
account balance.
By signing this worksheet, I certify that all information reported is complete and accurate. I understand that if any of
this information changes, I need to notify the Financial Aid Office immediately and my aid eligibility may change.
Student Ink Signature Date